This is not strictly fitness related but how do i transform from a skinny beta nerd who is even scared to text girls to...

This is not strictly fitness related but how do i transform from a skinny beta nerd who is even scared to text girls to one of you guys?

im 21 and tired of wasting my life playing videogames. Im lifting and trying to eat more but its so difficult because i feel sick so often and have a condition meaning my knees are shot so cant squat.

i try to use apps like tinder and stuff but hardly get any resoponses.

In real life approaching girls my body starts shaking and i feel nauseous, obviously im a virgin. basically I want to change my life because im sick of thi fucking shit. at this point unless shit changes I wanna kill myself.

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I want you to remember two little words. Two words that will unlock the entire world for you. Two words that mean nothing at all.

Fuck it.

That's all you need. Fuck it. Nothing matters. Life is short, there is no god, existence is a random happenstance. All you can do is try your best to be happy.

Fuck it.

"I should really text that girl, but I don-"

Fuck it.

"But what if sh-"

Fuck it.

"But I'm so anxio-"

Fuck it.

Just live, man. Be happy. Do what you want. If someone tries to say otherwise, tries to judge you, tries to dictate how you live, well...

Fuck it.

1 get nice body
2 go on tinder

Dont fucking use your knees as an excuse, fine you cant probably go as hard on legs but you still got your upper body dont you? Girls would rather go on a date with a buff beta nerd rather than a skellington beta nerd.

>This is not strictly fitness related but how do i transform from a skinny beta nerd who is even scared to text girls to one of you guys?
You're already there, buddy.

You have to secure your place in life OP. Practice being assertive and channel your aggression. Don't take shit from anyone. Girls will begin to notice you if you do these things

>TFW you wish you could be a skinny beta 21yo reeling in pussy
>TFW 27yo virgin omega and obese

how do i be like you OP

the opinion of women should matter very very very little to you. once you accept that you should start making progress

This helps a ton. Just recently started shifting out beta phase, and this mindset is what I've been using. A few girls have already started to initiate conversations with me, without me having to try to start anything at all.

Feels good.jpg

Eh honestly I just kind of got more socially confident the older I've gotten. I'm 28 now, when I was late teens early 20s I had a hard time talking to women too... I kind of just got better at it over time. Now I can talk with anyone, even really pretty women without having much of a problem.


>feel sick so often

If you have any illness or pre-existing condition you should try to fix or alleviate that as much as possible. It can make a huge difference. It could also, potentially, make a difference to your anxiety problems.

I recently lost 3kg of bodyweight and maybe 5% off most of my lifts due to stomach ulcers. If I had not gotten it taken care of I would basically be unable to lift by now (and of course if I hadn't ignored it for so long I might not have lost anything).

I used to be like you 3 months ago

Then i started roiding

1. Stop being a classcuck
2. Train to be stronger than someone you admire that you know irl
3. Spend more time outside meeting people
4. Realise women and men are equally horribly insecure

>to one of you guys

Kek, must be your first time posting here.

thanks i wil try to apply this.
i do upperbody and deadlifts and go light on squating
i get fuklleasily and it shard to eat 2.5k calories
Thanks. just try to care less and get out of your comfort zone.

even when i feel anxious and sick?

booze helps a little

>how do i transform from a skinny beta nerd who is even scared to text girls to one of you guys?
>one of you guys

>how do i transform from a skinny beta nerd who is even scared to text girls to one of you guys?
Errm, darling..

If you are a legit 21 year old virgin...

Focus on making money.

If you've ended up in this state it's because you've an ugly face and it's caused a negative feedback loop destroying your whole life.

You will need hundreds of thousands worth of plastic surgery to fix the root cause of this problem.

stop letting your inner anxieties stop you from doing what your inner voice wants to do. You're not an animal, who only listens to what impulses their biology tells them to do. You have choice and control over what you do and don't do. It's what separates fit successful people from lazy fatties. Those people are letting their short term impulses control their life. Take control of your own life, and be better than your lazy side wants you to be. So if your productive self is telling you to not play videogames, then just fucking don't. If you want to talk to girls, just do it.

There's no secret. You just do it.

I learned this after tripping acid a year or two ago and life has been infinitely better. This is great advice user

>to one of you guys
you mean gay?

Here's the deal, when you get anxious, remember it doesn't matter and you'll never see that person again if you fuck up. Oneitis is a mental illness, it isn't real. Just forget about making a fool of yourself because everybody does that.

You're probably gonna act spazzy for a while b/c you don't know how other people act and don't kow how to react, but you'll get better if you stick with it, don't worry about anything

Please teach me, or at least give me some advice. What steps can I take to stop caring?

