VEGAN GENERAL CONT. - Meatcuck Double Standards Edition

A place for discussing all things vegan health & ethics.

- Processed meattrash lowers sperm count

- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man

- Casomorphine in milk is addictive

- Milk gives you acne

- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer

- Meat gives you colorectal cancer

- Vegan diet healthy for all stages of life

- Vegan B12

- USDA: 40% of US flirting with B12 deficiency due to modern farming practices


Land of Hope and Glory (2017) -

Seaspiracy (2015) -

Lucent (2014) -

Earthlings (2005) -

Since we know meatcucks will defend this

>inb4 naturalistic fallacy
>inb4 might makes right fallacy
>inb4 amoral autists who think not caring and standing for nothing is a virtue
>inb4 faggots larping as hunters
>inb4 faggots larping as farmers
>inb4 amerifats who think shooting something at 200m is testosteronous
>inb4 telling someone to behave ethically is inherently unethical
>inb4 free market is inherently moral
>inb4 meatcucks triggered by science
>inb4 muh canines


Other urls found in this thread:!po=57.9365

>inb4 not suffering

Furious pete BTFO

Physiology for meatcucks

I would eat those dogs though.

you are scum

Hey Eeva get a life

He needs to get cancer again

lol, we have evolved to be able to metabolize and live off fats and protein. we are omnivores, you 160lbs twirp

completely misunderstanding the chart

well done meatard

nuts and legumes have fats and protein too, what's why we can digest meat
name one physiological adaptation we have made spegigically to eat meat
(you can't, so you won't)

I find cows cuter than dogs, and I love to eat beef. I just eat male cattle so I can keep all the cute moo-moos to myself.

Why are all these vegan threads about meat eaters?? Can't you function as a vegan without constantly concerning yourself with other peoples eating habits. Proper cultish mentality.

I dont see anyone whipping and strangling those cows. The problem isnt eating dogs, the problem are the chinese

Another vegan thread, another steak for dinner.

Ever heard of a rodeo meatcuck. You are no better than them

Got a question for the Vegans. I'm not really complaining, about anything that you lot do, but I got a question.

I've seen that image macro of steak providing half or less the protein per calorie of broccoli, however grilled chicken provides more protein per calorie.

Heck you can get a grilled chicken sandwich, minus the sandwich, from chik fil a for 100 calories and 21g of protein, and one cup of broccoli provides 31 calories and 2.5g of protein. Even if you eat 120 calories worth of brocoli, you only get 10g of protein.

I like both chicken and broccoli, by the way.

This what you're paying for when you buy chicken

I always enloy a good vegan steak. Cows only eat grass, so they are vegan by definition.

all that cholesterol is clogging your brain try reading it again


I don't like birds, and I'm speaking from a strictly health standpoint.

A good vegan filet makes my day.

Have some tasty meat, user

>W-wee don't use anything that comes from an animal
Hypocritical fucktards.

Rodeos are fun AF. Get the fuck out of here

vegans eternally BTFO


>Got a question for the Vegans.
Vegan here
>I got a question.
>I've seen that image macro of steak providing half or less the protein per calorie of broccoli
That image is fake news, and I sure hope it's an omni falseflagger posting it to make us look dishonest and bad, rather than an actual vegan believing it. Steak has more protein per 100 kcal and broccoli has less per 100 kcal, not to mention the volume needed of each.
>however grilled chicken provides more protein per calorie.
That is true, and?
Mate there are lots of things wrong with that logic, I'll try to break it down as best I can
Yes chicken has among the best ratios of protein/calories. And?
You need about 0.8 g protein/lb of lean body mass, or about 1.8 in kg. A lean adult male at about 90 kg and 10% bf would need about 145 g protein. 145*4=600 kcal (rounding up)
this male's TDEE will be about 3000 kcal, assuming lifting and some cardio on the side
600/3000 = about 20%
So you need about 20% of your calories to come from protein
Beans, lentils, peas and legumes in general are at about 32%. Fyi, same as eggs.
Soy milk is 30%
Tofu, tempeh, seitan and meat substitutes are all about 80%
Spinach, broccoli and greens in general are about 50%
Peanut butter (natty) is at 17%, and it's considered a "fat" source
Even spaghetti, which is considered a "carb" source, sits at a reasonable 14%, not too far away from 20%.
Unless you are a raw food fruity hippie, it is almost impossible to fail to meet your protein requirements as long as you meet your caloric needs.
You don't need a specific high protein food item, like chicken. Just eat normal food, and toss in a pea protein scoop in your oats or smoothie or something if you're that worried

But brock lesnar is my goal body.

