All I did was power walk for two hours and when I got back to my dorm I had sweat this far down my body

All I did was power walk for two hours and when I got back to my dorm I had sweat this far down my body.

Is this unique?

yes u should probably see a doctor

I have to see one anyways because I'm finally beginning to develop pre-diabetic symptoms.

>liquid literally comes out of his skin
Go to the doctor, Poseidon

All I'm saying is I've never seen that much sweat before even on athletic people

Just fuck off ree

I went swimming with some friends not to long ago and it was hot out, just standing on the shore before we got in I was sweating so much it looked like I already went swimming. All my friends where like wtf is wrong with you.
No idea why, but I sweat like a net holds water.

yeah you're probably dying dude

I can only hope

True, but you're clearly not athletic

I clearly didn't imply I was athletic you just wanted to be a fucking dick

Dr. Jason Fung
Cure your diabetes noob. Doctor will only give you pills and charge you up your ass.
Google Fung's name, read his blog, watch his videos.

I was full blown diabetic.
6 months later, I'm 100% normal

All I did was ketogenic diet + fasting.
Cheap, healthy as fuck and easy.

Enough with the memes
Yes you sweat whoop
De fucking shit
Don't power walk actually run or at better yet do couch to 5 k
Then you won't do meme excicises

>quit eating like shit

Nigg it's like 100 goddamn degrees out. Any mild exertion is going to make you sweat. A lot.

yes, it is normal for unhealthily fat people with poor cardiovascular health to sweat excessively after short periods of light physical exertion.

>sweat down to ass
How did you name your image on your phone?

depends on your sodium levels, if you're not eating much salt you won't retain water and will sweat like a pig at the drop of a hat

you didn't even get the asscrack sweat that makes it look like you possibly diarrhea'd yourself

Fuck off mild sweating fag

walking is comfy and easy.
for a fatty walking 2 hours at a fast pace thats 1000calories burned

sweating on exertion is part genetics part body heat
someone improving their athletic ability could sweat more if their body thus generated more heat with this improvment

>tfw you barely sweat anywhere except your feet and overheat really fucking easily as a result

I get so fucking sweaty i have to spend 5-10 minutes every day airing off without a shirt in the office bathroom.
Feels bad man

After walking to work, that is

>do cardio
yeah, it's unique OP, this never happened before

>your average white person
nice genetics, guy.

hehe thats me

was me for uni

im a neet now

Why are you "power walking". Lifting burns more calories.

>powerwalking for 2 hours
Yes of course you're going to sweat you mong, you should've worn workout clothes if you were going to do that.

but it doesn't work the most important muscle: your heart :3

>walking is comfy and easy.
>comfy and easy
then why the fuck are you doing it? push yourself

Yes you are unique snowflake.

Ignore that piece of shit op

dude I'd say you're fine desu. I've seen a lot worse, it just means you're working real fucking hard! Keep it up

You will (not) make it

You disgust me

You're lying, fuck off

All you did was lose weight

im not op but i made that comment.
i do on other days lifting or playing sports.
but still, 500cal for an hour trail walk, why would u not do it?
only thing i can think of is you live somewhere unsafe

>Why are you "power walking". Lifting burns more calories
does it? i've been trying to find how much calories lifting burns but ive not come across much.
how much do you think you burn powerwalking the same amount of time? numbers
Dont get me wrong i think you should lift regardless

Op here again, suprised this shit thread didn't 404 overnight

I have genetically inherited diabetes from my grandfather, it's not because I'm out of shape (but I am working hard to be healthier)

I didn't, I emailed myself the picture because I'm a techpleb

I eat waaaay too much salt actually

Pickles, canned soups and shit, there's always something

I lifted, then went walking actually

>inheriting diabetes
You are a master of your own fate, don't blame external factors for your t2 beetus

I don't know if this it bait or not, but you can inherit diabetes, retard. Even if you're very healthy your liver will slowly lose the ability to produce insulin without you doing anything wrong.