So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of fitness?

So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of fitness?

Does she lift too, or does she think it's a dumb hobby for narcissists?

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You had to remind me. JUST



Just say you lift to stay active and strong and they won't give a shit about it.

She doesn't lift and doesn't mind that I do

>had a girlfriend
She thought working out was just a way for me to up my /marketvalue/ and find a hotter girlfriend. Jokes on her, she broke up with me and I've been single ever since.

this thread gets posted like clockwork with an asian girl as OP's image


I remember when I used to give a shit what women thought about my hobbies.

I got her lifting with me and she's made good strength gains but she's still a fucking woman about things trying to weasel out of workouts and not doing certain lifts because she "doesn't like the way they feel" She calls me vain like every second day but fuck it aye

She thinks it's stupid for me to do leg workouts, thinks I should only work the show muscles

Stupidity is my kink

She's indifferent to it. Definitely doesn't understand how much it means to me, how it's almost a spiritual experience for me, but that's fine and not something I think many normies could understand anyways. It's my thing, and I honestly don't want it to be ours. As long as my arms stay nice and I can pick her up and fuck her, she's happy.

She does yoga sometimes, seems to be enough for her. That ass is fat and those hips are flexible, so I'm a happy guy.

>Jokes on her, she broke up with me and I've been single ever since.

She enjoys it because she's never dated someone as muscular as me. She's kind of nerdy so she's only dated nerds. I used to be a fat nerd too but I got fit.

We go to the gym together every day (except Saturday). She is losing some BF and getting stronger. I have definitely gotten stronger. Hated going to the gym before because I was always so sore afterwards and my joints would hurt so much. Now I'm roiding and I'm never sore at all.

>Feels good, man.

I think I got better in bed once I got more fit, so yeah she probably likes it. I think she's pretty indifferent to how I look physically though.

This user knows. At a certain point, because they see you everyday. Your gains don't surprise them. While my gf likes my body, we've been together so long that she is somewhat indifferent

>tfw first girlfriend ever just dumped me (over text) after one week

>Your gains don't surprise them.

Yeah, that's part of it. (in my experience), women do like fit/attractive guys, but a lot of it is that women reliability, friendliness, and outgoingess attractive.

Which is lucky for fat guys and bald guys.

I'm sorry user. Did you learn any valuable lessons?

terrible i hope a couple years down the both of you break an arm and never lift again

Yes. The perfect rope length to neck ratio

Why do Veeky Forums nerds get so angry when women are brought up?

Is it because you prefer a nice girlfriend (male)?

To not have erectile issues. We tried to fuck for almost an hour but I just couldn't get it up... This is now unironically the seventh time in a row I could not get an erection for sex. Literally tried fucking a guy once to see if I was gay and didn't know it, but ran into the same problem. I'm 18, why is this happening

See a doctor man.

My armchair guess is anxiety or depression or something. But see a doctor.

>try to get gf into lifting
>she's lazy with it
>doesn't follow what I recommend
>keeps trying to do her own thing
>kind of regretted it because it lowered my workout quality
>but I wanted her to get that booty

Ended up breaking up with her because she was being really hypocritical about alot of things in our relationship. Really miss the good times though.
Way easier to get a chick who has done some sport in her life into lifting desu

I saw a doctor and he gave me the same answer.
>it's just anxiety user, relax a little and it'll work out
After the third time I stopped being anxious but it still won't work. i want to fuck so badly but it JUST WONT WORK

See a different doctor.

Can you get it up for masturbation?

My ex was a victim-role narcissist and hated the fact I would spend any time at the gym. Or do anything good for myself. She would also do a 10 minute meme workout once a week and think it solved all her problems so she could eat fast food after. Yeah, I'm a bit messed up from it and try to avoid love feels now. We aren't together anymore of course.

Maybe 40% of the time, but it's very difficult to maintain. I also never have morning wood but it's likely because of insomnia; I never get REM sleep.
is this where i kms?

I'm a 30 year old kissless virgin and I still get morning wood every single day despite having zero desire to actually get a gf because it's just too much effort

How can you be 18 and have the desire to put the effort in having a gf but you don't even germ morning wood?

Sounds like it's your diet/sleep/drugs/alcohol that's doing it

It's where you go to another doctor. If you desire sex but can't get it up and you're that young, you have a medical problem. Talk to professionals until you figure out how to fix it, or figure out that it can't be fixed. I'm sure it is the former though.

