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if you are part of the population where your blood pressure is heavily affected by sodium (think its 10% of figgits) otherwise it's main effect is water retention. in ww2 in the pacifics the americans were issued salt pills due to low water supplies, so unless it personally affects you (regular signs of high blood pressure) just disregard sodium intake (without being fucktard and eating nothing but salt pork each day). all of that aside eat too much salt (a BIG amount) it can kill you so dont chug bags of it

salt consumption is the cause of high blood pressure.

The Evidence that Salt Raises Blood Pressure


oh no a fuckin cat you have refuted the science, not.


Dude, no he cherry picks so much and ignores everything that is contradictory to the vegan cult

this one is just salt. and it's really straight forward.

>this one is just salt. and it's really straight forward.

I do everything opposite of what that guy says and it works.

do you have any more cat pictures?


as long as youre not eating fast food all the time and adding retarded amounts of salt to all your meals youre good

Salt is vital to muscle operation and also there was a book somewhere about the link between salt and higher reproduction, google it. Low sodium is a Jewish psyop to lower your sperm count and castrate you. High sodium DOES exacerbate EXISTING hypertension but does not cause it.


it just don't matter
if you can't spare 5-8 mmHg for your salt you got problems that not eating salt aint gonna fix.

>but does not cause it.
Of course it does. Salt itself in the bloodstream raises blood pressure (basic biology) and over time you blood pressure gets higher and higher.

changing shit for no reason

there's literally no evidence the effect of a high sodium diet are cumulative.


>red pill me on salt
Ok, buddy watch this video

What was wrong with lol? Nothing!

That's exactly what happens though

60's called, they want their propaganda back


The 1800 called, they want their joke back.

Your future wife called, she wants a black cock.

Pretty sure Nutritionfacts didn't exist in 1800

It makes my face bloat and I want a skinny face so I avoid salt.

>That's exactly what happens though
it's not it makes a larger relative presence as vessels age naturally but it's not more than a few mmhg even in the endstages of life and goes away rather quickly if needed. If anything we have several counter examples like asian counties that consume more than 3 times our recommended intake daily and suffer less from heart and vascular disease.

Overconsumption of salt is bad. You should not eat above 6g of salt daily. There are so many studies proving this, that denying will make you an fucking retard idiot.

Salt is also for pussies, real man eat their food without seasoning.

Sure, it can raise blood pressure, but in an otherwise healthy individual this should not be a cause for concern, or raise it to an unhealthy level.

OP posted a video of some random dude without a nutrional background and you idiots jack on one of the best nutrional doctors? Really a good indicator that americans are getting dumber.

>you idiots jack on one of the best nutrional doctors
he does not even have a license

No lol, it sure as hell raises your blood pressure it does not "can" raise it, it does indeed raise your blood pressure once you eat it fucking idiot.

>but in an otherwise healthy individual this should not be a cause for concern, or raise it to an unhealthy level

shit will only hit you once you've aged, so your whole idea behind this topic is just stupid. Salt will always raise your blood pressure to an unhelathy level... fuck just do some basic research about biology. Its always about if you keep the level long term. If you eat salami, chips and other high sodium foods, sodium will most certainly be the biggest concern of your health, not the bad carbs or the bad fat.

>best nutrional doctors


> americans are getting dumber.


he also does have a license, do I dont know who you are trying to fool here?


wow I misspelled a word, joke on your fuckface.

>ctrl+f "potassium"
>0 results
you niggers really are useless aren't you.
As long as you're getting >1:4 ratio of Na:K then you'll be fine.

>wow I misspelled a word

Vitamin B12 deficiency can potentially cause severe and irreversible damage, especially to the brain and nervous system.[8] At levels only slightly lower than normal, a range of symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, depression, poor memory, breathlessness, headaches, and pale skin, among others, may be experienced, especially in elderly people (over age 60)[4][9] who produce less stomach acid as they age, thereby increasing their probability of B12 deficiencies.[7] Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause symptoms of mania and psychosis.[10][11]

I'm not a vegan you idiot, I just listen to people who know something about nutrition.

