Post your daily routine

Post your daily routine.

In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

Wake up by Iphone Alarm sound, scram to stop alarm. Go downstairs and get two Weetbix stare at younger sister wishing i was still young and happy, Relies mum doesn't genuinely love me and only wants me to get a job to pay board. Get dressed, go to school. Not try hard at school because everything come easy and end up a dumb could have been, Stare at girl. Talk to girl. Girl don't know i like her. School end. I walk down to Gym. Do weights. Catch bus home. Get home. Procrastinate. Waste time. Watch old movies. Sleep.

>wake up 6:40am
>Brush teeth
>Eat something
>Get on bus to go to 8am class
>Finish class, walk to gym
>Take bus home, make breakfast

>Make breakfast
Nigga what

Sorry, typos

I wake up at 6:40pm and go to class at 8pm

You don't make breakfast on the bus??


Top kek

Wtf stop impersonating me you jerk

I have two types of days
Day #1
>Wake up
>Drink protein shake
>Go to class
>Eat meal-prep
>Go to other class
>Another class
>Eat other meal prep
>Last class
>Go to gym
>Go home
>Drink protein shake
>Cook and eat something
>Go to bed
>Lay awake
>Have existenial crisis
>Lie to self 3x10

Day #2
Everything is the same just replace class with work

4:30 wake up
5:30-2:00 work
3:00 walk dogs
4:00 eat something
5:00 weightlifting
6:00 wife comes home
Dinner follows that
Maybe walk the dogs again
9:00 brush teeth and go to bed

I feel for you

Besides the stupid crunches, is the routine actually good for your skin?

Wake up at 6am
Eat protein shake mixed with banana or avocado
Gym for one hour
Go to work
Eat lunch while finishing up some files
Back to work until 5pm
Go home, be there at 6
Cook food and eat
Chill with gf, usually sex, watch some show, argue
Call my mom if not she gets mad
Shitpost on Veeky Forums
Sleep at 10-11pm

no you brainlet

>not even dubs

>7:30 Wake up, head to the gym
>8:30 head home
>9:00 Work for an hour
>11:00 Class
>2:00 Head to work again
>6:00 Dinner with wife
>7:00 Homework
>9:00 hang out, sex, tv, whatever
>11:00 sleep

life of a student is swell
but might get a second job doing some research
c'est la vie

>brushing your teeth before eating
I'll never understand this why not brush after you're done eating? It's like taking a shower before exercise and not after.

Wake up
Grab a brush and put a little makeup

>Wake up
>Grab a brush and put a little makeup
>Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
>Leave the keys upon the table
here you go create another fable


Because I don't want to throw up when brushing my tongue. After I eat then I use mouthwash and I'm fine.

>Wake up at either 9:15 or 10:15 depending on day
>Get to campus at 10 or 11
>Work and class until 5
>Go home
>Sit around
>Go to gym

>wake up at 8:00
>immediatly start listing thinks that i am grateful for (health, freedom etc.)
>brush teeth
>drink 700ml water in 1 go
>watch something motivational
>visualize my goals
>meditate for 5 minutes
>read the news while drinking coffee
>start working on something i enjoy

>6am my alarm rings, i'm usually up within a minute or so
>breakfast, usually granola, a banana and a cup of coffee
>brush teeth
>read the news and browse Veeky Forums
>back at 7pm as use gym after work every day. Mix cardio and weights
>Veeky Forums, tv, reading, walking
>bed for 10pm

>0430 Wake up
>0500 morning run of 1-2mile
>0530 Eat breakfast
>0545 Take Shower
>0600 dress up like a man
>0630 watch news, browse Veeky Forums, play a bit of vidya
>0830 go to school
>1630 out of school
>1700 eat lunch
>1730 go to gym
>1830 be at house
>1900 Eat dinner
>1900-2400 play vidya
>2400 go sleep

>Wake up too early
>Allergies flare up which make my tinnitus worse
>Fall back asleep
>wake up again with bags under my eyes
>suffer through the rest of the day.


