Veeky Forumsaly here, how do I improve my Roman genes? I got a wide back with skinny ass arms...

Veeky Forumsaly here, how do I improve my Roman genes? I got a wide back with skinny ass arms, but when I work out it feels like Im building a box. I want that Bruce Lee/Charls Carrol vascularity tho. Show me the way of the autistic Veeky Forums

>roman genes
Do you have the small benis too?

you look like a moor rape baby. Nothing Roman about you.

This is probably what an average Roman looked like. People just like to imagine them as beautiful statuesque aryan people, but really the average citizen was sort of awkward looking and tan to varying extents

Please do post a pic of trve roman

You look mildly retarded, so get some roids like Jason Genova.

>tfw Priapus

Jason looks like pure retard strength funneled into one man

I have no idea what you're asking for, but do lateral raises, bench, rows, and pullups like your life depends on it

Thank you, that was just what I was looking for

Studying abroad there soon. Are people strong? I was in rome for a week last year and most people seemed like soccer twigs.

>I got a wide back
>Look at picture

Id say 50/50 or rather alpha/beta, there are a lot of twink faggots in italy, but anything south of Rome is stronk

Well fuck, my dad was proud of his genetics and always boasted about that, we used to break every gym we hit, but I havent done much since he was murdered in January, its boring now without him

It might be that your arms are in the way, post a clear picture to get a fair judgement.



how bad is the muslim problem over there?
Where in Italy are you?

>skinnyfat arabs

They are also really inbred and low IQ once you go south of rome

you mean Roma?


Thank God I look nothing like that

Hes implying im a gypsy , we call them Roma ( as in Romania)

Modern Italians do not have Roman genes. Romans left Italy long before modern Italy existed. All of the alpha males of Europe left the continent during the days of imperialism anyway.

What do you mean how bad? In terms of volume, last year we got thousands of refugees coming in from the Mediterranean, but most of them get confronted by racist southern italians and they flee north to Germania or Sweden. The few that remain usually make riots or just trouble in the town.
But this isnt CNN, ive met various Muslims that have assimilated and are fully national, if we ignore their skin and religion

Oh I see, I wanna know more, where did the TRVE ROMANS go? Who is the closest genetic cousin to Romans in modern day if not italians?

>if we ignore their skin and religion

Yeah, I'm sure that will never present any issue whatsoever. Italy doesn't have a history of conflict with muslims and brown hordes that spans millennia.

Not wide, sorry m8.

It's been thousands of years so there really isn't anyone close to the Romans. Historians will tell you that Americans are the closest to Romans because the strongest men of Europe went to America.

>The strongest men of europe went to america

But they didn't

Gonna be in florence so lit

I want /pol/ to leave.
I bet you think G.Julius Caesar had honey colored hair too. Fuck off.