Nvm, it just came to my mind that you might be underaged so an an argumentation with you will never result in a win for me.

>I'm not a vegan you idiot,
>people who know something about nutrition.


>http //

...SOME people, MAY cause hight blood pressure.

You're a retard spouting "BASIC" biology, because you've never bothered to learn anything past it.

>hight blood pressure.



yeah right, post a time article to dispute 99% of nutritional science.

Also ignore basic biology, because this article is right.

Classy argument, as can be expected from a FDA certified idiot.

You guys shouldn't talk about stuff like this and should instead stick to talking about height and penis size. Your stark lack of knowledge surrounding pretty basic biology is genuinely a bit frightening

go back to redd it fukface

>FDA certified idiot.

Your diet is making you retarded user, add some salt

A 2017 study found that the introduction of iodized salt in 1924 raised the IQ for the one-quarter of the population most deficient in iodine.[21] These findings "can explain roughly one decade’s worth of the upward trend in IQ in the United States (the Flynn effect)."[21] The study also found "a large increase in thyroid-related deaths following the countrywide adoption of iodized salt, which affected mostly older individuals in localities with high prevalence of iodine deficiency."[21]

That is how blood pressure works. Our body regularly adjusts blood pressure and it uses salt to do so.

It's a TIME article with a link to a study examining 6000+ other studies where no significant link was found.

It's not basic biology because even the AHA states it MAY cause high blood pressure in SOME individuals. It's not a foregone conclusion you retard, your basic biology is predicated on the fact that excess salt draws water into the bloodstream thus raising pressure. Excess varying from person to person, as does degree and other medical factors you dimwit.

I never misspelled nutrional, Veeky Forums is not just one person. Maybe the large increase in thyroid-related deaths was related to the iodized SALT, which consists of more than just mere sodium? Also correlation =/= causality.

Iodine is a vitamin we need, it's true!

And consistently eating excess salt gradually raises blood pressure.

2 cool facts!

no one is denying that you need to consume salt, just that TOO MUCH TOO MUCH TOO MUCH TOO MUCH OF SALT IS BAD YOU FUCKING IDIOT

You can't be as stupid as the creator of this video. All of his arguments are easily disputed, you don't even need to look at science for this, just use basic logic. Apparently thats something you will always lack of.

>I never misspelled nutrional


You fucking did it again

>It's not basic biology
Yes it is

(Lesson 1) All About Sodium: sources, functions, and role in blood pressure

b-but I thought height and penis size are advanced biology?

No I didn't, I meant to say "I never wrote nutional", but fixed it to "never misspelled" and forgot to rewrite 'nutritional', didn't think you'd be such a fucking pedant. My point was I'm not the same person with the one that wrote 'nutrional'.

Why do people hate science so much around >your basic biology is predicated on the fact that excess salt draws water into the bloodstream thus raising pressure.
No... please watch the video. The kidneys use salt to regulate blood pressure. They literally use sodium to do it. Eating excess salt fucks with Blood pressure because your body can only remove so much junk so fast.

>It's not basic biology
it is

>It's a TIME article with a link to a study examining 6000+ other studies where no significant link was found.

no its not, read it.

>even the AHA
what is this supposed to mean? In your opinion AHA knows best about nutrion?

>MAY cause high blood pressure in SOME individuals
it does cause high blood pressure, just like said.. basic biology

>excess salt draws water into the bloodstream
read a biology book

>Excess varying from person to person, as does degree and other medical factors
only a fraction varies, human biology is the same

> My point was I'm not the same person

I don't believe you.

graduation does not make you licensed practitioner it only lets you apply for it.

I don't get it :/

This board is about health but many don't want to hear any of this

>no one is denying that you need to consume salt

Lies fit is full of Jews tying to keep the goyim in the dark making them eat low fat vegan low salt diets

>please watch this totally not first hand source
why do you hate science?