I have some shit that's eating away at me and I want to just forget it all

this is actually good advice

I went through a big life change a few years ago that I was really nervous about and delayed as long as possible, but when I did it, I felt silly for having taken so long and all the concerns/fears I'd had were basically nonsense. so from that point forward I made it kind of a life rule that whenever I experience that same anxious feeling of "I want to, but...", no matter what it is that I'm considering doing, I do it. like I take the feeling as a signal that the decisionmaking process is over, I don't allow myself to not do it. since then I've started a career (was a grill cook, now a programmer) and got a gf, both starting from the point of "well, I should, but what if..." and then overruling myself with "that's the signal, gotta do it now user"

This is legit, just stop caring about anything.


Don't let the past drag you down. It happened. There's no changing that. You can dwell on it forever, or you can pick yourself up, say "man, that sucked." and carry on. Like I said before, life is short. There's no point in being unhappy. No point in wasting time. Be like the river, flowing ever onward, slowly carving it's own path through earth and stone, deciding for itself where to go. Fuck it.

Fuck it, bro

Some psychedelics can help you unlock this attitude I believe.

fake it till you make it
seriously, that's how I got past most of my social anxiety, you basically have to fake that you're not anxious and put yourself into uncomfortable situations, eventually you actually won't have to fake it anymore
I went to my first drag race last night(in one). Nervous as shit, then after the first run it was extremely easy to do the rest when you realize how little people care about you and how much they care about themselves and their anxieties/pressures.

this is the only good and true advice OP

I had a similar experience but forgot all of it
That's why I want to do it again

>there is no god, nothing matters
You're right, but for the wrong reasons

>transform from a skinny beta nerd who is even scared to text girls to one of you guys?

So, let me get this right, you want to transform from a skinny beta nerd to a muscular beta nerd?
Read the sticky.

This advice works well if you're a total shut-in NEET, but if you have family, friends or a gf it can totally fuck your life up and make them hate you.

If you're trying to transform yourself, you'll make alot of people hate you anyway. Believe it or not, even some of your friends and family would rather you stay a nerd.


one thing that helped me alot with girls is when i first transitioned from beta to alpha(not really the most alpha but can get laid now thank god) i had confidence issues. after i while i learned to say fuck it and never took no as an answer. at some point it starts to lose it's meaning. girls like assertive men so if they reject you keep pounding at it. best advice i can give really that's what helped me

There's a fine line between "no means yes" and "no means no". Follow the rule of 3, like a fairy tale. If she says no 3 times she's probably serious. Otherwise lay a little pressure on; she might be waiting for you to get her to crack.

Note the general body language though. If she's looking at you like you pissed all over her Christmas presents, then don't try a second and third time.

I like this analogy.

if she says no, just say something like
>no problem, was gonna see if we could cancel anyway. Had something else planned
you'll be hearing from her very soon.

Have done this. Can confirm.

Once in a while if I need to be busy and I don't have any projects/work to do or I'm just feeling lazy, I'll drive around town and listen to some new music so any mutual friends of ours can't give away the fact that I'm actually dicking around.

Try try try... and fail.
Accepting failure is the first step to succeeding

jus b urself dood xd

>one of you guys
you already are user

>how do I transform from a skinny beta nerd who is even scared to text girls to a jacked beta nerd who is even scared to text girls
5x5 on a few compounds, good diet and some tren

I doubt your condition keeps you from squatting.
There are extremely few conditions which keeps you from it.

>is not strictly fitness related but how do i transform from a skinny beta nerd who is even scared to text girls to one of you guys?

For the record, as a Veeky Forums lurker, the majority of the guy here are actually just bitter, beta, butthurt nerds. I suggest you hit up if you want a less phaggy community. I mean misc is very much like Veeky Forums but at least it has user account and reputation so you can avoid all the retards

>im 21 and tired of wasting my life playing videogames.

Video games are a waste of time, think about it:

Youth is fleeting as fuck. You're only young for a very short period of time. Then you're old for the REST of your life. You're going to be old for a lot longer than you're going to be young.

You've got 19 years TOPS before you're going to be an actual old person. Then begins another 40-60+ years of old age.

If you need motivation quitting video games remember this:

* You'll have plenty of time when you're old to play them and advances in computer technology will make the games available in your old age FAR better than the ones we have today.

>Im lifting and trying to eat more but its so difficult because i feel sick so often

You'll need to be in caloric surplus in order to gain muscle. Try looking up some diets until you find one that works for you. don't overdo it either. I got fat first time I tried to "bulk".

>have a condition meaning my knees are shot so cant squat.

just focus on upper body.

>i try to use apps like tinder and stuff but hardly get any resoponses.

These apps are mostly a waste of time. They only really work if you live in a really big city or are really good looking.

Otherwise you might get some success here any there but the time to sex ratio stupid.

How much do you earn at your job? $20 and hour? in the 12 hours you spend trying to make tinder work you could simply save $240 for fun time with a professional.

If you want to meet girls, do it in person. Don't waste time with "apps.

Poetic. I love the ending. I wish fit wasn't so fully of whiny betas.