Face Improvement General

Modern Humans have largely developed improperly. Posture issues are present throughout the body, and most obvious in poor facial/cranial development. Pre-agricultural humans all had robust, excellently developed skulls with near perfect teeth and beautiful faces. Nobody has ugly genetics, but soft foods and improper posture has resulted in sunken maxillary bones, down-grown jaws, poor cheekbones, and terrible spine alignment.

You can correct this and develop into a beautiful healthy human. All males have Chad potential, all females can be Stacy.

Before and after pictures/stories:

How to have correct tongue posture:
youtube.com/watch?v=Y6h3-wsqLNA part 1
youtube.com/watch?v=d2GV5PpssX4 part 2
youtube.com/watch?v=3yl-QliS2jk part 3

Many Anons here are contributing their own stories and saying that they have seem the jawline increases as well. #1 most immediate benefit is increased nasal breathing capacity. Often times the buccinator muscle (cheek) is also over-stimulated with an incorrect breathing/swallow pattern, leading to chubby cheeks

The entirety of Human fitness is based around proper alignment and posture of the skeletal and muscular systems. If this isn't corrected, everything else will be either sub-optimal or falling apart. Help eachother out and post your results.

Other urls found in this thread:


One result from orthotropics

The neckpill, which should have developed with proper posture/activity but hasn't in most people

Palate expansion (achieveable with tongue posture) result 1

And the result of palate expansion in a woman.

Between getting fitted for my palate expander and receiving it, I mewed hard for a month. When I finally got it and put it in, it was loose. I had to expand 2mm before it fit - so mewing alone expanded me 2mm in one month

Seriously? 2mm a month?

That's a cm in 5 months. Does your face look different?

Why don't you just keep mewing instead of the expander? I feel like it's working for me but I can't confirm

So if I combine neck exercise with palate expansion do you gaurantee I'll be chad in 6 months OP?

How do I stop sleeping with an open mouth?

Im having my arch expanded by a doctor who has worked closely with John mew and has known mike since he was a little lad.
Ive had a lot of interesting conversations with him. One thing i brought up to him is neck posture. I said to him that if I keep my neck held up straight (difficult for chinlets like me because then my jaw pushes into my airway) i notice that my jaw pushes outwards. He said neck posture is very important during your developing years because it decides the resting position of your jaw. If you have forward head during your early years, the constant force pulling your jaw back makes a difference.
Ive been working on fixing my forward head, and idk if its placebo but ive noticed if i wake up at night, my mouth isn't open.
Apparently fixing your neck musculature can seriously help sleep apnea and breathing problems.

Yeah I look different. I could just keep mewing but I already have the expander so I'm going to max it out at 1mm expansion per week and then go back to mewing. Within 2 months my face should be a cm wider and my cheekbones should each be out about 5mm further. I'm very exited

You'll be at least 1-2 points better looking. Also fat loss, ~10% bodyfat max

having just dropped in at random from another board-
this appears to be bonkers. is this a real thing? tongue posture? can you give me tl;dr on tongue posture?

Nigger this is equivalent to fucking peruvian juju beans that help women lose weight. Its absolute bullshit that preys on your insecurity. Dont be a woman bro. Use your brain.

You're just one of those faggots that needs everything completely laid out on the table and conclusively proven to you because you lack the brain to actually think creatively or out of the box
Jaw pushes up, tongue is on the Jaw pushing the rest of the maxilla up and forward. If the tongue/jaw stays down and back, the skull grows down and back

Based Mew.

No doubt that everything that makes someone look good is connected. Looking good = having proper development

I have come here to post about the gains I have been making by mewing!

I had braces and 4 bicuspids extracted when I was young and it destroyed all my jaw gains, especially on the right side. Maxilla does not give proper support to eyes (evident by the white underneath my pupils) and nose was prominent and not straight. WEAK CHIN (especially as seen from the right side)

However, after six months of mewing I the maxilla has seem to move slightly forward, somewhat straightening the nose and increasing nasal capacity (c''mon Cohagen, give these people AIR!)

I still have a weak chin, but I''m gonna keep going! Keep your mouth shut and breathing through your nose is healthier anyways ( Have had significantly less colds recently)

Make sure you dont have congestion. Mouth will open if theres even a bit of blockage because it always tajes the easiest path

> Maxilla does not give proper support to eyes (evident by the white underneath my pupils)

This is killing me, because I think by the amount of white I have under my eye that I need like a full cm+ of up and forward movement to get to my proper face

What do you mean by the amount of white under your eye?

