Old one is over 300.

Whats the best way to target lats? Ive been mostly doing t-rows but my lats still suck. is there a trick with the right grip?

Other urls found in this thread:


I tried dumbbell curls the other day and could only do 10s with 13kg. How pathetic is that exactly?
I never do curls and can bench 78kg and OHP 56kg for 5, which is seen as intermediate.

I did some forward barbell rows the other day, and struggeling with the last reps, I accidentalied my dick with the barbell and now the side of my dickhead is swollen.

On top of that, my lymphnodes on either side of the dick is really blowing up now, they're like really big and tender.

Should I go to the doctor tomorrow, or will this heal itself?

What is the optimal macro split for someone trying to cut from about 16%BF to 12%?

Been dieting for about 7 weeks now, all of a sudden my appetite has died, I'm finding it almost impossible to reach my goal of 170-180g protein per day

I've dieted much longer in the past, and my appetite has died before, but I was retarded and didn't mind because my thinking was that all weight loss is good, of course, I just ended up losing lots of muscle and strength as well as fat

Any ideas? Do you think a big ass cheat day might kickstart my appetite back up?

You should include at least one vertical pull in your back workout: chins/pullups etc
nobody gives a shit about how much you curl, do them strict, preferably when you're sitting down
lmao you should be fine, there's no wound or anything? It will heal fine then.
How tall are you? Generally around 150g of protein, eat most of your carbs before/after working out, some healthy fats. Just keep the 150g of protein in your calculated caloric intake, rest carbs/fats

>tfw noodle arms
How the fuck do I make 'em bigger I've been doing the important lifts while following SS (I switched to the Greyskull LP now because fuck SS) and throwing in some curls and other shit trying to make em grow but nope nothing.

well sounds like you're doing it right, do heavy compounds and some isolation for volume afterwards. eat well and your arms will grow m8

yeah try a cheat day, mix up your food etc. Don't be too hard on yourself

so last weak I was doing conventional deadlifts and felt a weird pain in my left hamstring during the 4th & 5th reps of my set. I suspect this is due to some tightness on my left side, resulting in asymmetry.

I'm not sure if I was about to tear it because I've never had a hamstring injury, but I know that my hamstrings are weak and need work.

I'm planning on taking it easier this coming week and doing Romanian deadlifts or SLDLs for something like 3x8.

Is this a good idea?

Also, would foam rolling & some targeted stretching be a good idea?

>nobody gives a shit about how much you curl

I do though. I want to know it is lagging in relation to my bench and OHP.



>foam rolling

only do it if you're sure you're not actually injured.

Will bear in mind, thanks

How much training can result to overtraining? I'm working out 3 hours almost every day. I go to the gym twice, once in the early morning and once more with a coworker after we're done with work. I do enjoye the time I spend at the gym, I just want to be sure I'm not overdoing it.

Hello guys... i've started doing WS4SB first template (one without dynamic leg day), what are your thougths on it?

On 1500 a day while cutting.
Had 3053 yesterday celebrating with friends.
Considering only having 1000 today and adding about 300 calories of cardio.
I know it still doesn't equal out but think this is safe? I'm weighing tomorrow and really don't want to have fucked up my week...

I'm not a dietician but if I fuck up my diet I just continue it as normal the next day. I know the feeling of fucking up sucks but you'll be better off just sticking to your diet rather than doing something extreme to counter your fuckup. I'm not even sure the shit you're trying to do works, but as I've already said, I'm no dietician.

Best bench program after I've exhausted my noob gains?

What would be a good routine for getting a nice round ass and wider hips?
A sort of bubblebutt routine

I cannot into cable crunch. My grip gives way before I can feel my abs and I'm reaching the max plantes the machines have (50 kg). What do?

I'm already doing weighted decline crunches (12.5 kg) but need more weighted stuff to add.

>just getting back in the gym after being forced to stop playing basketball
>excited and hyped to start lifting
>fuck up my back on god-knows-what outside the gym
How do I deal with the agony of having to sit around and wait to heal?

Also, is Limber 11 good for mobility/flexibility?

I've got pretty bad acne on my shoulders and upper back. I don't take steroid and shower every night or after every workout, whichever is first. How do I get rid of it?

