How the fuck do I get rid of this damn acne? Or whatever the fuck it is? What do you recommend...

How the fuck do I get rid of this damn acne? Or whatever the fuck it is? What do you recommend? I've had it for at least 5 years or so and I fucking hate it and want it gone.


Wash your face and take Zinc caps

You look like a mouth breather

a suntan helped me and my acne

Go to a dermatologist.


Don't touch your face, wash face regularly, wash pillowcase regularly, don't touch your fucking face, use face cleaning wipes/pads. Be persistent and see results in 2-3 weeks

Actually don't wash your face too often as it could dry it out, but do it regularly

Here's what worked for me, wish I had figured this out in highschool. Get a rough cloth and Clean & Clear morning burst. In the shower, lather the morning burst on your face, then, with the damp rough cloth, scrub HARD for several minutes.

This will exfoliate your skin and get all the shitty bacteria out while unclogging dem pores. Scrub hard enough that it hurts a bit. If some of the pimples bleed that's alright, they will heal fine as long as they are clean.

Anyway, do this once in the morning in and once at night. You need to make it hurt every time, you're building tougher skin on your face which will make the acne disappear.

Know why we don't get pimples on our feet? It's cause the skin there is like a damn inch thick. You need to toughen your face skin to about the same at your forearm.

Don't listen to fucks on Reddit that say you need to lotion and take care of your delicate skin. They don't know shit. Day laborers don't get fucking pussy acne cause they work out in the hot sun and freezing cold every damned day, not like us middle class folk. Gotta get artificial abrasion on that bitch.

Actually never breath through my mouth. Tongue also rests against the roof of my mouth naturally. Teeth always closed.

This is great bait/worst advice ever. Very impressive.

It's the truth fag. Take it or leave it.

Won't this damage the skin?

No Healthcare cuz lol middle class.

Sounds good.

Instead of human soap, use Dawn Dish soap instead. I used to have a pizze face too, in fact it scarred my face. I stopped using human soap and started showering with only dawn dish soap. Ive been using it for about 2 years now and it has completely destroyed any acne I've had.

I'm on that antibiotics and Differin, seems to be working reasonably well after a month. Best skin since I can remember

Was suspicious at first but apparently it works. How long before you saw real results?

Depends on the person, for me a week or so cleared my back-ne up pretty good to no white heads at all, my face followed soon after. My gf on the other hand who had way worse acne then me due to her birth control, took a month or so to get her face mostly clear.

Go see a dermatologist and get on accutane.

shave, pat your face when you dry it don't rub it, drink only water.

I went to a skin doctor and he gave me pills that completely removed every acne for life.

Would reccommend. If you are poor as fuck, just save up for it. It is worth it.

If you're determined to not visit doctor, try benzoyl peroxide. Or azelaic acid may be prescription free where you live. Both are known to be effective. Also AHA skin peel may be worth a try. You have to use these products consistently for a month or two before seeing any improvement.

shave daily


Or buy it on blackmarket.
Accutane is the only thing that will help you.
Trust me, wish someone told me about accutane earlier..

OP LISTEN TO ME. I had it worse than you. I'll start digging for pics. YOU NEED ACCUTANE. I tried literally ever fucking thingbin this thread and about a million other things, nothing works and half the shit ends up making it worse. Get on accutane asap, shit sucks for a couple months but holy fuck it works well. I had cysts like a motherfucker but now I'm completely clear, have a lot of scarring but I'm getting laser treatments to remove it. Get on accutane. Fuck what everyone says about it destroying your joints/eyesight/giving you chrones. I made the best gains of my life while on it, my lower back was a little sore from time to time but that's it. Get to a derm asap and nuke that shit, future you will thank me

As far as money goes i have shit healthcare too, cost me 90 bucks a month. 6 months. Best money I've ever spent. People look at you so different after you don't look like a fucking leper

Listen to this man OP. Had the same treatment for my backne years ago. Before i got that medication i fucked myself over washing it too much wich made it worse.
Fucking scars are to stay tho

Me again op, here's my before pic

And here's my after. The sooner you hop on the better. If you decide to go black market, 40 mg twice a day nuked it out of me. Honestly you'd probably be fine with 20 twice a day but my derm wanted to hit it hard

This OP. Seriously, accutane is worth it. It mostly cleared it for me, then once I cut dairy out of my diet it's gone completely.

