Have any framelet success stories?

Have any framelet success stories?

pic related is best i could find, nowhere near as bad as me though

he's just using angles to hide his shit frame

not a success

he effectivily looks good. he beat his bad genetics

Am I a framelet?

kek no way to know

you aren't, you can still make it

Is working back going to fix my shitty width?

We can't see your frame under all that fat so not sure

it did wonders for me, but mostly from the back.
front still looks small and unaesthetic

what exactly makes you a framelet?

Nice, was worried.
Above tits has no excess fat, only tits and below has excess fat down to my thighs.

Daily reminder that narrow shoulders pack muscle and wide hips can be compensated for

Am I framelet Veeky Forums?

>tfw you're like 10 different types of -lets

i'm a framelet in every possible way

just gonna stay skinny and go ayy lmao mode

This man made it.

No he didn't

he looks goofy as fuck


People hate hitting next to me, frame too BIG.