LADS - when burning fat (from eating in a caloric deficit and exercise) will i feel like i have energy?

i.e. the process of burning the fat gives my body energy, or should i feel tired/weak as a result?

i assume cos my body is burning a source of fuel i should feel okay/normal - but im not sure

pls respond

Anybody else here into kegles? I'm trying bro come up with a routine instead of just doing them intermittently.

So far I am doing kegels Mon, Wed, Fri for 3x20 being sure to full push out as well as retract. I was wondering when I should do static holds or just do reps.

Also, when should I start adding weight. I figure it's like pull ups/dips. Get to so many reps then start adding weight. I have a plan so far to start with a light towel that I can hang from the base of my penis and gradually move it up the shaft for heavier weight. Then when I get that for 3x12-20 I will start over at the base of the penis with a heavier towel and so on.

depends on how large the deficit is, the duration of the cut & if you're mentally used to it.

if it's too large a deficit, you'll feel tired & weak, in my experience

My mom just told me she's been buying more white bread than whole grain as of late because apparently new science has come out supporting that something is done to whole grains, making white bread better. Is this true at all or is this her cherrypicking to live by studies which appeal to her bias?


idk if my routine is good or bad, r8:


->1:30s static hold
->15s static hold followed by 5s reverse kegel for 1:30s
->50 reps

take a ~3-5min break and repeat once

Probably does require its own thread but:

>What core exercises fit in well with a PPL routine?
I'm talking something with clear progression, something that fits thematically with 2/3 of the PPL days. Can't do anything that would severely aggravate my lower back due to an existing injury (which I'm helping to improve by strengthening my core).

>inb4 just hit heavy weight dude lel core exercises are a meme
My core is the part lagging behind now and I want to hit it efficiently.

I like the static holds. Just be sure you're also relaxing the muscle by pushing out as well. It need to be strong both ways.

The feeling is like halfway between pushing out a shit and forcing urine.

Unironically SS +GOMAD

brehs, for the past half year ive only been holding the muscle whenever i masturbate, is that good enough? i feel its made my dick harder but i maybe plateu'd months ago

im 31 y/o male - 5"11 - 15 stone (210 pounds)

was planning on eating 1800 cals a day

is that deficit too much?

It depends.

Have you worked out your TDEE?

As a general guide for the average gym goer, a 0-10% deficit is sensible for a longer cut

A 10-20% deficit is acceptable for the short term

I wouldn't recommend going below 80% of your TDEE if you aren't very experienced

Pls respond

just used one now and it cant be right

i feel like i would gain weight/strength at 3k cals a day

>that feel when you get bulging veins in your legs when you squat like they're gonna pop
Shit is worrying me. Hell, even walking to the gym I have bulging veins by the time I get there. At first it was merely uncomfortable but now it's painful. I feel this in my left leg much more than my right. Had a problem with my left leg right behind my knee while squatting a few week back, had to take some time off from the gym. What the fuck is this?

Its different for everyone, it depends on a lot of factors. Just watch out for signs like feeling exhausted all the time and joint pain that doesn't go away.

I'm running the greyskull LP program since I'm new to the gym. So far I have OHP and pull ups and bench press and chin ups as my alternating workout with squats twice a week and dealifting once a week. What additional exercises do you think I need?

Is deer antler velvet/IGH-1 a meme? Should I get some?

wat do

Guys, I have a bit of an embarrassing problem. I haven't lifted in over a week and a half because of this.

I had a day off two weeks ago and decided fuck it and spent the whole day on my computer and during this day I spent about an hour on the toilet watching a movie. Before I went to sleep I had a sharp pain in my ass and decided to go to the doctor afterwards and he said it was a external hemorrhoid and gave me some ointment.

Now that it's pretty much gone, I'm going it'll go away fully in a few days but the problem is when should I go back to lifting heavy ass weights?

curls alternating with chinups
when the time comes to do the 10% deload do all sts to failure with the light weight for a few weeks. otherwise it'll be to easy and you wont progress

>Been on SS for a few months
>Made great progress at squats, can almost lift my own weight. Same goes for deadlifts
>Incline situps and hyperextensions coming along nicely
>Bench, OHP and rows are all completely stagnant

Should I start on a program that's more focused on the upper body before I go full t-rex?

stop adding weight to squats for a while instead

Will that improve my gains in the other areas, or just stop gains on squats?

>or just stop gains on squats?
or watch this

other than that, maybe switch to gslp but do this or do my personal favorite: candito linear

Solid program that will get you great results if you stick with it. Don't go overboard with the max effort exercises if you're a beginner. Stick with 3 and rotate between those.

