H-hey Veeky Forumsros... sorry only used to being on /b/

H-hey Veeky Forumsros... sorry only used to being on /b/
I wanna get fit, but can't find the motivation to go to the gym
What motivates you and any tips to help me get out of the house?

It's a habit at this point.
I started lifting with my brother about five years ago but I do think it's less daunting when you go with someone else.

Quit being a faggot looking for someone to do it for you, don't "motivate"yourself, just discipline yourself to go to the gym each day and eat right

Sounds like good advice, I should look into it when my brother's back in town
That's one viewpoint I guess. The reason I made this thread was because I can't flip the switch that easily. My brain can't just "discipline" itself into going unless I was being forced to, and there's nothing telling me to get fit other than a want to be more healthy.

First you force yourself
Then you realize no one gives a shit about you there
Then you continue because you're seeing progress

Idk about the progress part after only a couple times it felt pointless and I can't do a lot because I'm pretty out of shape.


There's only one way to get in shape my friend

you dont need that. you need discipline.

dont open a thread then, get snacks and enjoy /fat/
how come people always ask
>motivate how?
and not
>im too retarded to read the sticky, where do i get a rope?

It's gonna be pretty hard for several weeks, friend. But you'll start noticing progress pretty quickly. Before you know it, it'll be a part of your regular routine and you won't have to think about it anymore.

Slow down with the lingo, Veeky Forumsruv. I just wanna know everyanon's drive/s
Should I try turning it into a schedule, to get a routine or go when I have free time? How long should/can a workout take?

You're posting on here basically asking someone to take you to the gym and hold your hand.

Just fucking go, don't be a pussy, no one is going to do any of this for you, ever. YOU have to be the one to initiate change, we can only give you props when you stick to it.

The good news is that you want to make a change, well, don't put off until tomorrow what you can start today.

>watch your language
dont act retarded


rap music


Shit it's 3 am I'll try in the morning, that thing about change is right tho gg
What else did you want me to say to him

this reddit tier attitude wont help you. you basically dont know how to human. every achievement is driven by discipline. its not something you learn by asking other people, or by asking them to help you. lighting the spark is THE KEY to your problem.
at this point you wont get anywhere, even if someone mapped out the first 4-5 months for you, because you dont understand the basic concept. and you cant learn it by typing peaceful text blocks on the internet. you have to actually get to a point where you dont wanna do anything - but do it anyways.
so the "unhelpful" advices are the best ones, because you have TO DO something. it doesnt matter if its right or wrong, a beginners routine or whatever. you have to do something, to get the right mindset. start running and look up training plans afterwards. nothing on paper has value without action.
your body is the only thing you truly own in this shithole, so stop being the manchild you are and do something about it. even if it is to get up early in the morning or eat right.
how evolutionary rewinded do you have to be, that you cant even use the basic tools of the internet? fuck off.

They were unhelpful because they only said one word. Sorry that offended you, but thanks for the advice. I'm going in the morning, for myself

Not looking like shit you faggot

Don't wait for your brother to come back into town. There will always be something else to distract you. Just go. If you start tomorrow you'll look back in three months and thank yourself.

If you don't, look down in three months and see the same body you see now.

Then you are of no use to yourself. Stop wasting your betters' time, and go self-improve. Or die.


my wallpaper.