If he couldn't make it, what makes any of you think you can make it? Just give up. Might as well enjoy yourselves

If he couldn't make it, what makes any of you think you can make it? Just give up. Might as well enjoy yourselves.

Pick up that fork.

the moment you decide to start roiding, is the moment you leave the "making it" part and join the "I am too stupid for this world and I should kill myself" part.

it's no wonder he looked like a literal frog, life had to remove him to avoid spreading his shitty genes to next generations.

You seriously think he was fertile?

Rich hasn't been fertile since 1992

>those fucking big anime eyes

リッチー君 かわいい ウグウ~

>implying he didn't leave humanity behind and ascend to the great gym in the sky

That IS making it

Making it was never about becoming some freak. Non-natty bodybuilders are mentally ill and what they are doing to themselves is akin to mutilation.
There's no good reason to go past your natty limit.

>tfw not gonna make it

>There's no good reason to go past your natty limit.
>posts guy above his natty limit with the perfect body and that roided to get his results

>implying OCB was natty.
Wew lad

Because i'm alive,that gives me the potential to be better than him.

"Sare Ice Queen" Fitting name. She was cold as ice and played rich. Bitch

Rich was making money, huge as fuck and fucking all kinds of hot bitches. He made it. The problem is he couldn't stop making it and settle down

I know right
All we can do is dream unless you want to jump on tren.
Considering it after I hit 35

Can't eat my chicken and broccoli with a spoon, can I? checkmate hedonists

>Was admired across the web for his charismatic and magnetic personality
>nailed hot girls
>died in middle age before his body could start to deteriorate and grow feeble
explain to me how he didn't make it

His women were indirect prostitutes

Unfortunately I don't know who you are or where you live, but all I can do is hope, OP, that faggots like you will die a slow painful death like they deserve.

They all are, mate.

Fuck Arnold and fuck Ronnie too, huh?

not sure if a low amount of test is really all that bad for you as long as you dont go overboard.


I lol'd pretty hard

Ronnie definitely had a kid after his career was over. Lots of bodybuilders have kids during their career