>wake up 7am
>eat (muesli or toast w/ PB)
>Read on the train to work for 40 mins
>Read on train home (sometimes I will sleep though)

>Wake up at 7
>Coffee + Cigarette
>Have breakfast at 7:30 - 6 egg whites and 75g oats with a banana on top
>Have a shower, brush teeth, dress
>Go to work at 8
>Drink 1 scoop protein at 9:30, 11:30
>Lunch at 13:30; usually tuna in pitas with spinach/salad leaves and an apple
>Work more
>Drink protein at 15:30
>Finish work at 16:30, go to the gym
>Finish by 17:30, 18:00 at latest, another scoop of protein
>Dinner at 19:30; Usually chicken, sweet potato, and green veggies
>Casein before bed at 23:30
On weekends/days off I just find things to do that keep me busy, like reading, playing vidya, shitposting, shopping, etc. I walk while smoking so I basically do fasted cardio in the morning and get activity during the day, sedentary otherwise because muh desk job

>wake up at noon
>jerk off
>sit in front of computer
>go to gym at 10 pm
>eat, sleep, repeat

fuck off


Isn't this from American Psychopath?

>dress up like a man
>play video games like a child

That sounds super comfy

>brush teeth
>eat something

I never understood people who brush their teeth and then go eat. It seems like a crime against nature to me. Eat. Then brush, faggots.

>wake up 7am
>2 eggs, coffee with honey
>go to work 8am-5pm
>6pm-7pm br jui jitsu
>8pm-10pm lift
>go to bed

>wake up at 5 am
>eat, brush teeth, shit
>go to gym
>work out for 1.5 hours
>shower, shit
>eat sandwich
>go to work
>work until 5 pm
>go home, eat, shit slee

>4,5 hour sleep

You need at least 7.5 hours of sleep dude, 9 is optimal.
Especially if you want to make gainz

>Get up 6.30
>Bus to Uni
>Bus home at 2
>Browse Veeky Forums
>Do homework
>Browse Veeky Forums

Do you brush after every meal?

>7:00 - wake up and go piss because pain in bladder and balls hurt, go back to sleep
>9:30 - wake up with some pain and go shit then drink water and go on computer
>10:30 - eat something
>11:00 - go gym for 3 hours and bust out prs and get freak pump
>4:00 - eat food then stretch/foam roll
>5:00 - dither around the house walking about everywhere talking to my self and thinking
>7:00 - feel un settled and over worked because have to make more food and clean up a few plates
>8:00 - computer and stretch
>9:00 - feel natural and my self for about 15 minutes watching videos and realise that I have loads of potential in life and have a good face/body but dont know who I am and dont believe in my self
>10:00 - walk around a bit thinking and dithering
>11:00 - make some munch
>12:00 - go to sleep

Wake up. Shower. Soap only, no hair products. Facial care routine is exfoliate, cleanse, face wash, moisturize. Get dressed. Get breakfast at uni cafeteria. Go to class. Lift. Get dinner. Socialize/party/smoke weed/browse Veeky Forums/study. Go to sleep.

What allergies m8 I might have the same thing

It's from German Sociopath

5:30 - get up, piss, chug water
6:00 - foam roll, stretch, pre-workout dump
6:15 - have caffeine, leave for gym
6:30 - workout, set PRs
7:30 - leave gym
7:45 - post-workout shake
9-5ish - work
6:30 - prep and eat dinner
9:00 - bang gf
10:00 - go to sleep

>get up at 4:15 PM
>eat breakfast, shower, get ready
>drive to hospital
>get sign out from the day team at 5:45
>a bunch of asthma exacerbations and teenage girls overdosing on flexeril and lexapro
>stay up all night to write H&Ps
>eat my lunch around 1 am
>shoot the shit with the other resident and the night nurses
>sign out to the day team and leave at 7:15-7:45
>go home and eat supper and go to sleep by 9 am
>get up at 4 pm and do it again

Medicine is a meme. Don't fall for it. I don't mind working long hours, but once you start get into 13+ hour days, you literally have no time to do anything but work, commute, and sleep. Fuck nights.

I would prefer not to

>wake up 7:30 am
>fuck around phone for a little, then shower
>go to classes and undergrad research
>done by 3 on 4 out of 5 days
>go to gym right after
>go back to dorm, shower
>do homework until I go back to eat
>eat dinner
>depending on the day, might have club meetings
>go to those, if not go back and do homework/study
>go to sleep around 12 am

I really need to start going to bed earlier as I function so much better with 8+ hours of sleep.

>wake up around 9-10 am
>shower, fap, eat breakfast
>sit on my ass playing vidya/Veeky Forums
>sit on my ass playing vidya/Veeky Forums
>eat more because bulkan
>sleep around 1 am

are you a neet?

