Did lifting cure your social anxiety/sperg behaviour?

Did lifting cure your social anxiety/sperg behaviour?

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why do you care ?

Not at all.
It's just social anxiety + depression + gainz

But isn't being the jacked guy a kind of mask to hide behind?

No because it turns out I'm a schizoid, not social anxiety.

Getting gains as a Schizoid is like being a millionaire but not allowed to spend the money.

please explain further im willing to help..

3 people with PHD's in psychology who've worked with me 1 on 1 over years haven't been able to help me, what makes you think you could?

Damn internet know it alls.

>Those ab insertions

That's not zyzz.

youre too damn self important. go fucking lift , my bro.

have you ever tried not trying to fix yourself. maybe there is nothing wrong with you? let go. fuck it. tap out. try that for once

I can't believe I once thought Zyzz was big.

>i'm so much of a retarded DYEL faggot that I still assume someone is going to look exactly the same in every possible situation and that there's no possible way to quickly make yourself look like shit or look like a god depending on the time, lighting, pump, angle or position of a camera

What's it like to live in such an ignorant mind? How do you even get by in life?

It's all in your head. If you aren't rolling your turds into balls or eating crayons you arent as crazy as you think.

Looks like the ghost of Zyzz escaped its tomb again

Well I'm 30 and

>I've never had friends or a girlfriend
>Never driven a car, never used public transport
>Never had a job

I've never had the desire to do any of that stuff, turns out you have to do that stuff to be a normie.

who gives a shit about you loser. get lost.

I feel sorry for the people that replied to you more than I felt sorry for you

Told you none of you could help, get rekt idiots.


No my first lift is giving me excruciating muscle pain and dark pee 4 days after it, of these 4 days I've a total of 3 hours of sleep. -1/10 would not recommend this again, now I'm going to doctors in 2 hours. Thanks Veeky Forums.

All in your head. You could easily go out and do those things you just don't. You're afraid of something and are afraid to confront it.

My advice to you is act like you are already dead and this life means nothing since most anxiety stems from a fear of losing life. If you act as if you are already dead nothing can bother you, nothing can scare you.

Also remember what is dead can never die.

I'm not afraid of dying.

I've already accepted I'm dead the day my parents are no longer around to support me, and so have they.

Then you have low T and low drive. Get it checked fuckboi.

whats physically stopping you from driving a car or going on public transport? why cant you go to a store and apply for a job?
>turns out you have to do that stuff to be a normie.
turns out you dont actually care about getting better and it has nothing to do with some mental illness you made up

Nope. It just changed people's perception of my behaviour.

>very quiet and reserved person
>usually give short answers and don't really reciprocate questions. Not because I can't hold conversation, I just genuinely don't care about talking to people
>before Veeky Forums this just looks like I'm a retarded sperg lord who's very anti-social and not friendly
>after Veeky Forums this looks like I'm aloof, a lone wolf or deep in thought.

r/ing the chart of personality and looks where it shoes a linear progression of looks and personality. Someone with better looks just coincidentally always has a better personality, not because their personality is actually better but people are much more forgiving and excusable to attractive people.


I am clinically diagnosed with Schizotypal (Schizoid personality disorder).

I've had multiple blood tests to check for test and a dozen other things. That was part of the beginning process before the psychologist & psychiatrist would ever work with me.

I don't like being around other people, in coming into contact with other people, nor do I like being stuck in 1 object that I cannot get out of at a moments notice when surrounded by other people.

Also, you fucking mad brah?

because he's an anxious sperg?

The fuck? Did you give yourself rhabdo or something?

No it exacerbated it. Although I only learned here that my general avoidance of talking to people is not necessarily a rational decision based on their in general being useless and tedious but for some people can be called what you called it. Still not convinced I'm not doing the right thing, I have all those things that here are considered insignia of normie success and I'm OK so I feel I don't need that stigmatizing terminology.

What's rhabdo?

Rnhabdomylosis, where you exerted your muscles so ridiculously hard that your body actually started breaking the muscle down and now you get broken down muscle entering your blood stream which is toxic.

Would explain why you feel like shit and why your piss is dark. Although if you're not dead after 4 days and you can still type, I'm sure it's not rhabdo.

Oh, well idk all I know is that I can't move, can't sleep, and everything I do is insanely difficult and painful. And my piss is dark as fuck despite drinking a gallon of water yesterday

Okay well that actually might be fucking rhabdo and you should go to emergency right now before you get kidney failure.

I guess we'll see.. But that's worrying

>I don't like
its not about what you like, stop being a precious little faggot, nobody wakes up looking forward to sitting on a train or bus but you do it anyway because its a means to get somewhere you enjoy/need to be

I don't enjoy going anywhere or want to be anywhere.

Your normie logic doesn't work on me, simple as that.

Btfo again.

yeah but you actually gotta open your mouth at some point.


No, getting pussy solved it.

You were babied too much as a kid, and you brought your lack of skills into adulthood. Simple as that. Also, it seems you're more intrested in proving others wrong than helping yourself. Youd rather believe you have some kind of disease thats out of your control, so you dont have to feel bad about not working on it yourself. People cant help you, only you can help yourself. Gl nig

you're agoraphobic like me faggot. you have to confront the fear in a safe environment, slowly.

Nope but taking magnesium pills did

Well I got body dysmorphia and narcissism. When I was fat I couldn't go out without feeling like people stared and laughed at me. Now I feel like they are miring me so that gives me a hard-on.

Same, but im 24yo, have had a couple if nerd friends, and i use public transports everyday.