Do you moutbreathe at night and during the day?

Bottom is what a human should have while face muscles are completely relaxed. Top is what I have, indicating that my maxilla (which is what is under the eye) is too far down/back from where it should be.

The white of the eyes shouldn't show above or below the iris much, at complete rest the eyelids should overlap the iris top and bottom

Am I okay or?

Been Mewing for about 2 months

Yep that's about normal. Less is better though, notice how absolute slayers always have very little eyeball showing


I was skeptical about mewing for a while, but I want to give it a try. My face always looks way fatter than people with similar body fat %. I noticed my chewing is ridiculous. I basically stuff my mouth until my cheeks are bulging out while I chew.

Did the attention you get from the opposite sex increase?

How does one mew? Never quite understood it

Would any of this help me get hallow looking cheeks? Pic related

>Suck the middle/back of your tongue up to your palate, like if you had bun stuck on your palate
>Breathe with nose
>Welcom to a Mew World

And how should I bite /close my mouth? With incisives or molars touching?

Yeah, it pushes the cheekbones further out and forward

Oh shit I had no idea. I thought I was developing a thousand yard stare or something

Barely touching, keep them separated avec your tongue

Thanks. It's going to be hqrd for the first few days at least, I suppose it's going to get easier with practice, right?

i dont understand what this guy is telling me to do... Can someone sketch something out in ms paint quickly? All im getting is Suck, suck, suck your tounge, mmm yess suction with your tounge.

It's supposed to be subconscious, which takes time to train. All posture is like that, but getting that back 2/3 of the tongue up there is the thing that triggers subconsciously keeping the posture
Spread your tongue completely flat on the roof of your mouth all the way from behind the front teeth to in-between your rear wisdom teeth. As far back as you can get the tongue flat against the roof of the mouth and pushing up and forward, do it. Basically almost to the point of gagging/snoring.

If your tongue doesn't fit flat between the teeth though, you need to expand that space

What about chewing

Two other forums where people are talking about results and methods:



Also lookism but they're useless

Next OP should have a better image, I'm having trouble seeing this one in the crowd. Any suggestions?

The explanation on to do this shit is fucking atrocious

he can only explain proper posture, telling someone how to hold their tongue is hard

Builds masseter muscle, but will only move the maxilla if you have tongue strength

4 months, +1/5 points. not bad. Anyone ever try an ALF or expander?

that's you user?

Even if mewing did not change your bone structure it should still be done because you will look like a retard if you have your mouth open. The moment I put my tongue on the roof my nose instantly becomes easier to breathe through. It also pushes the side of the cheeks up a bit which makes my jaw look a bit better.

MEWing is good, just be careful about chewing too much gum that could actually fuck up your jaw. There is nothing bad about putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

I am 23 years old and have been mewing for 1 year and have a more defined jaw from the front. From the side it's still a bit recessed so I might go for braces. Have to see what the dentist tells me next week.

I have been getting better and better hook ups on Tinder, but I cannot say if this due to jaw gains. I use pictures on Tinder that hide my weak chin. Because of that I was twice able to meet up with a serious 8/10 blonde cutiepie, but sadly it didnt get to a second date. That however was a few months ago. I need to update my photos.

Pro tip: always mew when taking a photo, it instantly increases jaw definition!

Dont know about the jaw benefits (already good looking enough) but mewing has been amazing for my breathing

Havent had blocked nose or congestion a single day since I started mewing

I dont even do it hard. Its become second nature now

Do it for the breathing alone

so how do i do this shit

do i actively make pressure with my tongue on the roof of my mouth or just let it rest

cuz that's how i normally breathe and i have a weak face

also used to chew on tons of shit nonstop as a kid

Your health will improve with less congestion too. Image what having like 40% of your oxygen supply restricted is doing to your body

Aghhh, same problem with me. I have breathing problems through my nose (can't fix them as they are allergic, have literally tried everything) but I can and breathe with my nose in the daytime if I concentrate on it, although it does not come naturally. The problem is that in the night time I always wake up with my mouth fully opened, even after almost a year now of mewing and even chewing gum for the last 2 months, really don't know what possibly I could do for that...:( Btw, I've had some nice progress, but I think that breathing through my nose at night would be very beneficial, as the musles grow at nighttime


so desperate I might actually try smth similar

You guys need palate expansion. There's so little space in your mouth for your tongue that it falls back into the airway, and your body opens your mouth and makes you mouth breath at night so that you don't suffocate

This shit will fuck you up guys, expand that palate. Some people said mewing alone can do it, but you could always just get it expanded with a device.

