Why doesn't he compete for Mr. Olympia? He'd be a podium finish for sure.
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guy looks fucking ridiculous.
I can almost guarantee that he was a little bitch before he roided.
cope harder
Ask him, id be willing to bet it's just because the weight restrictions they have on classic physique and he's too heavy
you'd be right
does repeating this word in every shitpost make you feel smart? please die
WTF i love roids now
see: suck a dick
so you're telling me if I do roids and sit on my ass I'll look like this after 9 years?
Because he knows it and doesn't want to potentially lose to niggers that run backstage politics and be remembered as "that one guy that kinda looked like Arnold, but didn't get first place".
1. it will fuck up your endocrine system if you abuse it like him
2. you may not look like him but one study showed sitting on the couch while taking roids gets you more muscle mass than being a natty and lifting
3. why on earth would you feel the need to look like that
you van look good without it
>one study showed sitting on the couch while taking roids gets you more muscle mass than being a natty and lifting
>one study
welp you sure showed me
fortunately not many studies are dedicated to proving the obvious.
Isn't the average height of olympia like 5'8"?
>sitting on the couch while taking roids gets you more muscle mass than being a natty and lifting
Please don't take that study at face value. Roids cause muscle to retain significantly more glycogen and water. Those subjects didn't develop any actual tissue sitting on the couch eating oreos, just like skinny teenage boys didn't grow any muscle playing mine craft all day instead of going outside. Muscle doesn't develop without stimulation.
That's also why roiders seem to lose such an inordinate amount of muscle off cycle. In reality, they're just pumped full of glycogen. Actual tissue breakdown takes a long time and doesn't come easily, even going from roid-life to no-life
Dude you need to look at what they used to measure muscle mass. They just didn't look into weight gain. It's the New England Journal of Medicine. They just don't publish bullshit man. They are the leading medical journal for a reason
are you fucking retarded? if you could gain more mass roiding and sitting at home then why would anyone be lifting natty?
desu they probably measured fatfree mass which would include what the other guy said. my argument would be, so what? in bodybuilding it's not about the number of cells in your muscles, it's about the size and shape. if water and glycogen make you look like a big guy then mission accomplished.
because it's illegal, costs money and comes with many health risks.
user, they measured it using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), depending on what type they used t1, t2, etc muscle shows up differently than water. MRI is probably the most advanced type of imaging maybe besides nuclear imaging. If they said it was muscle based off the MRI, i will take their word for it.
Link the study? I don't see how MRI could differ between the two honestly.
annoying cancerous sounding faggot with the cliche "aussie personality"
lee priest blows this faggot out
im mirin so hard
not only such a perfect physique, but look at that jaw line and the Veeky Forums cut, imagine how easily he bangs roasties
He can't compete in the Olympia because he doesn't have a pro card I don't think
he was a 6'2" chad before and is a 6'2" chad after
cope harder buddyboyo
although the hair is kinda gay. Noone is perfect
Because the effort of winning olympia isnt worth a shitty 20k prize. Id assume he is trying to do more acting or something like that. He would be a great competitor though, would love to see him in the classic physique division
>roidlets trying to justify their magic ass juice
Because he's way too big for classic and way too small for open.
He has narrow clavicles, arms with no seperation, and and a non existent lower back. He'd get beat even if he was the right size for either division.
He also doesn't give a shit about competing and just wants to continue making bank as a social media guy.
All that this says is that people gain faster on roids, which nobody denied.
Source for this? Some random image hardly proves anything, anyine can make a few graphs.