You must design the perfect male specimen. What are his stats?

You must design the perfect male specimen. What are his stats?

I think being Scandinavian might have something to do with it

Apparently he's also really fuckin smart, got a degree in chemical engineering or something

Vegan first and foremost. No perfect human would ever harm an animal, especially not for pleasure or luxury

the dolphster actually visited my local boxing gym and introduced a match

He has to be alpha as fuck and kill everything he eats

For what?

so the perfect human is also a malnourished dyel, great.

>healthy long living individual

FTFY, meatcuck

>8" penor

The perfect specimen is Batman/Bruce Wayne. So, 6'2 220 lbs

In terms of beauty or power?


In terms of fitness

Like 6'4
Eating clean and never has a cheat day
7% bodyfat with an 8 pack and no gyno whatsoever
has probably ranger levels of fitness but is also around 200Ibs of lean muscle

But we've already created the natty golem of optimal gains

Jack the ripper.

Hey vegans, wanna know why people hate you so much? This, this is why.

What do you and a florida black bass have in common?

You both took the bait

What would your one dick max be?


>225 pounds
>blue eyes dark hair and darkish skin
>8.5 inch penis
>145 iq
I like to day dream about what life would be like to be this perfect

5'11" at 185lbs
His main 4 are 2/3.5/4/6
Of course he's not a balloon animal though, his muscles are very dense
He can run a marathon in just an hour and not even feel it in his legs because his bones are STRONK from all the milk he guzzles
He sits comfortably at 13% bf year round
Also a perfect Aryan specimen

There, I made you the perfect man.

The perfect man would have the P H E N O T Y P E Ashkenazim women crave.

This is the ideal male form. You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Superman is superior at 6'4, 250.

>perfect male specimen
>What are his stats?

Why is height so important?


7'5 400lbs jacked Cis Black male

6'1 is the minimum to be called a man. Anything lower is a man-let

5'11 because that's all you really need
7.5 inch penis
Nice proportions, longer legs
Good at sports
Nice face
Dark hair
160 IQ
Can cook


>Superman is superior at 6'4, 250.

Lol. Yes. It's height that makes Superman superior.

yeah id agree. smaller is better. usually smaller men live longer and make better body builders. look at jay cutler.

you dont ever see striations in anything like that ever in life.

Imagine if superman is a manlet. No villain/woman would take him seriously tbqhfam

so vegeta aint shit

>Imagine if superman is a manlet. No villain/woman would take him seriously tbqhfam

LOL what the fuck's wrong with you? A 4 foot tall superman could put 99% of all vilains into space with a finger flick.

Could still kill Batman in .0001th of a second if he was two feet tall.

You think bitches wouldn't take that seriously?

power doesnt come from height its will power

>tfw you'll never impregnate his daughters

getting a degree in chemical engineering is one thing, but he didn't just get a degree in chem e

he had a Fulbright scholarship to MIT and got his masters in chem E

I'm 6'4 98kgs but I'm not that big. But thanks.

He wouldn't be very super if he was a manlet now would he?

Yes they wouldnt. This is just a fact of life man, learn to deal

it may not seem like it but my stats is the perfect male form


D&D stats?

50 feet tall and several tons

I'm 6'4" 92kg and pretty big, big legs too. You just fat

Should we prevent carniverious animals from eating meat as well?

10 STR
10 INT
10 DEX

>Comparing humans to animals
You might think like an animal, but not everyone is like you


Hemsworth looks like SHIT. He has an extreme halo from his leading roles. If he wasnt an actor women would see him as just another cuck.

>Norwood 2.5
>Blond hair thats going grey
>Forehead wrinkles
>Zero browridge
>No temporal lines
>Horizontally short eyebrows
>Faggot, shallow-set eyes
>Flat mid face
>Cuck nose
>Nasolabial folds
>Poverty skin quality (looks dry and aged)
>Patchy beard growth
>Crap lips
>Narrow, undefined jaw
>Weak chin
>Pencil neck
>Frail frame

So if animals are "lesser savages", why should we treat someone eating them like someone eating a human?

