How do I make vegetables not taste like shit?

How do I make vegetables not taste like shit?


This should be priority one for scientist.

Melted cheese and ranch dressing.

Use a toilet instead.

Grill broccoli/asparagus in cast iron griddle pan

I love meat as much as the next guy but I honestly think it's harder to make vegetables taste shitty than making them taste delicious.

Learn how to cook. What are you trying to make?

Blend it, add some cheese and pepper, heat in pan untill all meshed together, use the resultant sauce on chicken or other meat.

Hot sauce

Soy sauce

Grilling or pan-searing them with some soy sauce or maybe some salt makes a lot of veggies taste good, but it depends on the veggies. Olive oil or some other fat will do the job too.

stop eating refined sugar and eat vegetables with every meal for a week. the taste will improve.

actually eat them

Quit being a fucking pussy and eat your vegetables, faggot.
>never going to make it

recaptcha: for sale: school

I like to make hummus and dip them in.

Roasting them in the oven is also really tasty.

lemon juice and pepper

This is the answer, vegetables don't taste like shit, your palate has just been drowned in sugar so you can't appreciate their flavour anymore

dubs of truth desu

Stop needing everything to be sweet. Stop needing everything to be drenched in fats.

Break your fatty conditioning and develop actual taste in food.

Learn to cook.

Shop for produce somewhere that isn't shit.

Soy sauce.

Don't listen to any of these faggots. Salt and pepper is all you need.

Are you trying to kill him?

Uncooked - ranch dressing or balsamic vinegar + olive oil

Cooked - cheese or olive oil + salt

maybe you could learn to appreciate vegetables before giving advice on eating them

>all the retard recommending to add fat & salt .
>Not realizing that fat & salt combo is even more addicting than sugar.

He didn't say he wanted to eat healthy, he just wanted to know how to make them taste better. Faggot.

IF you want to eat something you don't like like veggie it's always for health reason , and adding that shit to it is kinda counterproductive

just eat them raw, bitch

If someone is your typical anglosaxon and they can't have water or veggies to make them like both you start them with something easy then you move on to healthier things. Not everybody are able to go full cold Turkey m8.
Btw if you argue further you're literally on the spectrum.

Don't be born in a society were you are force fed processed food in the cradle, fucking up your tastebuds for life.

Most of what you posted don't taste like shit, a lot of them are either carbs or fruit.

The others if nothing else can be cooked and salted. Seriously what is your problem?

Fat is easily skippable but it's a scientific fact, you can't make savory food taste good without salt. Just use the potassium variety and hope it doesn't come out in 15 years that it causes cancer and AIDS.