>wake up at 6:30am
>if I need it, take a shower
>make and eat breakfast
>catch bus or bike to work around 8am
>Spend 7-8 hours sitting at a computer desk bored out of my mind
>head home around 4:30 or 5pm
>have dinner and relax for a bit
>once stomach as settled, begin workout
>go for a run around 8 or 9pm
>go to bed around 10:30 or 11pm
Fucking kill me.

>0600 dress up like a man
>0830 go to school

hows that fedora and vest going for you?

You ate supposed to brush before you eat. Many foods are acidic and weaken tooth enamel. Brushing after you eat can scratch the enamel away. Look it up

t. 28 yo with no cavaties in lifetime

That sounds miserable. You gonna do something to change your routine or are you just going to live with it ?

>wake up around 5:30 in the AM
>push ups to wake up
>cold shower to wake up some more
>coffee and eggs to wake up a bit more
>drive to class
>attend class
>come back, make some lunch
>knock homework out
>workout on Mondays/Wednsdays/Friday (doing SS)
>come home, shower, smoke pot and jerk off
>fall asleep
>repeat process

Going full cocoon mode to get started on getting yuge

>wake up at 4:30 am
>drink preworkout and a little bit of my protein shake
>workout from 5-6am
>get home, shower, eat breakfast, and leave for work at 6:45
>get back from work at 5:30pm
>shower and make dinner
>watch anime or play Destiny 2
>go to bed at 8pm

>wake up

*American Psycho, and yes. Great lil flick

I already explained why mother fucker

>1730 lunch
>1900 dinner
what? why not just eat 2 bigger meals and a snack later if you dont have time for lunch (doubt it but whatever).
>1900-2400 Video Games
wtf you are only sleeping for 4 1/2 hours and wasting so much time on video games. Sleeping helps gains so much you need to tweak some numbers user, not to mention video games are literally a waste of fucking time.

As someone who works in the medical field too (sorta?). I prefer longer shifts + fewer shifts. lets me dedicate more days off to my hobbys. The downside is if you have any family they see you less often.

If thats all you do user you should prolly look into working out a 1-2 extra days a week.nothing super intensive, but cardio + accessory Or whatever muscle you think is lacking a little etc.
>unless you already have some sort of hobby that is already physically based, then it doesn't really matter.

>Wake up
>Go to work
>Come home
>Eat Dinner

>Wake up
>Spend the rest of the day thinking about things I should be doing while I browse Veeky Forums and act out fantasies in my head about being a rock star/superhero/anime character.

Reason I only go 3 times a week is because I'm trying to follow the SS program to a T, I just started but once I've gotten the hang of things and see some real progress, I'll start throwing in accessories and maybe another day where I'll concentrate on Arms.

I'm starting at skinnyfat here

>wake up
>absolutely hate myself

No, way too overkill and expensive. A simple cleanser, exfoliator and moisturiser is all you need.

it's a film

I think this may be the stupidest thing I've ever seen on this board.

>wake up at 5am
>shit and shave
>go to companya rea and wait for formation
>cry secretly in bathroom
>go to formation
>do pt
>go back to barracks
>cry some more
>cry in shower
>go to DFAC
>"eggs with everything, into an omlet, and some sausage links please.."
>"ay mange, we ain't got no links, and all we got is the eggs"
>cry and eat a yogurt and banana instead
>go to work
>get off for lunch
>cry in my barracks room and go to DFAC for lunch
>line is long
>cry in line
>go back to work
>get off at 5
>have to lead after duty pt for remedial shitbags
>cry while I change into pt's
>look at my reflection in pt belt, cry at my life
>finish remedial pt
>drink into a stupor
>shit post on Veeky Forums, while crying
>cry self to sleep
Yeah, that's pretty much my day.

what's your height?

Sender fi my dude

Why do you cry so much user?

xenoestrogen in my plastic lined, tin foil cup and alcohol

>play vydia
stopped reading there. unless you're 15, you shouldn't act like a kid. It's bad influence for youngsters

> wake up
> hate my life
> why the fuck is waking up so hard
> ugh fuck this shit
> force myself through the day so I can go to sleep again

It's a kino actually

>wake up at 6:00am
>walk and feed dog while coffee is dripping
>leave to face Austin traffic at 6:45am
>somehow get to UT and my office at 7:00am
>practice for two hours until 9:00am
>go the the gym and do my routine finish up by 11am
>teach a class
>inhale lunch
>teach another class
>get home around 5pm
>hate music and everyone else except my dog
>we go for a run
>tfw no gf
>eat huge dinner
>sleep by 10:30pm-11

Rinse and repeat

what you teaching senpai?
how old are you?

