So Veeky Forums, how low is too low for a squat? Should I try to go even lower?

So Veeky Forums, how low is too low for a squat? Should I try to go even lower?

>he cant sit on the ground while squatting

lower, you quarter squatting faggot

If you don't have bruises on your ass, you're not squatting correctly

you *can* squat too low,

this cant be good for the knees

Nice buttwink fag

Ok user, I never thought I'd say this, but holy fuck you squat wayyyy too low. If you want to not be a weak bitch; you should only squat to slightly below parallel. Meaning, your hip crease should be only barely below the femur.

>doing normal squats
>not doing the superior box squat
hf stayin weak

But user. It is box squats. The box is just my calves ;^)

I admit, if I didn't have weightlifting shoes, they'd be in a little bit of pain, but other than that I had no side effects from squating that low for 275lb front squat

You need some Bodyweight squat training, m8. Let me explain. You need to go outside early, before the sun rises. Listen to the breeze in the trees and the rumbles in your tummy. Make sure it's still dark out. You gotta strip down to your birthday suit. Stand on the grass, raise your arms to heavens, and squat. Lower phaggot. When you reach the bottom, squeeze your glutes and butt munch a few blades of grass. When your little rump has grazed its fill, squeeze harder and drahve your hips up to finish the rep. Do 1xSunrise. Protip: After enough grazing you'll start producing milk so you can finally do GOMAD with your own milkies.

>But user. It is box squats. The box is just my calves ;^)

> Protip: After enough grazing you'll start producing milk so you can finally do GOMAD with your own milkies
stopped reading there

you're supposed to keep a tight upper back when front squatting. that back is rounding horribly

Below parallel. Depth isn't as important as keeping your body tight at the bottom of the lift, something ATG doesn't allow, because it's your natural resting position.

No you shouldn't.

so you read his entire post

You're buttwink isn't bad but your loose upper back is an issue

I didn't read the period at the of the sentence.

There's zero tightness in your upper body which is going to be a problem when you increase weight.

Your core needs to be activated so your back doesn't round as much, because right now I guarantee your back rounds like a muddafucka when you come out of the hole with any heavy weight

Also you want to almost think like a deadlift and pull your lats down when front squatting so that the weight doesn't pull you down instead.

Try doing pause front squats and focusing on keeping your torso completely straight during the whole thing

U fkin idiot

don't be mad just because you can barely squat below parallel with your fucked up knees jack


i'll be impressed when you snatch more than 120 with a 250 back squat lmao

I power snatch 129

sorry, i meant to preface that with
>i'll be impressed when you snatch more than 120 with a 250 back squat (and get off the gear) lmao

>stopped reading there
stopped reading at "there"


Knees more forward past toes, chest more upright.

Real answer

The squat stops at 90 degrees

Going lower will cause the falling weight to push forward on your knees relative to how much lower you are going, and can lead to long term injury, or immediate injury if you bounce off at the very bottom

The perfect squat is the 90 degree low bar squat. "Low squatting" is incorrect form.

Somebody doesnt lift

No point going below parallel if you're not competing, go as low as your hips will allow

have fun when your knee caps are flying out of your legs and land on the wall

>i'll be impressed when you snatch more than 120 with a 250 back squat (and get off the gear) lmao
dude dont do this when you are wwrong, it makes you look desperate desusenpai

dude, jack durkin is on gear and if you weren't a newfaggot you'd know that. never post on my Veeky Forums again

I haven't been around for a little while, didn't know you went into oly.
What lifts?

push your knees forward and out and keep your chest up before you snap your shit up

My hips allow me to go around 10-15cm below parallel, but I can also touch my knees with my nose when standing with straight legs, so I would say I am quite flexible. Also - I know squat significantly more, when I go deeper, trying to stop at parallel makes hip flexors go mad from tension and pain.

I feel this is somewhat relevant

pls be kilo

Say that to olympic lifters, see how weak they are

Is that kg or lbs



Depends on what you are lifting for.
If you are lifting for aesthetics then go parallel and no lower to shred your quads up and to put size on them, if you are to build your ass and hammys go ass to grass.

Eh funny guy, huh?

I'll have you know that I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast. Yes, literal pieces of shit, and some of them have far more nutrition and protein then what could be considered your frail little body. I'll have you know you're nothing to me. Not even the ground I walk on could have as little value as the comment you made. Even worse, it has negative value because it made me waste my precious time typing this out just to let you know how much of a lowlife you actually are. You are dirt. You are nothing to me other than a few bytes wasted on Veeky Forums's server