Hypertrophy as a novice

Is it alright to add 5x10 lighter/manageable loads after main 3x5 work?
What about same sets/reps for accessory work? Maybe even supersetting accessories

For example:
> Bench press: 3x5 100% + 5x10 @ 60%
> Squat: 3x5
> Rows: same as Bench
> Triceps extensions: 5x10 @ 70%
> Curl: 5x10 @ 70%
> Lateral raises: 5x10 @ 70%

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No dont do that

I'm 100% spent after a heavy full body day.

I think I would be able to recover just as fine as long keep lighter weights at bay

what is your goal

Improving looks while getting stronger

How the fuck are you gonna lift 100% for 3x5? Do you know what 100% means?

>How the fuck are you gonna lift 100% for 3x5? Do you know what 100% means?
Heh... 100% of 3x5 is what I can lift for 3x5, likewise 60% refers to 60% of I can lift for 3x5

go in, shock the muscle, go home, eat, jerk off, sleep, repeat. doesnt matter what you do

You probably already know but 100% is generally used to refer to your ORM

I'd rather you do isolation work on top of a novice program like SS/SL/whatever than do more volume with compound lifts. But that's just me.

Not really. To be honest as a novice (under 6 months) I would say its pointless to add any real volume training for the main lifts. While adding some fluff and pump isn't terrible Then on those exercises your doing 5x10 @ 70%? too much.

Using your example I think you would be better off doing something like....
Bench 3x5
Squat 3x5
Row 3x5

Then superset a bicep variation & tricep variations for 5 minutes doing as many reps as you can in that time. Do the same for lateral raises & facepulls.

An example using EZBar Curl then Overhead Tricep Ext.
>Start 5 min
>Do Curls until you think the next rep will fail or your form starts to suck.
>Go into Overhead Tricep Extensions, same thing, go until next rep will fail, or form starts to suck
>Go back into Curls until near failure, into tricep extensions,
>Repeat until 5minutes is up.

This way you don't spend 20-30 minutes doing pump and fluff exercises. You spend 5 minutes doing arms, 5 minutes doing shoulders (same setup, lat raises into facepulls).

>Same Fag
>Follow up

The primary reason why people don't necessary recommend increase volume for novices on main lifts is because as you leave novice territory and you need to start increasing your volume to see increased gains and your doing 65 Reps of Bench press per session, say 3 times a week for example, your doing 195 reps on bench press (ignoring the intensity component). So then what, you have to move up to 250, 300 reps? Instead of a standard 15 reps a session, 45 in a week. Now when you move to a intermediate program, you are not forced into crazy amounts of rep.

Its kind of like dieting down. The reason why people don't recommend cutting your diet from say 3000 calories down to 1250 calories is because when your body adapts to 1250 (and it will) where the fuck do you go from there? To 750 calories a day? Instead you start at 3000 then 2750 then 2500 then 2250 then 2000 then maybe 1800, etc. You make small adjustments to see improved results, your training approach should be the same.

Mate it's not necessary, but you'll probably still be hesitant about it, so go ahead and try it out and see how it works out based on your own experience. It may work or not. If it did, then great. If it fucks you up in some kind of way, stop and go back to where you were doing. Good luck.

Add strength specific GPP work on rest days 2-3 times a week.

Like this:
As many chins as you can do in 7 minutes
As many push ups and later on dips as you can do in 7 minutes
Speed deadlifts with 70% of your 1x5 weight, 3 explosive reps every minute on the minute, 6 total sets.
go home

Do not add time or sets, if you get stronger you will do more reps/weight.

OP here. I was doing sort like you said, supersets of triceps and biceps til failure, total 40 reps or so each.

>say 3 times a week for example, your doing 195 reps on bench press
On beginner programs I'm benching 3 times every 2 weeks, same for ohp. So it's half that volume, so it's not near that much.

Anyways, I was thinking if that wouldn't give me better conditioning after all, if not mass gains.

double dubs confirm
I think I'll do it that way.

>Speed Deadlifts
>3 explosive reps every minute

This is not how you run a deadlift routine. Even oly lifters don't explode into the deadlift. If you're doing any power work with the deadlift, you're asking for fucking problems. Especially for a novice.

The focus of the deadlifts should be a controlled form with all relevant muscles engaged as you raise and lower the bar. You can move a little quicker with your deadlift, but you should never be aiming to lift the bar as fast as you can. A novice will very likely tear something. And seasoned lifters will likely herniate a disc if lifting 70% of their 1x5 for 6 total sets.

had a deja vu reading these
have you posted these elsewhere?

>And seasoned lifters will likely herniate a disc if lifting 70% of their 1x5 for 6 total sets

that's just like tsatsouline russian bear program which I'm on
I hope you're wrong

Nope. But if you're doing 70% of 455lb (the weight you can do 1x5; this should be around the strength of somebody who's been lifting for strength for a couple years), that's about close to 320lb. And you're doing explosive deadlifts with 320 lbs. At some point your form will break because you're doing 6 sets. And that's a lot of weight to fuck up your form on.

who is this??

2 things you said I fail to accomplish:
> current 1x5 working set is 300lbs, so my 70% sets are at 210lbs
> I never do explosive deadlifts

hope that's enough to keep my discs safe

I said GPP nigger.

Also, read Nuckols' deadlift programs. All of them are mainly speed work. Furthermore, 6 sets of 3 (three) with a 5 (five) rep max is about 6x3 @ 60% EMOM which is such a basic fucking deadlift speed work setup used in so many programs written by so many advanced lifters that I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to say. You sound like you've never done anything but SS/TM/Shitty UL splits and all your lifting advice is from Veeky Forums.

With 70% of a 5 rep max**



GZCLP either AxBxCxDx Full body like in pic related or ABxCDxx UL split.
Come back when you squat 1.5 times your bw.

Why there's so much hype about this program lately?

This guy didn't actually read. Can Veeky Forums be Veeky Forums?

Cause people have accepted GZCL as their lord and savior.
Nothing flashy just solid stuff.

might interest you