Clarinet/Music Theory

I'm a lowly TA now, I left my public school teaching job to move here and get that advanced degree.

No student loan debts I hope in the end.

>wake up 8:30
>gym by 9:30
>come home and eat/study/shitpost
>go to work depending on the day
>watch netflix

>Wake up at 8:30
That's too late

>wake up 12 pm
>12 hours of sleep wasn't enough
>take a nap
>wake up ~3 pm
>eat and browse Veeky Forums for 6 hours
>shower and go to sleep

class starts at 11:30, also I get up at 5:30 on weekends for work

>3:30am alarm goes off
>get up, turn it off and go back to bed until 2nd alarm goes off at 4am
>snooze said 2nd alarm until 4:10
> drag myself out of bed
>brush teeth/wash face
>leave home
>4:30am start shift
>1:00pm leave work
>drive home
>take a dump
>go to class from 3:00pm-6:55pm
>go home
>sleep around 11:40pm
Rinse repeat

I had a year like this

>7:00 - feel un settled and over worked because have to make more food and clean up a few plates

Armenian Manic Depressive

Sadly this has been me for the past four years.

>Wake up at about 7, cover my face and go back to sleep
>Wake up when I can't sleep anymore at about 9
>Lay in bed and go on phone for no reason
>Pee then drink some water
>Fuck around on computer
>Take a dump
>Have some coffee, feel motivated for 10 minutes
>Take another dump
>Eat and watch something
>Look for some clean clothes and change
>Start doing something then procrastinate from 5 minutes in onwards
>Eat and watch something
>Go for a walk
>Find a quiet place outside to think about how I'm achieving nothing, feel hate and self-pity for who I've become
>Take a shower, eventually turn it to cold in an attempt to feel something
>Feel nothing
>Eat and watch something
>Leave a pile of dishes
>Play piano
>Feel something
>It goes away
>Fuck around on computer
>Probably fap
>Go to sleep about midnight
Once or twice a week, apply for some jobs and study

>alarm goes off 4:30
>wanna kill myself cause i can never get myself into bed early enough
>wake up
>drink some orange juice and eat some crackers for some quick energy
>go lift for 2 hours
>go home
>eat 2000 calories
>go to work at 8

It's actually from Russian Lunatic

>wake up, lay in bed for 5-10 minutes farting
>make/eat breakfast while watching youtube and checking the daily news
>meal prep/eat dinner
>play xbox and youtube

>wake up anywhere from 2:30pm-4:00pm
>Do my running routine
>do floor workouts when I get back
>every off day do some shit with dumbbells
>take shower
>around 6:00 pm go for walk with wife or something
>eat as little for dinner as possible
>go back to bed for an hour
>9:00 pm shower again probably
>9:30 pm leave for work
>9:00 am get home from work

>1:00 wake up
>eat 2 cups greek yogurt with a spoonful of oats in each, protein shake
>2:30-3:45 class
>eat meal
>class 5:45-7:15
>eat meal
>9-5am vidya
gonna fix this shit soon, getting too neet-esque for me

forgot gym: usually around 8ish-9:30

>Go to bed at 8 AM hoping to sleep for atleast 10 hours
>Wake up at 2 AM


>wake up 7am, take shower
>cook breakfast with 1100kcal
>get to work at 8:30
>browse internet for 8hours because no tasks are given to me
>leave work and get to gym
>workout for 1:30h and get home to cook food for next day
>After everything is done it's 8pm and i have 3 hours to enjoy myself

It sounds worse than it is but I kinda enjoy the routine, I just fucking hate that I have 0 things to do at work and it kills me being 8 hours doing nothing

Get up, piss, step on scale, measure waist, put stats in excel.
Eat banana, take vitamins, omega-3s, ECA, and probably ibuprofen.
Do some work (work from home).
Eat oatmeal w/ fibre powder.
Waste time on Veeky Forums/Youtube.
Eat sandwich.
Go to gym.
Grab a few things from the store on the way back.
Drink protein.
Do some more work.
Eat meat + veggies.
Try not to kill myself from boredom.
Go to bed.

Pretty much every day is the same. No days off, no changes. Maybe one day the company I work for will go bankrupt and I'll vanish into the woods and live my remaining years as a grizzled toothless drifter.