Is obesity inevitable?

is obesity inevitable?

for the undisciplined dopamine junkies

for americans yeah

No, I can promise you that none of those guys exercise even weekly. They all have almost 100% sedentary lifestyles and they have a couple beers every day.

This is the Belgian minister of health.

at least shes white unlike americant's

>tfw women would rather fuck this than my skinny physique


Statistically yes, it's almost inevitable.

For rednecks, impossible.

you know she halved migrants by half by sending in the police in her first year to break up camps right?

It's funny how Europeans always compare their entire continent to our entire country. Little guys think they have a nation :>

Admirable of her, would vote for her, but still is a good example of fat European. To be honest though she probably got sick of the long lines at kebab huts

She just eat half of them.

when you're a weak willed faggot who eats like shit and doesn't work out yeah. so basically no, but to be fair americans have a harder time because their schedules are fucked and processed foods are so much cheaper and easily available which leads to a vicious cycle of weight gain, low motivation and low energy which is hard to get out of.

Normies are so disgusting.

check your liver health
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver exists

>but to be fair americans have a harder time because their schedules are fucked

And how is that exactly?

Yes. No one has ever not been fat. Every gunna being is fat.

Skinny people are lizard men in people costumes.

No, you can about obesity pretty easily, just don't be retarded when it comes to health and nutrition

Is growing apart from your childhood friends via the natural passage of time inevitable?

>she halved migrants by half


Don't blame women for your inability to get laid. You sound like a salty mgtow faggot when you do.

Flippers guy isn't so bad. He's probably got a couple of kids, doesn't get to work out as much, but he's okay for mid-late 30's

>literally insulting a belgian dude because his english isn't perfect
what a tool

English is the lingua franca of the world. If a Belgian faggot wants to assert his superiority he needs to be able to back it up.

Belgium is not even a real country.
Time to reincorporate back into The Netherlands, Germany and France.

>tallest guy is now the shortest

Not him, but my coworkers are both first generation european immigrants and the work culture is very different over there than here in the states. More vacation time per year, longer holiday breaks (an entire week off for the chistmas holiday is normal), and shorter work weeks on average. The whole 9 to 5, work-a-holic lifestyle is not the norm over there. It's a much more social and relaxed lifestyle

>9 to 5

i make pizzas for a living 50-55 hours a week and my gm thinks i'm lazy

Too many carbs and sedentary lifestyle

>The whole 9 to 5, work-a-holic lifestyle is not the norm over there
tfw I average a 60 hour work week

>tallest kid became a manlet
that sucks

Bitter faggot, stealing people's pictures from facebook. Incel little shit

I work 6:30-5 and the first half an hour and last 2 hours are unpaid overtime

Malnutrition, notice how leaner he always is compared to the others.
>the cure to manletism is being fat throughout your developing years

Not valid for austria and germany

Italians and french are lazy as fuck though

This is pretty heartwarming, wish I had childhood friend's.

This... I had childhood friends, but we are all so vastly different and moved so far away that we don't talk anymore.

>tfw never had childhood friends
>tfw don't have friends now
>tfw never had friends at all
any other eternal loner autists here?

we're something like 30 years away from the singularity iirc, so not really

me too user... me too

Naw she arrested the fit ones for refusing her sexual advances...they dudnt want green cqrd that bad

>mfw fit since i have memory
>friends from highschool and college drank alcohol like crazy
>i never drank
>now in our mid 20´s all of them look like old 30´s years old with beer gut
>mfw i look like young,slim, fit earlies 20s man
feels good man

it's from reddit, they're all brothers

I've had few friends, never a huge circle, just one or two at a time. I have one best friend now, but he is across the country, we talk often though.

t.Low IQ lardass

>belgium is the entirety of europe
amerilard education

Here in canada we have a joke: what do you call a cow with no legs? A crippled american

This. They're suburban dads. All that's expected of them is to have maybe been hot in college when they were dating their wives, and then to just pull down enough money to give the wife a rock, comfortable lifestyle, and marginally justify getting her pregnant on occasion. Intentionally or not, they let themselves go almost immediately.

Why did the minister of health do that? Isn't that someone else's job?

They all got tankass calves. I don't see the problem.

That sounds illegal.

>Intentionally or not, they let themselves go almost immediately.
Normal men lose most of their vanity as other things become more important in their mid-20s, even in plastic fantastic America.


>they're all chubby but he's still thr skinniest

who the fuck has the time nigga


In your autistic fucking dreams kiddo.

get a load of this guy. doesn't even a fucking substance abuse problem. what a fag.

Of course it's not. I think it's pretty scary that people have convinced themselves that it's inevitable.

Not if you supplement Testosterone, my dad beat obesity with roids.

>Isn't that someone else's job
See, this is the problem. Modern Nu-males not taking any responsibility for their world. "Someone else will do it".

Are you white? If yes then it's YOUR FUCKING JOB.

Lots of people in a small space can lead to sickness. It's probably an 'excuse' for her action.


> fat but competent manager of national healthcare system

> fit but incompetent manager.

Your choice

>dopamine junkies

>a chemical released naturally in the brain

Roid-babies are really this insecure?

I think he means people who need the feel good now rather than the discipline of pain now and more feel good later.

slave in denial, everyone

literally Vladimir Harkonnen

What the fuck for? Get a life.

>a chemical released naturally
natural doesn't equal healthy you stupid fuck

>zero effort made to recreate photo.

Im glad they're all going to have a heart attack

How does the minister of health have that authority?

It wasn't that way in the 1950s. For example, search for something like "1950s home videos" on YouTube and find things like this:

www youtube com/watch?v=KQ2SwtkfrJQ

The guy around 0:50-1:20 is perfectly fine. He doesn't have a huge-ass beer gut. Why? He eats roast and potatoes, and doesn't drink a fuckload of high-fructose corn syrup in everything. And he's doing yardwork. AND SMOKING.

Our issue is societal, whether that be mental (e.g. changes in society which make us not care about our health) or physical (e.g. bad food).

Please tell me that is a scarf of some sort and not neck flaps

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>being healthy and active is vain

We don't want you here and you clearly don't want to be here.

Health of nationalism at stake

Wall-E was right.

Yeah but like
If someones's sexually harassing someone, i don't have the authority to send them to counseling or write them up or fire them. That's HR's job, and for me to directly try that shit is reaching beyond my professional influence. Why is the minister of health the one who throws the police at immigrants? Not only is she the only one doing it, she's also not being called out on overextending her influence. What's going on in Belgian politics that allows this to happen? Why is the minister of health doing other people's job?

this nigga thinks he can beat time and gravity


2nd from right doesn't seem obese, so no.

Guessing your immigrant friends are from southern Europe? Europeans are not exactly a homogeneous group

It's not inevitable, but eventually you will stop caring.


they are far from obese, though

Because height equals age

She used to be State Secretary of Asylum, Migration, Social Integration and Poverty Reduction, right now she's Minister of Social Affairs and Health

but is she though?

"As Minister for Immigration in the last Belgian government she was the first politician to make a real dent in the migrant problem, slashing the number of asylum requests by almost half, from 27,000 per year to 15,000.
She was unmoved by hunger-strikes and sent in the police to end them and to ensure that expulsion orders were carried out."

>She was unmoved by hunger-strikes

>one thing excludes the other
Nice try, pal.