Should I stop alcohol completely?

I used to be extremely fit, and now after stopping alcohol (I used to be lightly drunk all day everyday for 4 months), I am extremely tired.
Just spending more than 1 hour a day on my feet is extremely hard. I cannot focus either, not enough to read something for 10 minutes.
I've read that this state is normal when stopping a long term alcohol consumption, and can last for up to 3 weeks.

My question is: is it very important to stop alcohol completely or can I continue drinking verh lightly (maximum 2 beers) before going to sleep (helps me a lot to fall asleep), regarding the duration of the tired state?

Other urls found in this thread:

>lightly drunk
>all day

You have a problem user. You should probably stop forever.

Stop it completly. Alcohol is trash.

>Should I stop alcohol completely?
If you care about your overall health and gains and cannot actually control your drinking - sure. Some people who have issues with drinking can't allow themselves to drink socially anyway.

>I've read that this state is normal when stopping a long term alcohol consumption
Yes. It's just regular withdrawal.

>can I continue drinking very lightly
That's the question. Can you control it? Chances are you can't.

>helps me a lot to fall asleep
Get some melatonin pills instead, or antihistamines. There are many better options for falling asleep that won't have the same negative effects for you.

Now I want to drink some absinthe, thanks

>before going to sleep (helps me a lot to fall asleep
it will never stop and maybe get worse if you keep drinking for this purpose.

Hops are phytoestrogenic and alcohol inhibits protein synthesis, dehydrates you, and is all-around terrible for any bodily tissue it comes into contact with.

I'll skip over the advice for now and shoot straight to the point where your on Veeky Forums asking for life altering insight. If this is where you feel the need to come for help then you're not gonna stop, so why even bother.

Alcohol is literal poison. Two beers a day isn't light drinking, your body stops everything to metabolize it and get it our of your system. That means all the energy and nutrients that should be going to your muscles and bodily functions is being spent on ridding your body of poison. Drinking once every couple of months is "light drinking" you are/were a functional drunk, which is one step below an alcoholic.

For you specifically, it's very important you stop drinking.

Thanks to all for your answers.
I completely stopped lifting and cardio since drinking a lot (it became too hard), but I don't have a real addiction nevertheless, it was mostly to enjoy smoother social interactions at work.

I think I'll follow your advice and stop completely until I can lift again, though.

Stop completely right now and mark each day off on a calendar to chart your progress. I'm at 16 days alcohol free now.

>stop completely until I can lift again

If you care about gains then you shouldn't drink, user. I stopped drinking almost completely once I started lifting. Alcohol is one of the worst drugs available to us.

>enjoy smoother social interactions

Using alcohol to hide a shitty personality isn't a real solution user.

Try to work on your interactions without alcohol and look for help, you seem to be the sort of person that might benefit from AA or some shit like that.

It's not normal to think you can't function without being drunk.

I hardly drink anymore and if I see friends I only have one or two. I don't miss it. Would rather have a coffee.

Bourbon with ice only, sometimes an old fashioned if I'm celebrating something.

No drinking on weekdays tho.

I've struggled with alcohol my entire life. I fucking hate it. I can go 2 or 3 days without but then I get a hankering for a beer like no other. 1 beer for me always turns into hammered drunk.

I have a criminal record because of drinking. I feel like shit when I drink. Alcohol makes you retarded and do retarded shit. I hate it. But I fucking love it.

Alcohol is literally drinking estrogen. Enjoy gyno.


I stopped drinking a few weeks ago. I still get a craving for a beer, but surprisingly, I have found that a la croix or other sparking water actually kills the craving.

I think my body just wants something carbonated. It works for me, might not work for you.

I had headaches and my emotions were like a roller coaster for the first week after drinking...but I kept going to the gym, because working out is what grounds me. That is always there for me.

Don't really care if I get better gains from not drinking. I have just seen what it does to me and my family, and I have had enough. It's just not worth it. Honestly, I'd rather pack a bowl than have a glass of jameson.,


I had a bottle of bourbon last night and i feel horrible. Didnt get shit done. Coworkers asked me if im sick. I feel so fucking humiliated.

Alcohol kills gains