>design the perfect male specimen
The men that were created in the image of God. The Aryan God-Men.


the jelly is strong with this one. why don't you post pics, lardass, and show us what a real ubermensch looks like.

>Veeky Forums autist
>talking shit about Chris Hemsworth

What exactly is special about a Fulbright scholarship?

>analysing males this much
>not being a faggot

why would you switch between imperial and metric?

thats literally me. i got a baby face though and a lil acne

Want some peanut butter with that jelly? What's wrong did the chick letting you have pity sex with her call out Hemsworths name?

It's pretty much Dolph Lundgren isn't it?
>looks like that
>BS in chemistry - Washington state University
>BS in chemical engineering - Royal institute of technology, Stockholm
>MS in chemical engineering - University of Sydney
>Fulbright scholarship recipient - MIT
>Is a movie star
10/10 charisma, int and fitness

6'5 700 lbs ripped. Doesnt need a college degree isnt a cookiecutter porn addict. Can stroll thru any ghetto and fuck all the hoodrats. Has never seen a vagina in his life. Only bangs trannies for natural test boosts. His legion of freaks include big rich, jay masters, viktor, synthol mark and brad. Is jason genovas dad. Is christina broccolini soulmate. Minor health problems from experimenting with military grade steroids and being 140 years old. Could have been in the nfl but that shit is full of lazy steroid abusing porch monkeys. Has done noporn for 50 years. More asthetic than zyzz and more athletic than jj twat. Has never had a cold but can shoot snot rockets at his enemies.

competitive, merit based scholarships

to get one to MIT you have to be cream of the crop

Too short and you won't have enough max body volume to have enough strength unless you want to lose all your mobility. Too tall and you lower your fighting ability since tall people's long limbs and higher center of gravity are actually a hindrance in combat. A medium height, high 5s, gives you enough space to stack on appropriate strength without getting overly bulky as well as gives you the best build for fighting and other manual labors.

>2m tall
>gray eyes
>black hair
>strong jaw line
>good hair line
>perfect teeth
>slayer eyes
>stoic yet laid back at times
>atheist, pagan or christian
>hobbies are lifting, boxing, photography
>4 children, wife listens
>lives past 100
>140 IQ

Don't forget
>beautiful wife
>perfect family

The guy has it all

How do I get neck like that? Srs

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

>broad shoulders
>small hips
>hard manly facial features
>green eyes
>brown hair
>no baldness
>no allergies
>140 IQ. too high of an IQ would make him deppressed
>fast muscle growth and recovery
>good immune system


OP is looking for humans, dingus.

Dark hair
Blue eyes

>tfw all except blue eyes because hapa
fucking recessive blue eye genetics ree

Lol kill urself gook cuck

200 lbs
7.5 inch dong

brown hair
blue eyes
size 11 shoe
17 inch ceps

bench 315
squat 455
dl 500+

>160 IQ
suicide inc

When you think about it, Dolph Lundgren is really the perfect example of a real life Chad, just like in the memes.
>physical peak performance
>flawless physique
>perfect Aryan facial features
>blonde hair that doesn't react to wind
>doesn't even have to try at all in order to be popular or smart, just comes naturally to him

Humans are an animal species, and we are a species that needs meat in order to be healthy and function properly.

clarence kennedy

>20 STR
>16 DEX
>20 CON
>14 INT
>16 WIS
>20 CHA

That's pretty much the minimum.

Okay we get it you're a vegan faggot

probably a britfag

>masters in chem E

I can't even get anything higher than a c average on basic college level math, mfer's smart

7'10, 500lb, 7% boddyfat, 9 inch dick and not too much girth so it fits.

>perfect male

Dolph Lundgren is the perfect male through Veeky Forums's eyes.

Knows and uses metric system, understands old systems like feet yards pints etc but rightfully considers them obsolete
At least 2 m tall, hates manlets
125 kg and

Only true Veeky Forumsizens know the guy in your pic