In your cases it should also make you look different

Yeah, I feel what you are saying, I definitely get the sense that there is not enough space for my tongue in the mouth (I was a mouthbreather all my childhood). So, is palate expansion something that regular dentists do or should I go to some kind of a special doctor?


I got mine expanded as a teen, as part of my braces treatment.

But due to money and stupidity I never got my bottom teeth aligned, and I never wore my retainer.

Good night sweet palate gains. Hello dental bills from redoing it in your twenties.

If you'd like to save a few thousand dollars

This chick reviewed it and found an issue, but even if you have to buy 3-4 over the course of treatment it'll still be thousands less than having a dentist do it


Thanks dude, I will definitely check with the doctor, although I am thinking of getting a jaw surgery in the long run, since all of this can help you get only minimal - mediocre gains.

I just have one question. When you collect the saliva to swallow, should you leave the tip of the tongue on the front pallate and gather the saliva with the posterior part of the tongue? Or just pull the tongue back and gather the saliva and then locking it with the front tongue making that "bag" of liquid with the posterior part and then swallow.

Hopefully someone understood and can help me.


Trying Mewing for a bit now, still not sure if I'm doing it right, want to be 100% sure.

Am I supposed to just keep my tongue on the roof of the mouth? Or do I apply force throughout the day, or do I apply a lot of force a couple of times a day?
Also for the proper swallowing technique... I am able to swallow saliva/food/drink doing the proper method Mew shows in the video, meaning just using your tongue pushing against the palette, but I still use my lips/mouth to like.. suck up some food/saliva/drink to the back of my mouth to be able to swallow it, is that fine? Or am I doing this wrong.

normally, how i should keep my teeth aligned when my mouth is closed? my up and down teeth are aligned, should one part stay further?

also how about chewing, when i chew there is an overbite, is that normal? or should your teeth be aligned smoothly?

what exactly pushing my tongue against the upper wall of my mouth develops and how it affects my face? many thanks!

That's just how the body is supposed to work my dude. Slow change over time

100% it can correct itself fully

How do I fix this stupid fat on my neck/chin. Is Kybella my only hope? I'm not even fat, I've had this even when I was 140lb at 5'11". Wtf do I do?

I honestly can't tell if this thread is a joke or not.

It's not a joke.

Correct your tongue posture. I am a skelly and still had that little bit of fat under my chin. If you don't put your tongue against the roof of the mouth the rest of your tongue will rest on the bottom of your mouth.

This LOOKS like the sketchiest fuckin' scientology broest science in the world. Is there more than just those 3 youtube videos?

I'm always interested and I think posture in general is important (I put work into the shoulders back and so forth basic body posture stuff) but haven't haven't about this until right now.

To a point I'm genuinely wondering if ya'll are joking and I'm about to fall for some shit.

mew like your life depended on it user. I've been doing for 3 months now and my cheeks are fairly hollower, my masters are bigger and i have gone from a 6 to a 7.

Would also like to know this. Watched the videos and read all this stuff, but it's hard to tell if I"m doing it correctly. Don't wanna do it wrong for 6 motnhs.

How do I learn to "mew" is it just this "press your tongue to the roof of your mouth" thing? Is there more info? I don't dismiss things without learning about 'em first.

Show a fucking picture with CLEAR AND SIMPLE TERMS of how to do these exercises you faggots.

What possible disadvantage could mewing have? Where I'm at is this: if mewing causes my face to change in a positive way, fantastic. Otherwise I'll do it anyway because it feels better and noticeably improves my breathing. Why the fuck would I not do it?

Everyone autistically trying to get this textbook ready proven before trying it are retards. If braces shape your mouth through constant pressure, and the tongue applies more pressure than braces, then there's a good chance there's something to this mewing shit. The human body is more malleable than most of us think, and hardcore scientific "proof" means you would need medical scientists who give enough of a shit about this to get studies organized, funded, and analyzed, and that could take fucking years if it ever happens at all. Just fucking mew. If all you get out of it is breathing better its still a goddamn deal, all you have to do is hold your tongue in a different spot.