Go see another doctor u fagit. also have you heard of fucking viagra

stop masturbating to porn

Same, except my girlfriend doesn't really care about my arms or body really at all. And we almost never sleep together b/c trauma in her past & she's really self-conscious about her body. She tried going to the gym with me for a while but kept giving up.

fuck that makes it sound bad
Idk how to explain it; having a supportive and caring relationship makes that stuff not matter so much

hes definitely a fat fuck. fat is stopping blood from flowing to his dick. fat also have hard time falling asleep

I was once in bed with my ex and she felt my arm and said
>How big are you trying to get these things
I kind of just raised my brow and asked "What do you mean?"

She said, "Never mind"

She was trying to tell me that my arms were too big. One of the many reasons she is an ex and my arms are even larger now.

fake tits

Mine liked that I was lifting, until she found that my goals were primarily strength instead of aesthetics, in which she threw a tantrum. She was an incredibly controlling, lying cunt, and it killed the relationship. She jumped into another relationship almost immediately, but it didn't even last a couple of weeks.

Mutual friends tell me that she's now bitter as fuck, and literally cries herself to sleep every night from loneliness.

I feel like I made it sound bad, too. She wouldn't like, leave me if my arms suddenly got smaller or something. It's just a bonus for her. She stuck with me when I was a fatty at 25% bodyfat.

And I can kind of get what you mean. Having sex with my girl wasn't an issue, but her getting completely naked for sex took a while. Even though myself and literally everyone else tell her that she's a 10, she's still really self conscious about her body, particularly her tits/areolas. She's also tried going to the gym, both with me and other friends, but was either too intimidated or just gave up.

Im also 18 and had this problem, but it would only happen the first time i fuck a new girl, id have to smash her with a half-floppy. Then its rock hard for every time we have sex after that

My ex told me it's him or the roids, guess which one I took? lol

different user but fucking kek lmao

You know, when your gf says things like "what's all that muscle good for?" Or "lifting is just a narcissistic male power fantasy", she isn't suggesting you should stop lifting, instead she is hinting that you should physically over power and rape her with your big muscles.

When you do start pounding into her, be sure to take some time to choke her and state to her that she is your little whore and her only hobby and reason for existence is to take your dick. For whatever reason, girls really get off on being physically dominated and you need muscles to do that

how much bigger has your cl1t gotten?

>it's him or the roids
>still so small a natty man can still manhandle you
>has a job as a bouncer at a bar

I don't think I"ll ever understand your decisions in life but there's one thing I'm sure of and that's if I ever got the opportunity I''d pound you through my bed and try my hardest to break you and the bed.

Take 6000 IU of vitamin D and at least 2 ZMA pills per day. If you don't get morning wood in a week, you're broken; see your doctor.

Unironic narcissist.
Chicks don't give a shit. I make a lot of money and have a fairly Veeky Forums physique.
They appreciate you going to the gym because it inflates their status.
Hard pill to swallow, chicks usually only date people who push their social standing upward.
I've embraced the degeneracy, surf the Kali Yuga and get laid along the way. 10/10 would recommend.

My gf is a DYEL and always talks about how she should go to the gym but never ever does unless I force her to come with me (which I don't do much anymore because she just whines)

Mine won't go. Hates cardio. Hates doing anything that has no purpose (that is, lifting, treadmills, etc.). It's really all excuses. Then she gripes about being a fatass.

I'm working on this with her. Frankly, it's starting to piss me off. If she spent half as much time at the gym as she does playing games on her phone, she'd be a fucking beast.

Give her an ultimatum. That's the only way to divert a hambeast from their ways.

>So how does your wife feel about your love of fitness?
Doesn't seem to give less of a fuck how fit I am. Secretly she's probably happy I look after myself

>Does she lift too

>Does she think it's a dumb hobby for narcissists?
Nope, really doesn't have an opinion on it.

I know that situation bro. Well in my case more like "what's the point of working out, the only reason to work out is if you're a (sic) professional model/athlete/actor." It's a messed up mindset designed to reward laziness. Some people never get past it and I think females have a harder time doing something like lifting for themselves and not for the sake of recognition. You'll find something that works, don't give up but don't let her bring you down either.

That's what I'm trying to do. Sucks, too. I'd love to have her as a workout partner. We work well together otherwise.

RIP your gains man . and honestly even as a straight man , having a boyfriend is better.

Getting into a sport, "one month/90 day challenge" memes with progress pics, show her your expertise, get some meme "for girls" diet/plan if that gets her off, one cheat meal a week, shame her even... whatever it is make her commit to doing it. In writing preferably.
Giving an ultimatum - I can understand not wanting to put that on someone else but your happiness is important too user.

It sounds because it is bad. Was in a similiar relationship and it exhausting to put your needs aside all the time.