Then do roids and double your calorie intake to 6000, and eat more pasta and peanut butter in general to keep satiety low

people have eaten meat since people existed
>b-but we're herbivores...
tell that to your spear chucking ancestors. why do you think people put so much time and effort into hunting animals with fucking sticks if it wasn't absolutely necessary? they risked their lives on a daily basis just so they could eat meat. why not just be a vegetable farmer instead? seems much more logical right? because a vegan diet is inappropriate for human beings, that's why. a healthy human diet consists of both plants and animal products.

>naturalistic fallacy
>might makes right fallacy

Looks like you've fallen for the "I don't like it therefore its a fallacy" fallacy.

>stick throwing ancestors know more about nutrition and physiology than modern scientists


>be me, homo sapiens
>food is scarce so i eat whatever the fuck I get my hands on because that's what makes sense
>grow up 100000 years
>food is abundant, cheap, and easily accessible and available
>don't have to eat meat any more, we are advanced and into the future
>still eat meat because my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-[...]-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather used to 100000 years ago

>doesn't believe in formal logical fallacies

lel, meatards

>completely missing my point
not surprising for a malnourished brainlet

>food is scarce so i eat whatever the fuck I get my hands on because that's what makes sense
how is hunting an animal with a stick easier than picking fruits and veggies exactly?

>thinks he has a point

k brb

>Thinks he knows logic because he has seen that horrible fallacy picture that is always floating around

they could have just been eating plants all along but they chose to risk their lives, spend massive ammounts of energy, time and resources to hunt animals instead. why do you think that is huh? I thought a vegan diet was nutritional. apparently not enough. if you still think I don't have a point you're a fucking idiot.

>doesn't realise humans will breed till they reach the carrying capacity of the environment


isn't enough fruit for everyone you dumb fuck

>muh estrogen in milk
really makes you think

they could have just farmed vegetables tho. they could have had huge fields with enough veggies to feed everyone, which would have been MUCH easier than hunting, but they chose not to. vegans eternally BTFO


>b-but we have s-small canines and we don't have claws and stuff...
we don't need them. we hunt with weapons and cook our food. our ancient ancestors who didn't cook yet had much bigger canines and stronger digestive systems, but that stuff simply wasn't needed anymore when they started using weapons and cooking. we let technology replace the need for big teeth and strong digestive systems.

As soon as people figured out how to farm efficient carb/calorie sources they did. e.g. potatoes, grain, wheat, rice etc.

but they also farmed animals and/or hunted them. why? why deal with animals if you don't have to? because you do have to.

you dumb fuck

lel you actually think because cultures in the past have eaten meat that somehow disproves actual science demonstrating

a) red meat is a carcinogenic
b) a vegan diet can be healthy for all stages of life

I guess praying for it to rain must also work, and circumcision must prevent aids. I mean our ancestors wouldn't have done it for no reason

>red meat is a carcinogenic
most things are carcinogenic, also studies regarding carcinogenic substances change all the time so the current information might not even be entirely accurate. bananas are literally radioactive. how is that not carcinogenic?
>a vegan diet can be healthy for all stages of life
wrong. vegans are malnourished without taking vitamin A and protein supplements
>be me
>risk life, spend massive amounts of energy and time every day to hunt animals for the lolz
suuuuuuuuure. makes sense to me. praying for rain and cutting someone's dick off doesn't cost you anything. hunting animals with sticks does. google false equivalency veggiecuck.

Vegetarians have been outliving meatcucks for centuries, clearly you dont need meat

because being malnourished can actually extent one's lifespan. auschwitz survivors outlived most normal people.


Wrong, we produce vitamin A in our bodies from carotenoids.