I'm rolling my turds into crayons but I'm glad the way you explained it makes me not sound crazy


This nig is right.
Here, watch this. It's right up your alley.

fucking peter pan little boy syndrome right here

Absolutely not.
I for example can't flirt in any way. I was raised heavily sheltered with my mom and sisters so I just can't flirt girl, if I tried to do that I would feel like I am being extremely rude and offensive to her.
So every time I do happen to meet a girl the conversation ends up being just a platonic conversation like any other, I simply don't know how to elevate the conversation and show that I'm sexually interested in a girl without feeling like I'm being extremely offensive.
I know it's pathetic but I can't help it, I just can't.

Have a sick ass defined serratus though.

You just have to accept it and own it. Watch zyzz videos and emulate him when hitting on girls

Not really. I became way less anxious and nervous and way less depressed and self conscious, but i am still introverted af. Right now i am just a polite quiet guy, who goes about his business and does shit on time. Its good for studying and good for work, people respect me more, especially older guys and people i train with.


My life goes against his theory because my room is spotless, my entire house is spotless, I don't like clutter, and everything has to be clean.

You niggas are horrible at this stuff, just stop embarrassing yourselves trying to play keyboard experts.


you lift?


speaking from a statistical pov, 99% chance he has a better body than you

Does this shit actually help? Cause lifting didn't.
Is it all that different from taking 2-3 shots right before a date?

No i was born a sick cunt.

No but tren damn sure did

absolutely works
that being said, everybody is different
test them before the date to understand how it works for yourself
don't forget to do your research to not get dependent on it

>yes user, go along with the rest of mindless sheeple, get a gf, we all know how smart, sophisticated and sacred girls are nowadays

>oh and get a job too, dont mind the 50% being deducted from your paycheck, its what everybody does!

>well user, u sure gotta have a car! how else will you get from point A to B in an adult, sophisticated manner? come on, so many people cant be wrong!

jeez, wake up from the matrix you buffoon

"All in your head." - yeah, always sounds easy in normies heads

Read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

But in that entire video he never mentions cleaning your room. See? This is proof that you just want validation for being a lazy cunt

It made me a little more confident with my body but nofap has done more in terms of social ability and talking with girls. I think finding a sense of style that suited me, developing hobbies and interests I could share with others and learning how to talk to strangers helped more, but lifting made me happy to see myself in the mirror and that's always a good way to start the day.

>Did lifting cure your social anxiety/sperg behaviour?
Ever read the other threads?

I've done 1g twice now. It absolutely ELIMINATES any anxiety, it's pretty good. It's still hard to start conversations with strangers, but once you get going it's like you give no fucks at all (normally I'd be constantly evaluating what I'm saying and how autistic it sounds).
It pretty much gives you the confidence that 15 drinks does but with none of the negatives (just don't do too much and keepit 1-2 times per week)

either something VERY traumatic happened to you and that you haven't confronted or your just a pussy.

When all hell breaks loose.

Talking is worse than going to the gym. But the gains can be potentially greater

No. I just turned from an autistic skinnyfat beta to an autistic fit beta.

t. autistic skinnyfat beta

yes, in some countries it's not legal to sell
test your dosages, some people get fucked up and shit themselves from 3g, other people feel nothing. TEST YOUR DOSAGES


Deep down people don't change, at least not from something like lifting unless it becomes borderline religious for them

yes. its still there but im way less of a faggot about it

Thats BloatZyzz

When you chat up a girl, tell her she is cute, adorable or something right after opening. Make your intentions clear. Say what you want, but own it.

I have this exact issue. I could have a girl come on to me, and I wouldn't have the first clue how to respond. The worst part about it is how I have no idea how to improve it. It's not as simple as trying until you succeed when you don't have any starting point to try.

>Someone reveals they have severe mental problems
>dude just read Marcus and watch Jordan Peterson and it'll all click

>Uhhh... thanks?
If she isn't already attracted to you that will come off as creepy and (if you're unattractive) desperate. Women know there are guys who try to play numbers games, and that will make you look like one of them unless you have 10 Charisma

This :c I shed a tear.

I am also a Schizoid and it's so painful. Watching myself do some of the shit I do is so painful and makes me cringe. Could be a 9/10 guy that's 6'3" and greek god body but a total fucking maniac and get nothing.

It wont be creepy, that is just in your head. If you are out, you are in a social environment, so be social. I say make your intentions clear bc you show her that you are interested in her, rather than simply being friends and placed in the friendzone. Just my $0.02. You can choose to follow my advice or not, I tried to help.

I was better with girls before I started lifting. Not because I lift, just because my lifestyle back then was better for meeting/fucking/dating women.

>be younger me
>highschool dropout
>skinny as fuck
>spend every day the beach
>going to outdoor raves every other night (bush doofs)
>always know a ton of cute girls
>always either in a relationship or able to fuck a girl at will

Then I decided that bumming from day to day and not having any sort of future outside of inevitable drug overdose I decided to go back to school, go to uni and make something of myself, including starting to lift and get a healthy body.

Since then due to studying non-strop I've spent the last 4 years essentially a recluse and have only had sex once in the last 12 months.

The moral of the story is: you get girls though proximity and by doing fun things in social settings. Unemployed losers like my former self are the real slayers.

schizotypal and schizoid are two different things though.

Lithium did.

Schizoid is in the schizotypal criteria

thank you for the video.

I am in a very similar hole to this but, at 23, there is still some time to get out relatively unscathed. It's running out fast though.

those legs are shit