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the cumbread


Fucking lmao

I forgot about all the carbophobes on this board.

>animal flesh
>animal babies
>animal milk

Found your problem; you had to rape, steal, and kill animals for your breakfast.


hahahahahahahahahahahaha. ahahahahaha

it's not at least double that amount

not gonna make it

shame about your autism

It contains animal products

If you eat off of paper plates, unironically end your own life

i don't get paid until Friday so i have to be thrifty

It's a pretty shit tier breakfast.
>you fucked that bacon up
>scrambled eggs because your a pleb and don't know how to cook
>that bread covered in something that you don't need
>good try with the berries to feel healthy
>giant glass of milk
GOMAD is stupid.
Have fun eating poor people food.

Looks like you are eatingon the floor

Why are you eating on the bathroom floor user?

Eating it on your bathroom floor.
What the fuck is wrong with you

of all places, I never thought there'd be so many vegans on Veeky Forums. I guess eating disorders compliment aspergers nicely

lol its a counter but up close I guess it does look like a tile floor

>morality is now an eating disorder

Woldn't even touch the sides.

>I like scrambled eggs
>I like berries
>I like cream cheese on toast
>I like whole milk
don't be so mean

>dairy to warp the calcium on your bones
>a bunch of fruit to give you diabetes
>bread. never see gains.
>some kind of hot whale cum with more sugar than protein
no looks fine

Eating disorders is eating too much, too little, too picky or too weird foods
Veganism is simply not eating animal products because it harms others and is unnecessary

animals are dumb fucking brainlet creatures who have no capacity to reason and therefore have no rights.

now THAT'S a breakfast. Too bad I can't cook for shit

>retards are dumb fucking brainlet creatures who have no capacity to reason and therefore have no rights.

>dumb fucking brainlet creatures who have no capacity to reason and therefore have no rights
Do retarded people or people in a coma have no rights too?

this was meant for

Looks good but you need to learn how to scramble eggs god damn

humans are the only species that has the capacity to reason. People who are retarded or in comas are outliers but that does not negate the fact that humans have a reasoning capacity that other animals dont

That godawful tile

so are retarded people and downies, why do they deserve life but not animals?

Why aren't you drinking a smoothie every morrow?
>1 banana
>4oz strawberry
>2oz blueberry
>2oz blackberry
>8oz milk
~400 calories

You are fucking autistic you pussy

do u eat on the ground?


Good except needs veggies. Cook peppers with the eggs.

Because lack of mental capabilities doesn't negate humanity. They are still a part of the only specie of intelligent life form that can reason. Rights are derived from our abilities to reason (ever tried reasoning with your dog?) so it should be self evident that animals have no rights

Also I'm not saying they don't deserve life, I'm just saying they have no rights

The Virgin view point
The Chad assertion

>ever tried reasoning with your dog
yes, literally every time she wants a treat she has to behave first
also, that's not the point, the point is whether they have the capacity to suffer


Meatfags are the same cancer that they'll get from all that animal flesh

Is it really so hard to believe someone disagrees with you

operant conditioning is not the same as reason you fucking brainlet

I shake up 5 jumbo eggs and 5oz of heavy cream with stevia and cinnamon the night before, train fasted, well a little cream in iced coffee, shake is like 950, cream in coffee is the 50 extra calories to round a thousand. I just slam that shake after work out then have some fat snacks and a big dinner

>so are retarded people and downies, why do they deserve life
They don't but there isn't anything we can do about it.

Can't imagine the pain of having a retard baby. Your life is instantly over, more so than normal, and they'll never live a normal life. A baby forever.
literally hell on earth

>giving a shit about morals.
>cucking yourself out of eating anything
God you are a numale

>going to Hell for a cheeseburger

Your choice