Quiting that shit was one of my best decisions, even though she was cute with a great personality

>Past trauma
These are the best grills to dick. Roleplay as their daddy and violate them.

Internet allows you to flex a bit towards and talk like you've got at least 8 inch chad dick on you while being anonymous, yay interwebs.
Bigger than your dads

Cheeks I've got the tools to please you, why aren't you my gf yet?


Are you at least 8'0??? Like if you aren't even 8'0 inches then you're a turbo manlet okay? If you can comfortably bend over and pick up shit on the ground without grunting or at least letting out a sigh then you're a manlet!! rreeeeee

I'm 9'6" so good try but I can please your chink pussy. I have an 7"x13" peenus. if you aren't satisfied by that you're a horrible cunt. This is my last effort to attract a woman after watching Sam Al-Hayid's video "Utopia" on his racist channel.

S u r f t h e K a l i Y u g a

S i m p l y D e l i g h t

Fuckin mind changed
Hang 10


>tfw girlfriend is threatening to dump me because I danced with her arch-nemesis at the club

I'd let you take all the roids you want bb.

>Tfw no muscular Asian gf that will peg me

tripfags out


Just get a prescription for viagra.

Its still probably anxiety.

I was with my ex for 5 years; some days I could go 11 times in a row, some days i would have ED. Anxiety never truly goes away but if you find someone you're comfortable with its manageable.

Having said that, now I pop 100mg viagra and feel like superman.

It's really strange. He love me to be big and she really like how some fitness models looks... But she thinks is kind of genetics for her... She is a skinny-fat cardio girl :(

If anything I'm trying to keep up with my GF's workout habit.

Kek'd hard


When I was young almost the same happen to me... Sometimes was hard to make it hard... Sometimes I couldn't came...
You need to don't give a fuck about her and just enjoy... After a while you will be able to enjoy and make her enjoy

Tell her that her nemesis danced pretty well. Then say nothing more.
Within the next 24 hours you WILL have one of two outcomes:
1) >tfwnogf
2) She will be on your dick showing you how much "better" she is.

>gee eff

this might be why you are >tfwnogf

But the girl in the OP is clearly a latina

>tfw thick Ukrainian gf
More chubby than muscle thick
>tfw birth giving hips
>tfw would look splendid if she starts lifting
>user people will judge me for not lifting the weights right
>user youre arms are too big , stahp, be like jungkook

performance anxiety, all you can think about, so it happens.

My fiance is a gains goblin. Luckily she's a skinny little cardio bunny, but I've found that I just have to ignore her whining and take care of my own diet and workout schedule.

She seems to always be hungry at 9PM, right as I'm about to go to bed. I normally eat dinner without her at 6.

Don't talk about it too much, she digs the abs but that's all.. I think..


i keep some belly fat cause my gf actually likes it

She rubs it during cuddling

Try going to an Asian """""spa""""" and have them give you a rub and tug. Maybe a blowie joey if you pay extra.

all my ex-girlfriends and the girls i've been with were the same

They loved my abs and my broad shoulders and specifically complimented them and voiced them as a reason for being with me

They also found everything needed to be /fit extremely ridiculous and would try to make fun off me for autistically packing chicken rice and veggies in tupperware and not missing a day in the gym.

The bottom line is, chicks dig muscles but they are completely oblivious to the processes behind a muscular physique and when they realize it took you some serious effort to look like this they are kinda bummed out because in their mind you were just born like this.

>So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of fitness?
She mostly doesn't exist
But since I still have the terrible scourge known as hope, I sometimes wonder about having one. Sometimes I wonder what I'd say if she got agro about the gym.
I think I'd say that for me I conservative it maintinance, a sort of bare minimum that I need to do each day.
Sort of the same thing as brushing my teeth, or eating.
Then I think how pathetic a line of thought that is so I go drink until I can't feel feelings and am taken by the comfy embrace of blackout.

Porn Induced Erectile Disfunction or PIED would be my guess

Took my girlfriend(male) to the gym for the first time this thursday, she had a blast so we're gonna be making it a regular thing.


You're in a feedback loop. You're so stressed about getting an erection it's probably stopping you from getting one.
First, eliminate all physical issues - get a complete blood work and a physical. This isn't okay.
Second, if it shows you're fine, go see a surrogate.

My what?


I'm planning on picking up a gym bunny anyway, so this won't be a problem.

My gf is very supportive of it. She's always miring me and telling me strong I am. She herself goes to the gym a couple of times a week, and additionally does some calisthenics and running and al sorts of general exercise.

I can't wait to meet her one day.

My girlfriend?