How bad is Aspartame for you?

How bad is Aspartame for you?

I want to sip.

Other urls found in this thread:

In regulated amounts, safe for persons with strong and healthy digestive environments.
In copious amounts, correlation to cancer.
In regulated or small amounts, not safe for people with insulin regulation problems or obesity.
In regulated or small amounts, not safe for people with weak, inflamed, or chronic digestive problems. Causes inflammation and purging.

so If I drink a lil poison I'll be fine? cool

so I guess no aspartame for me


everything is lethal in high doses


what's a high dose of coke zero? like a gallon a week?

>tfw a brainlet

More like a gallon a day

Enough in a day that the aspartame would be the least of your problems

You need about 50mg of aspartame per kilogram of body weight daily for it to be harmful. At 150lbs you'd need to down around 20 cans of Coke Zero in a day before the aspartame itself becomes harmful.

>Wear a Coca-Cola Zero shirt to the gym every day

This is why /fitlit/ should've been permanent

Does it steadily leave the system if you drink 1 coke zero per day?

the aspartame-gives-you-cancer theory supposedly got least that's what the consensus is on reddit's dieting related subs.

so i started drinking coke zero. have ibs but it doesnt give me problems. only thing is real coke tastes better. diet and zero alternatives of every pop have this strange flavor i can't ignore.


You really do need to make some of them almost frozen to taste right. Diet Cranberry Gingerale is the only one I found that's good just mildly cold.

Pretty sure that artificial sweeteners aren't bio-available, otherwise they would have a calorie content. They'll stay in your digestive tract and leave as you shit them out normally. So one can "stays" in your body about 7 hours depending.

Aspartame is the most studied food product in existence. And not a single dick of hard proof has linked it to anything harmful. Unless you literally consume a fuckin dick ton.

Aspartame has similar calories to sugar, but it's so much sweeter that a tiny amount that barely has 1 calorie is enough to make a drink sweet.

What's with all this bs?

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