'everything is carcinogenic'

are you seriously this retarded?

anything containing antioxidants actively lowers cancer risk

really showing your knowledgeability here meatcuck

try again

B12 is found naturally only in animal products, which means veganism is inherently bullshit also vegans have to overly conpensate for their small vitamin A intake.
>anything containing antioxidants actively lowers cancer risk
what's your point? I can eat meat and antioxidants together you know?
>everything is carcinogenic
just google every radioactive food in existence. almost everything causes cancer and studies regarding carcinogens change rapidly anyway so in reality no one really knows enough about what does and what doesn't cause cancer to say read meat causes it.

many vegan fermented foods e.g. tempeh contain B12, educate yourself, meatcuck

>B12 is found naturally only in animal products
Imagine being this misinformed

Are fish naturally unhealthy? Everything you posted was about land animals.

Only misinformed meatcucks would think it's necessary to eat meat and spout their primary school level nutritional understanding ITT

>I posted a sourceless image with text so it must be true
even if it is though (which it's not) what about protein?

commonly contaminated, contain high amounts of saturated fat, very few phytonutrients, very few antioxidants. Completely unnecessary, get your essential fatty acids elsewhere

>another vegan thread
>nary a body with timestamp
Every time. Vegans of fit, post pic with timestamp so we can see how frail you are

vegan protein retardation argument has been debunked millions of times by now, again, educate yourself, meatcuck

B12 in fermented foods:

B12 in tempeh

B12 in korean fermented foods and seaweed

Meatcucks, educates yourselves

>commonly contaminated
I said naturally

>contain high amounts of saturated fat
Is saturated fat bad? Are coconuts and avocados bad?

>very few phytonutrients, very few antioxidants
Not relevant if you don't base your diet exclusively on fish.

Please stick to answering the question: are fish naturally unhealthy?

>Processed meattrash lowers sperm count
>For total fasting serum testosterone (T) there was a significant interaction between diet and time (P < 0.01). Thus, the V diet resulted in a lower total T level (13.7, 9.8-32.4 nmol.l-1) (median and range) compared with the M diet (17.4, 11.8-33.5 nmol.l-1). During exercise after 6 wk on the diets total T was also significantly lower on the V than on the M diet (P < 0.05).
>Plasma levels of testosterone and estradiol-17 beta were significantly lower in the SV than in the omnivores.
>Blood concentrations of sex hormones did not differ after the two diets, but the mean testosterone:oestradiol value was 10% higher (P = 0.06) after the meat diet.
>Our results indicate that in men a decrease in dietary fat content and an increase in the degree of unsaturation of fatty acids reduces the serum concentrations of androstenedione, testosterone and free testosterone.
>A lower nocturnal release of prolactin and testosterone occurred in men fed a vegetarian diet...

How do you tell someones a vegan?

Don't worry they'll tell you

>Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man
>Casomorphine in milk keeps you addicted
>Milk gives you acne
Also doubt the"milk=prostate cancer" entirely especially when in the article it says:
>Estrone and prostate cancer risk in men: As far as the estrone levels Maruyama et al. measured in their 2010 study are concerned it is very difficult to tell, whether or not the 26% increase in E2 levels is or isn't a problem.
>The estrone values in the Maruyama study are unrealistic. With a normal range of difficult to tell
>What remains to be seen, though, is whether future epidemiological evidence will support or refute the currently heralded hypothesis that dairy consumption increases prostate cancer risk and whether we will be able to identify more feasible explanations for this relations than those that are implicated by the results Maruyama et al. present in their 2010 study.

>literally muh canines
>digestive system needs to resemble cow to digest fruit and vegetables


>Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer
>Meat gives you colorectal cancer

>author literally admits he cherrypicked

I hate vegan cucks. Not because they're vegan - that won't bother me. But every fucking vegan I met tried to convert me to his food cult and behaved as if he was a better person just because of his eating habits. This reminds me of mormons or even worse, jehovas witnesses. Veganism is like a penis: It's perfectly fine to have one but never ever force it down someones throat if he has not declared consent.