I don't require hardcore peer reviewed proof. I just need more information than I see in this thread. Is there a big infographic or a site to look at? Something with more deetz.

Are you actively pushing with your tongue? Or just holding it in place?

this desu

Most complete source of info with a lot more background into the logic behind it

yeh look up a few videos. its all about getting the back of the tongue on the roof, not the front. so you do this by suctioning the back of the tongue onto the roof. try smile really widely, pull your eyebrows up so you look like a clown, then swallow and you will feel the tongue press up against the roof of your mouth. hold that position there, it should be sort of suctioned to the top and you should feel that your mouth is a bit suctioned. hold that. and swallow when it loosens so the suction is strengthened and the tongue stays up there. this was feel odd for a few days, then it becomes natural and automatic i promise. you can adjust to what feels better over time, but as long as the back third of the tongue stays on the roof.

hope that helped.

Bruh the one thing in the world that makes me freak out is feeling like my throat is blocked. this shit is horrifying to me. But I'll check it out.

it shouldn't feel like that, because you should still be able to breath through your nose. if you can't do that you are obviously pushing too far. and don't worry bro, i felt awkward for the first few days as well, but i got used to it very fast and it becomes automatic eventually

Holy shit this is hard to maintain. Here I was focusing on getting the front on top. Thanks for the help.

yep its tricky for a few days, then becomes natural. from of the tongue is less important, its pressure from the back that makes all the difference.

When I do get the back of the tongue up there, it falls back off when I have to swallow due to saliva build up, is that normal or am I doing something wrong?

Also, which videos would you recommend? I've watched all the Mike Mew videos and understand what he's saying, but none of them really describe the technique well enough.

completely normal. just sweep the saliva up with your tongue and swallow it. when you swallow the tongue should return to suction. keep swallowing when there is build up. you want to swallow a few times a minute.

This was the video that made me a believer. its long, but if you get through it you will never forget mewing.

these are very comfy and describe the suction thing i was discussing.

this is about the push swallow, which involves using your tongue to swallow rather than sucking on your teeth. sucking on your teeth is how many people incorrectly swallow based on suckling patterns as a child. this puffs out your cheeks. tongue swallowing will hollow our your cheeks and make you aesthetic af.

first focus on keeping your mouth shut lips together and tongue on the roof of your mouth, then when that becomes natural get into tongue swallowing.

good luck friend. you will have nicer jaw soon

How long should you be doing this daily?

ideally whenever you are not talking or eating.
off it won't be that way when you start, just make sure you do it when you remember.eventually your tongue and brain will readjust so that becomes your natural position

I think actively pushing is what's referred to as "mewing hard", that's what I try and do. Just holding it there seems to work as well but I like to push to try and apply more force. Sounds autistic but it makes me feel a bit "manlier" and more confident too, I feel the force against my cheekbones and jaw and it feels like they're sticking out, so my image of myself is of a handsome man, if that makes sense.

Also by "pushing" I mean more using the suction force. I also push a bit with my tongue but mostly I just increase the suction of the tongue against the roof of my mouth until I can feel it against the back of my cheekbones.

What is mewing?

you can push too, but you obviously can't maintain it for long stretches. i push hard a few times a day for a few minutes at a time.

How the fuck do I get rid of bags under my eyes? I look like I want to kill myself every second of the day.

No that's not a real answer, sucking your fucking tounge to the roof of your mouth is not a natural position.

Should you be aiming for 20 min a day? 10? 5?

Love reading the middle-aged people's comments lol

They disappear for me after a few days of nofap. Also meditation and you could try pic related

lol you ugly fucks will do/believe anything
we can't all be attractive, some people have to be the cucks.

Should top and bottom front teeth be at the same level?

I also have this, I usually get rid of them by drinking more water, it actually works.

Worst case I use a little bit of fake tan on my face.

How come these threads are always full of people claiming they made great progress mewing, but not a single one of you ever posts progress pictures?

Get more sleep cockhead.

Because it's an anonymous board and no cunt wants to be doxxed by some immature fuck head.

How are you gonna get doxxed if you just show a picture of your jaw? Literally impossible to recognize a person like that.

Well post your jaw mate if it's so bloody important. Christ.

Get more sleep, drink more water, dermarolling. Lots of options for this.