Why did Republicans elect as president an ex-democrat tv celebrity from an overwhelmingly liberal state...

Why did Republicans elect as president an ex-democrat tv celebrity from an overwhelmingly liberal state, who despite being "conservative", massively increased spending in defence and pursued an interventionist foreign policy?

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> who despite being "conservative", massively increased spending in defence and pursued an interventionist foreign policy?
But foreign policy hawks and increased military spending have been a republican issue since Carter times?

Because he was a neoliberal and would save them from the judeo-bolshevikism of the democrat party

Because the people of the United States will vote for whoever is presented to them, the nation has been engineered to render every citizen a perfect neo-liberal subject with no awareness of any events occurring outside their immediate living space

Neo-liberalism is just multicultural fascism in the end. Try to resist globalism and you'll be violently pacified.

>ex-democrat tv celebrity

your bias is showing.

he was a governor

The republican-democrat did a switcharoo around 60-80s.

>fascism is when le state is violent n shiet

Neoliberals are just as judaic

>overwhelmingly liberal state
California wasn't as liberal back then as you might think. They did elect him governor twice.

This is obviusly bait but Milton friedman was litterly a jew.

he's talking about Trump

Are you a faggot, a communist or both?

Because those are the only people who trash Reagan.

Because the republicans and democrats are all the same party

Because the United States has always had an intense anti-intellectual streak to it. Compare this to a nation like France, where presidents study philosophy and make references to obscure German theatre in their speeches. The American public widely mocks any sign of higher learning in its elected bodies. Of course, this directly clashes with the fact that governing a country actually requires a sharp mind and intellectual curiosity.

Yes, France is just doing wonderfully with its influx of inbred retarded rapist terrorists. Just wonderfully.

/thread /pol/

Reagan gave amnesty to illegals and enacted federal gun control.

That is why it is more important that their leader is truly their superior

California was a conservative state in the 70s.

He was a good jew, like Einstein.

Confirmed best.

Republicans are interventionist.

Trump is from New York.

The op was talking about Reagan you brainlet

Republicans haven't had a serious non-interventionist faction since Taft

The Cold War was a helluva drug

>Reagan gave amnesty to illegals and enacted federal gun control.
these are both good things

He's pretty much describing the same person.

Harding/Coolidge tho.

So, you're a faggot. Nice to meet you.

Now tell me how the POTUS did something that requires the Legislative branch to do, it of course being Demorat.

and yet, such is not the case

There are definite parallels, which gives me hope that the US can last another 30 years.

>They did elect him governor twice.
They did the same with Schwarzenegger, I'm pretty sure it has more to do with the fact that they're known celebrities/personalities more than agreeing with their politics. You need to remember that most Americans (and pretty much everyone else) don't give a shit about politics even if they lean left/right ideologically and will simply vote for the person they know or like the best.

Because he promised tax cuts and a hard line on the USSR and his black-and-white worldview was appealing after a decade of inflation, energy crises, urban crime, lying government and humiliation in Vietnam and Iran.


Trump's presidential run is before the history deadline so he belongs on /pol/ which means this thread is about Reagan now. Fuck off.

*after the history deadline

Alright, I'll play your dumb game, going to war without a congressional declaration. Haven't done that since WWII.

>Republicans haven't had a serious non-interventionist faction since Taft
One literally just got elected

>unironically thinking Reagan wasn't a huge faggot
>give millions of illegals citizenship
>passes gun control
>has dementia and his batshit crazy wife is running the show
Boomers get the fuck out REEEE

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>no plans to leave Afghanistan or Syria
>continued expansion of AFRICOM
>more drone strikes than ever

Trump isn't a non-interventionist because he's not anything, he's a blank fleshy slate for the republican party