We are better people than you bro

post body


post your body with timestamp, not pics of two roidmonkeys

>People who read books know a fact that vegetarians do not- that at one point in history, the Earth's total population of humans dropped to between 5,000 and 10,000 individuals, due to the eruption of Mt. Toba in Sumatra, which killed off most of the available plant and animal life on Earth in 71,000 BC. During this period of time, humans were confined to an
>extraordinarily small area of Africa that escaped glaciation, where they subsisted on a diet that was "approximately 50-70% meat and 50-30% plants, respectively." This diet was necessitated by the die-off of plants and animals, and the lack of a varied diet that could have been otherwise obtained though plant gathering. It was at this time that the Neanderthal diet came to consist of naught but meat, due to the complete lack of availability of edible vegetation, which likely lasted for at least 1000 years.(Plants/climate)

>nuts and legumes have fats and protein too, what's why we can digest meat
>name one physiological adaptation we have made spegigically to eat meat
>(you can't, so you won't)

>Legumes just wreck my intestines
>Meat is a superb experience to eat


I want to switch from whey to a vegan protein powder. What do you guys recommend?
I am avoiding soy protein because it apparently has estrogen and I am also avoiding pea protein because the taste is absolutely disgusting. How is hemp protein? I am looking for something that has a neutral taste.

I'd usually recommend a pea/rice protein blend (rice protein tastes fine).

Something like this

never tried hemp protein though

Just pointing out that if you stick with not eating animal (by-)products for 1-2 weeks your gut will feel normal again
Is pea really that bad even when blended with soymilk, berries, pb or bananas? I want to order one but I'm undcided
This one only ships to kiwiland, right?

Pea is pretty salty and disgusting. Rice tastes way way better and no doubt hemp does too

Where I'm about to order from, pea is 33e/5kg, rice is 76e/5kg, both at 80% content. Does pea really taste that bad?

on it's own it's foul. You can mask it though

The dogs that people eat where people eat dogs are bred to be livestock, so they're as dumb and complacent as cows. I'm fine with it desu.

What are you guys eating today?

I had a chocolate one and thought it was tasty.

You gut bacteria adapts to your diet. I hardly get and gas from beans even in huge quantities.

Gradually give your gut bacteria more fiber and they'll soon process it with ease.

had 500 cals of rice with an egg and some ghost pepper salsa for breakfast

lunch I had a salad with jalapeno ranch and bacon bits.

for dinner I am having 500 calories of rice with 500 calories of chicken and 2 cans of refried beans all mixed in 1 bowl with some more ghost pepper salsa for good measure.

I might have to stop eating this ghost pepper shit. It leaves me with stomach aches. I really love the spice so I hope my body gets used to it. I know if you eat too much spicey foods you can get IBS and other bad shit. Sucks.

Why add cholesterol and saturated fat to your meals.

Reckless behavior, user! There's no need to clog arteries and increase diabetes/cancer risk.

The amount of cholesterol that you consume is no longer thought to be important enough to restrict. Low fiber low vitamins and high sugar is what causes disease. I eat more than enough fiber and get more than enough vitamins through my foods and generic 1 A Day supplement. I don't eat a lot of Sat Fat either most days of the week if Sat Fat is even actually bad.

Cholesterol is bad for you user. Also the sky is blue.

The study that says it is insignificant compared eggs to McMuffins and found that they're equally bad. That doesn't make cholesterol good for us.

It's not science.

I guess the doctors are lying to my father's face when his bloodwork comes out fine at 62 even though he eats well over 300 milligrams of cholesterol a day. He should tell them they're not science.

>Low fiber low vitamins and high sugar is what causes disease.
Which disease? Sounds like bullshit.

>I eat more than enough fiber
100+ grams like our ancestors?

and get more than enough vitamins through my foods and generic 1 A Day supplement.
Great. Don't rely on a multivitamin though because it isn't absorbed well.

>I don't eat a lot of Sat Fat either most days of the week if Sat Fat is even actually bad.

Animal food gas saturated fat AND TRANS FAT, look it up. It's heart disease in the flesh!

You're likely eating it every meal. It's building up in your arteries man, that's just how it works. If you won't go vegan permanently at least go on a cleanse every so often.

If by "fine" you mean his cholesterol is in the "normal" range, that's actually not that great, unless he's at the very bottom of the range.

Also, genetics is a huge factor in cholesterol levels.

He's lucky! Thank goodness for that.

Obviously some people are the exceptions. Like the people who smoke but never get cancer. It doesn't mean smoking is safe.