>9000 calories

How the fuck do you stick to a quarter of this?

by only eating the protons

What do you do with the electrons and neutrons?

Genuinely serious question btw. You can't eek three satisfying meals out of 2500 calories.

Yes you can, fat boy. Eat your veggies.

fpbp, stop eating such calorie-dense foods

By eating veggies, lean meats and drinking loads of water.

Jesus christ ready the sticky or something.

Only eat 2 satisfying meals than.

Don't continue eating until you feel full you stupid lardass. Eat a regular serving and just wait 10 minutes, and you'll feel full

Don't call me that

If you are having trouble satisfying yourself with 2500 you are either

1.) Eating literal shit
2.) Have shit hormonal balance due to poor eating habits

The answer to both is to change what you eat, fat boy. Feeling a little bit hungry isn't going to kill you.

Then don't complain about having to eat "only" 1/4th of a 3 foot wide platter of food

By the power of will

What foods should I avoid / incorporate? A sandwich and a soda is like 700 calories and that only fills me up for an hour.

Drink tea or black coffee instead of soda. Make your own sandwiches; don't eat Subway or JJ or potbelly.


True, if -

Your TDEE is that high or higher(mine is probably around 3500, work construction, of I'm not care I can EASILY put away 5000 a day)

You lift crazy heavy and don't get enough protien

You are not getting enough fiber/H2O

Patently untrue.

fuck off my g I'm on 1500 a day rn

Don't drink soda or juice or any other high sugar beverage.