When is the best time to weigh yourself and why?

can I get away with just doing chin-ups and push-ups for upper body?

not aiming to be huge

>what is calisthenics

2 things
Those aren't intermediate lifts and bicep strength is not equal to pressing strength. It'd be more comparable to your weighted chin up or rowing weight. Regardless, just start training. Nobody is going to laugh at someone with huge arms curling 25lbs

How to prevent wrist pain when benching?

Thanks user, I'll do that

Look into nucleus overload training, mate. Boiled down, it's pretty much ~200 curls every day for 4-6 weeks. Take a week off, then resume working out as normal. I did it incorrectly and still added on 1/4-1/2in onto my biceps and put on only

Are there any programs that do not involve squats/cardio? I'm a runner and my quads+calves are already decent but my upper body is absolutely pathetic. I don't want to be that weird egg-shaped guy that everyone posts, pls help

is ZMA a meme?


form check

So I'm 155lb at 5'9" and probably 16-20% bf(round but no bulge in clothes) because i want to get strong. I'll probably start looking fat soon. I'm still fucking weak and want to make some gains before having to cut, my bench is 130lbx5 could I take it to at least 160x5 before having to cut?

The gym at my apt complex only has a few cardio machines and free weights. Would using the exercises here (dumbbell-exercises.com/best-dumbbell-exercises/) be sufficient to create a routine. My plan would be to do 12/10/8's and do full body on A days, then cardio on B days to create a ABxABxB


he's retarded but also big
protip: go to a real gym

Will a recomp work if I'm still weak. Can I consistently add 5lb to the main lifts every week?

How am I supposed to handle doing 5 reps on the first set and 4 reps on the 2 other sets? I'm already resting 5min between sets surely I don't need more.

5'6 135lbs. Should I bulk or cut, I'm going to start working out Tuesday and not sure what I should do. I'm guessing I should bulk since I have little to no muscle mass, but I don't want to get fat. I currently eat about 1300 calories daily.

Also, if I'm only working out 3 times a week is it safe to eat over 2300 daily, or should I limit my diet to the days I'm working out e.g. 2300 calories Monday, 1300 calories Tuesday etc.

5x10 hammer curls
5x10 reg curls done
cable donkey kicks.
i had it too for bit. i sleep with a shirt always. when i slept shirtless i would always get it somehow. idk mate.
only thing would be if companies are lying about whole grain now to convince people they are healthy products.
are the actual veins getting bigger? how can you feel your veins?
dont squat. also sitting on toilets is an unhealthy position dont do it again.
in morning before any food and coffee, even better after morning poo. its the most accurate as there isnt liquids or food in your stomach ading weight.
just do any push pull legs routine and drop the legs part.
>Can I consistently add 5lb to the main lifts every week?
on a cut? no
dont bulk until after noob gains. ie 6months to a year from now. just eat a healthy amount for day, no extra.

you don't have to hold your stomach in buddy we all know you're skinnyfat.

Just a habit for not letting my gut protrude through t-shirts :^)

anything wronge with cable curls?
i feel like its the curl i cheat the least at and it feels the most natural.

I sweat a lot. I can't take a walk in 80F weather without being sticky and stinky and gross.

A good lift has me damn near drenched, and I'm dripping sweat after a few minutes of cardio-intense sports like basketball.

Is there any solution to this?

just bulk my dude.
i was in the same situation as you, not knowing what to do, then always switching between cutting and bulking once i gained even a little bit of fat, never getting anywhere really.
just bulk up, people dont care if you have too much bodyfat for a while. look around, people are fat and no one gives a fuck.

also eating all day and constant progress in the gym is fun af.

Has anyone tried doing gomad with evaporated milk? I'm tired of spending all my time drinking, pissing, and taking loose shits. Seems like this could solve the issue. Just simmer a gallon over night to halve to volume.

I always do high number of reps per workout. Should I lower reps to increase weight for better strength building? I normally do 4x10, 3x12, or 5x8 for a workout.

I'm in a similar position as him exept I'm a bit taller and more muscular, but still weak. I'm thinking of bulking until I'm decently strong followed by a short cut, then bulk again until summer.

>only thing would be if companies are lying about whole grain now to convince people they are healthy products.

