The silver lining to this dip is that all the BTC vs. BCH threads have displaced the constant fucking Chainlink posts...

The silver lining to this dip is that all the BTC vs. BCH threads have displaced the constant fucking Chainlink posts. It's worth being down 10% for that alone.

That girl looks young man wtf is this

fuck off pedo

you can tell by the size of her ears she's over 18.

MODS can't post middle schoolers on here

this one can see. get him!

She could be 20 or even 24 with ease. And even if not I doubt she's younger than the average user in Veeky Forums.

Mods do jackshit on this board. Peep how many beg threads you can count a day.

na they only ban you when you make a post about niggercoin they get triggered

Wow calm down guys, that girl identifies as a 30 year old cryptocurrency expert asian woman, so it's totally legal.

That girl is 17 minimum. You can jack off. Look at the boobs.

>displaces the chainlink pots
>makes a chainlink post
fucking idiot

She's probably between 18 and 22 years of age.

Whether this belongs on a business discussion board, IDK.

She's definitely over 18.

>being this gay

How does that matter? At all?

This is how you can tell which user has actually seen pussy in real life vs the plebs that are dreaming

damn thats a nice ass. no wonder our ancestors got out and did shit. cuz they could come home to their hot ass 13 y/o wife.

now its just 30 y/o roasties and STD's

>13 year old wife
calm down mohammad

if ur gunna marry a bitch at 18 why not marry her at 13? prove me wrong

For real, there are way too many pedophiles posting kid shit on 4 chan. I hope the FBI locks their pathetic asses up.

Proof? Sure. You're wrong because the only person you could ever seduce is a physical, mental and emotional child who doesn't know that you're a sick, fat, pedo loser with no game that gets rejected by adult women ALL DAY. There's your proof pedobear.


the adult women reject him because they know he's not man enough to go for the young uns?

>feels fear
>God I better type out a rant so the fbi does not arrest me

Too bad. Everyone’s IP, including yours Mr. Try Hard to act not pedo, but obviously pedo. 15 years in the can will do you all good.

Says the pedo...