>mfw sick of mires.
Mfw sick of mires
I'll take some thx
the next step is doing some of your own mirin.
Mire the sun
Mire the fresh air
Mire a beautiful face or an act of kindness,
Doing the mirin is much more enjoyable, the way people react shows how much they mire you by proxy.
I'm a dyel and got mired last week. I glanced over and saw some girl starring at me, then quickly look away
I LOVE that Samoyed
I want to SQUEEZE him
>mfw no mires
>slowly getting big
>still ugly
>thinning hair
Life is suffering.
This is now a doggo thread
>lift more
>only guys mire me more
last mire was a guy giving me props for doing pull-ups with 25lbs strapped on
i appreciated it
nah she was just looking at how ugly you are bro, not a mire
This is now a mirin thread. Post mires & stories.
OP here.
>at starbucks
>petite girl in front of me
>plays with her hair, turns around, looks at me
>stares longer than normal.
>i look at her and then look at the menu.
>at gym
>girl walks into the cardio zone.
>free treadmills everywhere.
>goes to the one right next to me.
>homosexual starbucks worker guy remembers my name from the last time i visited which was 2 weeks ago.
>knows exactly what i want.
>made me uncomfortable but still counts as a mire i guess.
>catch random females mirin almost everywhere.
>qt 3.14s
>slutty women.
>girl at a random gig turns around and asks me why i am not dancing.
>at a crowded finance conference
>few women
>almost all of them mired at some point
>ask girl if seat is taken.
>spills spaghetti
Either i am delusional af or life has changed.
Pic related is me from 3 months ago.
I am more lean atm. Lost like 5kgs.
You're a real jerk
dyel by Veeky Forums standards but look 10x better than any normie. Good proportions/inserts, a lot of potential.
Keep it up
same here user, it doesn't feel good to be reminded that you're different from everyone else
but if you're doing what you like and progressing on your goals, you don't have to worry about what anyone else thinks of your appearance
OP here.
I know i am dyel by fit standards. But then again idk if i care about what fit thinks.
Also the way i dress has changed which boosted mires.
I wear t shirts that fit me perfectly, not tight but not lose. Also being relatively broader on top helps fill out t shirts in the right places.
Also posture.
>tfw only mom mires
>90% of the mires I get is from grils loving my ridiculously deep voice
>barely ever get any from my gains
Well at least it's something
>tfw she mires
>you go approach
>"I have a bf"
wew lads. More than once. Wtf is rong with them.?
because if someone looks at you doesn't mean they want your d
miring is not looking
when a girl looks at me a lot in da club it means smth.
why do I even bother with you autismos jeez
False. It's actually the animal instinct taking over cognitive thought. You know when it's a glance versus sexual desire, you juat need to read there body language accurately and quickly.
You just need to use the right words and actions to manipluate the situation. Remove the mental barriers that prevent her from being free (guilt, fear, hesitation, etc) and she'll be more willing than ever to have a good time with you. Takes time, pratice and failure, but if you have the looks, attitude and skill, you can fuck anyone.
>tfw school girl mires
>5years of lifting
>no mires
>tfw avoid making eye contact with anyone so I wouldn't know if someone was miren
If you're someone who supposedly gets a lot of mires, but never or rarely get with any women, it's probably a case of delusions. I think, if you think that girls want you, talk to them and find out, don't write long paragraphs about it on the internet.
If she looks away, then that means she is not interested and that she just happened to be looking at you/in your direction, and she looks away to show disinterest. It's the opposite of an IOI, it's called Indication of Disgust.
Do you ever get eye fucked by women? If not, then you're not getting mired.
No, you're not. Your mires are probably as delusional as TRP. If you were actually getting mired on a regular basis, you would be in heaven.
Thick neck with a good physique, low body fat (cutting after bulking), clear skin (sincare routine), and a tan. It makes a huge difference. I believe that most below average looking guys can become at least average. It's quite rare to be full blown ugly with no potential. I believe in you.
Gay guys are a lot more interested in muscles than girls. I noticed gay guys coming on to me when I got fit. If only I was bi, ohh well...
Time to inject.
They're all mirin' you.
>being this insecure
In what way am I insecure? I call people out on their delusions and give people who aren't delusional fucks some advice on how to improve.
I've done a lot of improving myself and I know when girls are actually interested. A girl looking at you doesn't have to mean anything, it can mean anything. It's when she stares at you or looks back at you after looking away that she is interested (doesn't have to be sexual by nature, but usually is). Girls will make it quite clear when they're interested and most girls aren't shy.
Anyway, why would it matter if girls are interested if you never do anything about it? You're just living in the comfort zone. See a girl looking at you for a longer period of time? Go talk to her.
In my case is because of autism.
Just in the last month two girls showed interest in me directly, and I'm still a virgin
>girl from same class goes up to my friend to ask my name
>she thought I was handsome and wanted to talk to me but was too shy
And other one
>girl from the same school added me on facebook
>started talking to me, told me she really wanted to get to know me
>found me "accidentaly" on fb
tfw kissless virgin
Too bad you're not white
That samoyed is cute af
How do you fags cope with eye contact? I've catch at least 4 girls eyeballing me. Of course, I spaguetti horribly.
>If she looks away, then that means she is not interested and that she just happened to be looking at you/in your direction, and she looks away to show disinterest. It's the opposite of an IOI, it's called Indication of Disgust.
>tfw experienced just that at a party last thursday
Mires are generally nice, but they can get annoying. I think I'm starting to get where stuck up bitches are coming from.
When your having a shit day you don't really to socialize especially with since random person who just wants to tell you stuff you already know and giggle/spill their spaghetti.
Sometimes they look away cause they're embarrassed they got caught staring.
Don't stress m8, your gonna make it.
Its not the case, necessarily. Have you ever looked at a girl either unintentionally or miring, realized she noticed, and looked away? It could mean literally nothing, something good, or something bad. All you can do is talk to her and find out.
itt: fit privilege
Mires from genetics don't count.
(you) here. I was a bit harsh. It's not always the case. If she looks back at you when you look away, then she is interested. If she smiles as she looks away, then she is more than likely interested and was embarrassed.
but I've seen this post 2 times before