Cheers for the answer.

I wouldn't say to do only cable curls but there's no problem with them


It's okay to go less hard on leg day, or skip it sometimes. I felt my legs were overdeveloped, so I replaced one of the legs in my PPLPPL with shoulders. It worked.

Keep your wrists engaged. Rest the bar on the heel of your palm, not the base of your fingers.

You can strengthen your wrists with wrist curls and farmer walks.

Not the path to a six pack, but more than most people do. Check out /r/bodyweightfitness if you want a more complete fitness regimen.

Morning, before breakfast, ideally after shitting. That way it measures your body mass, not your body mass plus food/water/etc.

Wait until it's entirely gone then only lift 80% of your usual. Chances are you've lost strength, and you don't want to injure yourself with your max weight.

Speak with a doctor. An Ethiopian food-reviewing forum shouldn't be the place you ask about painful physical conditions.

Get myfitnesspal.

I do the same set of core exercises every day that I lift before I start my routine, works well especially if you engage your core in your lifts.

Whole grains are usually slightly better than white, both aren't very good.

You will have less energy, as long as your deficit isn't too big you're fine though.

Do more reps.


Go back to 1500 a day and stick with it. Going over isn't a bad thing as long as it's occasional.

Eat a surplus and keep lifting. It's not fast but it's the only thing that works.

Cheat day is worth a shot. You could try cannabis to boost appetite, but discipline is more reliable.

Who gives a fuck, keep working and your lifts will go up. Don't compare yourself to others, compare yourself to your past self.

Lat pulldown hits them well.

On my second time back to the gym after a week off. I experienced immediate muscle soreness on my quads. It felt like the worst DOMS ive ever had but it happened just after a warm up set with squats. Is this bad/harmful? How am I supposed to work back to where I was before the time off?

How do you get the heavy barbell on your back for squats without a rack brehs?

whats the best routine for a beginner skelly? icf 5x5?

I have this pain in the back of my ankle area, when I tilt my foot up or down? What's the deal with that?

Only in my left foot, not right

Is it effective to perform pushups everyday?

I fought a guy a couple weeks a go and one of my knuckles still hurts a bit. Should I go get my hand xrayed?

what the fuck am I?
>lost 100 lbs without lifting
>6'0 160
>can do ~25 pushups
>15 pull ups
>look like this
>at least 20+% bf
>so much back fat

everyone here says to bulk but I don't want to put on any more fat in the areas that already have some. Do I cut (properly this time) to 140 then start from there?

Bulking and cutting are unnecessary.
Eat enough food to support your training but not support fat

I shouldn't try to lose any fat?

Pls I wanna bench 3 pl8s


Wrong one, sorry.

Any beginner barbell program and eating food. Literally doesn't matter which one.

It's effective for getting good at push ups.

>lost 100 lbs without lifting
That's where you fucked up. Go lift weights. You would probably be aesthetic already if you had been lifting.

Most people do well with high frequency training, with lots of submaximal sets. Shit like Sheiko or nsuns.

5'10 185 lbs
Would it be worth it to bulk another 10 lbs to build my core up before I cut or should I just continue cutting? Also bodyfat % estimate?

How the fuck do you weigh the same as me, same height, but you look bigger?

Bulk until you hate yourself, then cut until you hate yourself. That level is for you to decide

how do i get juicy traps im at a 3pl8 shrug for 10-12 reps and they are tiny should i just blast the shit outta them with pump and fluff isolations

Fat. He's a fucking balloon.

>are the actual veins getting bigger
I guess? They're jutting out of my shins.

Skinnyfat here, started SS about 2 weeks ago and I was wondering if it really is a good program to start getting yuge.

Even got the book and started to count my calories to get the count up

>starting strength
If you wanna just look big you've started the wrong program.

Obviously I want to get stronger brah, thats what got me interested in it in the first place

How long do I do 5x5 on SL before I go down to 3x5? I'm not even lifting heavy but it's starting to get harder and I'm finding myself having to rest for longer.

Working on putting together a new routine (Also unsure if I want to do PPL split or not);

How long should a guy spend lifting in one session?
I was doing SL 5x5 for a few months and noticed I was regularly in the gym for most of two hours.

You'll look better if you bulk 10kgs or so, but you won't look huge.
You'll look huge after you reach 1/2/3/4, and have moved on to another program like madcow, 5/3/1 etc