Time and time again you refuse to get the point. I know sodium has an EFFECT on blood pressure, my point is that these studies have just singled out sodium as the single culprit, citing increase in sodium over time, have you ever stopped and consider that increased sodium may be in response to a general increase in CALORIES and therefore weight and what kind of effect that has on the heart and blood pressure? You have a third of the US being obese, and a third overweight, people can't walk so they use little motor carts, stuffing their faces with a village's worth of processed food down their throats but 30% of increased sodium means hypertension? I pointed out that sodium has more beneficial functions in the body that should not be underestimated. Also considering the fact that there are countries that have significantly higher sodium in their diets yet still aren't suffering wide-scale heart and blood pressure problems.

I think people just dont understand the difference between seasoning food on your own with a little bit of salt and eating a bag of chips fucked in salt.

I eat sauerkraut, every second day and shit is salty as fuck but I dont overconsume it and sauerkraut itself gives a lot more benefits.

Too much salt will always be bad, there is no point of his video. People are not consuming to much salt because they season their food but becose they buy proccessed shit like salami and chips and eat too much of it. Its much easier to overcume salt, just like its to overconsume sugar.
anti-salters BTFO!

Op wanted info. I think he's got plenty to go over.

Thrilling debate! goodbye.

Natriumchloride is extremely valuable in nature and not readily available everywhere. Thats why your body has evolved to have various functions that limit how much salt you lose. Thats also a reason why it tastes so damn good to us.

However now that mankind consumes an excess amount of salt those mechanism are kinda biting us in the ass.


Just made some scrambled eggs and put a bunch of salt in it because of OP's video and it tastes fucking DISGUSTING. Thanks OP

No, and it's not because of the sodium, but because of the Soy.

>wanting gyno

>This is your brain on Vegan diet

RIP You will now have a heart attack

yeah just don't drink it and get light and dark soy sauces. Light is for the salty, dark is for the savory.
it's fermented to the point the phytoestrogens are not durable enough to matter.

I hope it happens soon so I dont have to eat this whole thing

>Like many salty condiments, soy sauce was originally a way to stretch salt, historically an expensive commodity. During the Zhou dynasty of ancient China, fermented fish with salt was used as a condiment in which soybeans were included during the fermentation process.[5][11] By the time of the Han dynasty, this had been replaced with the recipe for soy paste and its by-product soy sauce, by using soybeans as the principal ingredient,[6][7] with fermented fish-based sauces developing separately into fish sauce.[12]

>originally a way to stretch salt

They literally made this to increase salt intake do you think they were just a bunch of retards who wanted heart attacks and high blood pressure?

Its already too late you have been dead a long time user this is god I have bad news for you

>but because of the Soy.

But it is fermented doesn't that remove all the compounds that would cause gyno


I made no mention of their intentions. Just their culinary applications. If I was making something like teriyaki grilled salmon I'd use a dark soy sauce because it has a denser flavor relative to it's volume and salt the salmon before grilling. If I was dipping sushi or goyza in soy sauce it would be a light soy sauce because it's mainly for the salt flavor with subtle soy flavor.

This is making me so hungry. God damn I want some Chinese food right now

it does not remove them it just weakens them phytoestrogens are not a problem for anyone with a healthy endocrine system. What does hurt durable (xeno)estrogens that bind to the receptor sites and your synapses have issues clearing them because they're not readily broken down by the synaptic enzymes.

go for the char siu bao it's worth the work.

Just dont eat retarded amounts of it. Plus, keep in mind, if you are actively doing good amount of cardio work and resistance training, you need more salt and minerals in general than most of the population anyway, because of how much you are going to sweat and you arent gonna have heart problems. Like, this shit isnt gonna be a legit issue for you, unless you are eating fast food.

P.S Remember to drink your water, buddeh. Stay hydrated