What's the point of having a Veeky Forums body when your mobility is shit?

What's the point of having a Veeky Forums body when your mobility is shit?

Because that man is as thin as a toothpick and twisting your body makes it look wider than it is.

That's where ur wrong kiddo.

>Veeky Forums fears mobility more than it fears vegans
Color me impressed.

He has weird ass poses on both pics, does he ever stand normally

That's what real Jews look like?


What's this dancing called?

What's the point of mobilty?

white boy boogy



is that chris christie in his pussy slaying days?

lol I would actually enjoy going to clubs if that was acceptable dance

Yes. Here's a collage if you still want to nitpick. He has FRAME, he's LEAN and he can cuck you in DOZENS of ways.


Funny thing, his posture is utterly crap yet OP was crying about mobility

What's the point of lifting?

Ido can have bad posture if he wants, his mobility is great and proves that there's nothing bad going on with his body.

McGregor is a fucking potato, though, so don't expect anything good out of him.

How often do you fap with those pics you fag?


Says the flaming homosexual that jerks off to Arnold and randoms in CBTs.


been talking about gregor though, but still, its kind of a funny irony talking about mobility and yet people with shit posture seem to have a decent level of mobilty

Wow, it's almost as if posture minimally influences mobility if you train for it.

What am i, gay?

>browses Veeky Forums
Yes, you're gay.

this is literally "The Chad Stride"