Asking Veeky Forums about Germans is like asking /pol/ about jews

>asking Veeky Forums about Germans is like asking /pol/ about jews

How true is this statement?

Attached: Vigan houses.jpg (800x600, 117K)

Not very. We want the elimination of the German state, not the Germans.

replace germans with anglos and you've got it

not really
there's plenty of larpers though

Attached: shibabee.jpg (811x1082, 176K)

Replace Germans with humans and you got it. PRAISE BE TO GAIA!

Very true, I occasionally browse through Veeky Forums for philosophy threads and the amount of german hate is ridiculous. Either Veeky Forums is dominated by slavs and near easterns, or their source of information is wrong. If not both.

What did Germany ever do?

It's true, Veeky Forums hates Germans because they think wehraboos are as bad as /pol/ thinks the Jews are.

Veeky Forums doesn't hate Germany and Germans.
We just acknowledge the fact they are disgusting monstrous villains who keep trying to destroy Europe.

*whistle* based

Absolutely true. The hatred for Germans on here is exactly equivalent to /pol/'s hate for Jews. Not much to be done or said about it other then to understand that this place is still a chanboard at the end of the day and some topics will simply never be capable of being discussed here.

There are plenty of Wehraboos and Stormfags on Veeky Forums, anti-German sentiment is a reactionary minority just trying to get a rise of the aforementioned

When one country is basically king of Europe even though it lost 2 world wars than that will generate a lot of attention

Attached: gdp-by-country1.jpg (1200x788, 162K)

Not really. Veeky Forums just has a fuckhuge population of perpetually assdamaged Poles and Frogs.

Attached: Average 4chan Crusader.jpg (4128x2322, 2.58M)

>we just acknowledge the fact that they are monstrous villains who keep trying to destroy Europe

Did it never occur to you that the reason why they let in a large number of refugees from africa might be due to the fact that they want to to atone for their sins? What kind of monster would atone for their sins by accepting those who the nazis looked down upon?


lol look at that 56% face on that little fucker. I knew all that bullshit on /int/ was projection.

Wait, is that le Natufian poster?

Only difference is that, Veeky Forums has more accurate opinions (especially about g*rmans) which are supported by actual facts


You can't blame us Germans are autists

Kill yourself

We acknowledge facts about Germans, /pol/ makes conspiracy bullshit about Jews.

>Let us atone by turning europe into a third world shithole
Fucking Germans

bro that’s the newest method to do the same thing

>When irony becomes too real

Half of them are Russian mutts though. Soon they will be Turkish mutts.

So much fucking misinformation in this thread.

Germany isn't even remotely close to taking in the most refugees per capita. Sure, being the most populous country, they take the most in absolute numbers, but in relative numbers, they are middling.

The whole meme basically started because Merkel wanted to do a Trudeau, and brand Germany as some humanitarian superpower

Attached: refugees per capita.jpg (750x563, 36K)

Germany needs to balkanize. The balkans became irrelevent afterwards so that's only peaceful way to defang the autists

> irrelevant
> afterwards

When were the Balkans ever relevant?

Germany is the leader of the EU.

No, but even if, so what?

Do jews constantly post on /pol/ arguing how everyone except them is inferior?

>you know have to deal with the whole mess of German States that wants to reunify but can't because of "muh German boogeyman" autism

Nah he's from /int/.

Throughout history and during every period, G*rmany has found a way to completely ruin any nearby success. Rome, HRE, Luther, Fred, Bismark, Wilhelm II, Hitler, Schmidt, Merkel, the list goes on...

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It's just a reaction against all the wehraboo and holocaust denial threads.

Just compare the number of "germany did nothing wrong in ww1" threads to say "france did nothing wrong in 1803" or just the sheer number of hitler threads or any nsdap member...

Oh dear I didn't use the correct nomenclature so now the babby is upset. Don't worry child, I can't stop you from spewing bile whenever anything German or anything even slightly related to Germany gets posted on here.