Dairy is huge too, I was drinking a couple gallons of milk a week even into my accutane treatment, about 3 months in I cut it and it made a huge difference.

You seem really pale , trust me op , at worst you'll lose maybe 20 € and it'll be food anyway so it's not even lost money .
Eat a fucktons of protivamin A containing food , so mainly tons of carrots & sweet potatoes ( those should be your carbs staple , replace your grains with them ).
It'l make your skin be way healthier & stronger , I noticed that my acne got worse when I didn't have lots of Provitamin A in my diet and my skin also become flaky and pale , but as soon as I reintroduce then in large quantity it always fix itself in a mater of days , skin glow more , acne disappear , ,no more flake / oil .

Sweet potatoes & carrots , they are the best & easiest to eat sources

I got meh back acne on my lats but fuck taking accutane for it I'd rather get sunburnt once in a month.

Also accutane's side effect are really close to vitamin a hypervitaminosis ( too much vitamin A), and it's advised to stay away from vitamin A supplement during accutane .

Isotretinoin ( the active molecule of accutane ) is part of the Retinoid ( Vitamin A ) family .

Before you hop on Accutane you should try eatings tons of Vitamin A for a week or two , i'm 95% sure it'll greatly help .

fucking hell... shave your face to start off. Looks disgusting

shave you fuck

I use witch hazel at night as toner after washing my face then rub hydrocortisone cream on my acne areas and it clears up super fast. In the morning I put aloe vera gel on my face. Face is beginning to look really good desu, just need a new haircut and a tan

here's my guide on how to clear up cystic/hormonal acne without accutane or going to the doctor. also good if you're poor or don't want to spend too much money.

>cerave foaming cleanser
it's like 7 dollars at cvs. use it 2x day morning and night. it's non-comeodogenic and mostly hypoallergenic if you're not allergic to really weird shit.

>retinoid cream
your doctor can prescribe it or you can buy it otc (also at cvs), get around 1% which is the highest otc dose. you'll go through a 2-4 week period of "purging" due to higher skin cell turnover rate, where your acne will seem to get worse. KEEP USING IT. it will get dramatically better in my experience, and as long as you keep using it acne won't come back. make sure to use it 1xday every night before bed, after washing your face

you HAVE to use moisturizer even if you have oily/skin acne. no exceptions, it will make your acne worse if your skin dries out (esp. with the retinoid cream). find a good light oil-free one and use it, I like cerave moisturizing lotion. don't get the ones marketed for acne, they usually have salicylic acid/benzoyl peroxide and will dry your skin out without helping acne.

other optional recommendations:
>azelaic acid
does wonders for acne scars and redness, which retinoid creams don't always cure. best to start using after the "purging period" of retinoid has already passed, use 1x at night after retinoid and before moisturizer

>vitamin c/ascorbic acid
good for acne and skin complexion, basically a retinoid booster. use 1xday in the morning with a clean face

then by moisturizer with no oils and salicylic acid so you dont dry out

>Clean & Clear

this worked for me too. and this is probably the most important

>Don't touch your face

and changing pillow case. if you have to, use only one pillow, put a new towel on it every other night (turn it over after a day), and learn to sleep square on your back (which is what you should do with your shoulders off the pillow and only your neck and back of your head supported by the pillow). also for scars i found that scrubbing twice a day with clippings from a live aloe plant helped tremendously. just go to a florist and buy a large allow plant ($10-15). you can clip small portions (like .25-.5" pieces) and use that to scrub the fruit and green skin of the aloe on your scars

I can't live without dairy. I cut out the whey stuff tho. Are there whey shakes I can consume that don't irritate my face?

I was desperate af. Took 180mg accutane a day and it's gone now but my face gets more oily when I eat too much cheese

try hemp whey

visit lookism

dont listen to these retards

this,it literally changed my life,she gave some anti bacteria pills or something and a gel to put on before going to sleep.
went from 4 o 5 pimples daily to baby skin,if i can afford it in my third world country,so can you.

Fuck me, I didn't come to this thread for a boner but here we are