How many years of roids would I need to achieve something like this if ive been lifting for 6 years?

how many years of roids would I need to achieve something like this if ive been lifting for 6 years?

Post body pic. Lifting for 6 years means different things for different people.

Am I genetically cucked?

You look like someone with good genetics who maybe played sports but never lifted a day in his life. What are your stats?

This is years of roiding.
Your response depends on:
- your source/the actual drugs
- your genes: with regards to both your growth and side effects
- your ability to tolerate side effects (both mental and physiological tolerance)
- your diet

Furthermore there's good reasons to not immediately run the 5 or so compounds this guy is probably using straight away, you have to gradually increase and experiment. This alone takes months.

Training matters little as long as you fatigue each muscle regularly and don't injure yourself by ego lifting.

So there is no real way to give an accurate timespan but at least a few years.

My bests are

B : 325
S : 445
D : 495

Good info. What compounds specifically do you think this guy is running and at what dosages ?

>makes your body look uglier
>causes cataracts
>high blood pressure
>creates a dependence on the drug

Why do people take roids?

>causes cataracts

Not him but tren, deca, mast, drol are probably used on top of a test base. Depends if he's off season or show prep. Deca and drol for making good gains. Mast, tren, nan are good for slimming/recomp. EQ probably in there too.

That's opinion
Maybe if you abuse dnp on low cal without watching micros
>high bp
Easily manageable
Cruising minimal test to maintain gains isn't much of a dependency.

>never lifted a day in his life
No need for hyperbole. U look good OP

ya boy is most likely training solely for aesthetics and not for functional strength, rendering him completely useless in any sport that requires fast movement. that means high reps with low weight. (Schwarzkopf lifted no less than 30 reps with 50% his 1rm)

also avoid full range of motion at all costs, 1/4 rep should be the most motion you use for maximum aesthetics and minimum functional strength

are u srs? OPs pic is chris bumstead, hes literally an ox. strong as fuck

Where the fuck did all these trip fags come from?

They're the retards that shitpost bad info all over Veeky Forums

True shit, met him a few times, guys a literal gentle giant

Training history? Height and weight? Goal body

i used to lift for football now just lift as hobby, and im 6'3 210

It's from DNP usage. Lots of thermogenics can cause cataracts since your eyes overheat and don't have a chance to cool down since you're on for too long.

If you don't mind me asking, what did you do for football? Did you have a specific routine?

t. 6'7 dyel former basketball player

yeah we pretty much did something similar to SS. Pretty much just linear progression routine, did main lifts pressing/squat/dead/cleans twice a week with rep ranges around 5-8 and threw in some minimal functional accessory work like box jumps, pullups, rows, etc.

Thats Chris Bumstead who just got 2nd in Classic and is a genetic freak(besides biceps) - so a while. He's like 22 though