I'm actually ruining my own life and I've become the person who I hated in life before

I'm actually ruining my own life and I've become the person who I hated in life before

>Turn 30
>Make over 135k and money saved up/investments
>Start getting depressed since 28
>Turns out had low t at 30 and jumped on TRT
>Been on TRT for months now and I love it
>Problem is I'm still depressed sometiimes and I don';t work out
>Pay for a gym membership
>Never actually go to the gym
>Literally sitting here dying in my own shitty apartment even though I make a good living and have chance in life

>I've become a weak, weak man stuck in depression and even TRT wont drag me out of the hole I'm in

Other urls found in this thread:


go to the gym faggot


I used to be so dedicated, so fucking dedicated back in the day

Now that I'm 30, I have faced reality and now understand that I will die one day, I never thought about this before

>muh first existential crisis

What are you 14? Read some stoicism.

People don't talk about this much in our degenerated modern world... people would rather go on about their day living as though there is no end. This makes them incapable of long range planning or comprehending consequences. Your awakening is a gift, friend. Focus on realizing this and take the next step toward living an intentional life. Decide that you are going to the gym... will it into being because you have that power. Decide that you'll go check out a movie by yourself... will it into being because you like and enjoy it. Decide that you'll dress up a bit and check out some bar by yourself with no expectations other than to entertain yourself... and things will happen.

I remember once when I was 5 years old... sitting up in my old waterbed back home one night crying. My little brother was across the room in his own bed fast asleep and though he didn't wake my mother could hear me snd came into the room to figure out what was wrong. "I don't want to die." I told her when asked the inevitable, "What's wrong sweetie?" Imagine... a five year old sitting in bed contemplating his own mortality. I've been aware of how short and precious life is for a very long time, and it definitely shaped how I grew up, who my friends were, and what kinds of activities I engaged in.

My mothers only response that night as she struggled to find the words to comfort me was, "that isn't for a very long time and you don't have to worry about it right now." This wasn't a satisfactory answer at the time OP, which is why I'm sharing. The answer I needed, that you need, is yes... you are going to die... maybe even today... and you must live this way... intentionally because there are no do-overs. This is all we have and it is within our power to make it great... and there are no valid excuses for why we ought not do so. Sending love your way OP, don't be a faggot.

How do you get to 30 without realizing that you will die and anything that matters is just memories?

Kidding? The vast majority of people are dull, vapid, unconscious consumers. The answer to "How?" is that this is the default now. Its symptomatic of our "buy X to be happy or distractes" culture. It's honestly fucking sad how great we could be but aren't and have no chance of collectively becoming. Only gifted individuals can rise above.


Any philosophy is for faggots,it's just bullshit made by another man/people it's a human creation it's shit,all philosophies are shit,they cant contain any truth because life and nature are too vast for a single faggot to write down,it may hold little to no truth,but thats it.

Philosophy is against lifes nature.

If I could afford reddit gold I would gold you for this epic comment good sir! Life is just menaningless like they say on le rick and morty XD

Do something you actually care about. Sounds like your job makes good money, but can you study it, apply the knowledge, and feel good about it? Personally, being a nurse helps me with all that. EMT's in the states need only like a semester of classes. Pay is shit and you're treated like crap ofc, but can be rewarding.

Friends amd family are other sources of purpose, and emotional support. And entertainment.

And go see a therapist lol u can obviously afford it.

dude just go lift. that's it. that's all there is. distract yourself and it will eventually subside

I can't go and I don't know why

I used to love weight lifting, I'm still running a test cycle every week but I just cant get back into the gym

I make a lot of money right now and I feel my career is only advancing more and more, but I have a thought in the back of my mind to throw it all away

Slowly let the career fade away, let the lifestyle fade away, and than rebuild again

I dont know whats wrong with me anymore, i just dont know

stoicism and taoism are the only two "philosophies" that follow nature's way. I do agree that most philosophies are bullshit and just a way for people to avoid life

So are u more like "omg im gonna die someday" or "life is boring i want to die" ?

Life is boring
Don't know what to do anymore
Don't know if I should pursue the same field
Worried about getting another promotion and just becoming a wage slave for life
Others might enjoy their work and field
When I was entry level in this field I enjoyed it as well
I have climbed the ladder so high, now I can't see myself being happy with more money and more status
I';m not happy no matter what I do
I also, have trouble actually taking advice and moving on with life

weak creepypasta


you are depressed because you are obviously a boring person who needs a lifestyle change, chemicals are not the answer.

Time to get out of your comfort zone, go for a jog, go for a bike ride, go fucking a hooker without a condom on. If life is so depressing give me your money then fucking go kill yourself.

Here let me give you a little bit of my life.
>mom has been battling cancer on and off for about 2 years now.
>they find it in her throat and cure it
>they now find it in her mouth and jaw bone
>brother decides to start using heroin after his prescription to percocets (sp?) runs out
>gets his wife hooked
>he loses his children
>placed in my parents custody
>I get so upset by this I lose my shit at work getting fired
>break up with the gf of about a year and realize that she was probably seeing other people long ago, just using me for my money
>end up moving back to near my parents and buying a house I cant afford, hey $400k over 30 years kool
>slowly trying to clean my brother and his wife up over the last year or so as they steal from me and drive me nuts
>apparently they use meth when they cant find heroin and smoke that shit in my house
>become a foreman at my work, more stress than I really wanted but ok, thank you for more money
>finally get my bro clean his wife moved in with her parents across the country and ran from the law
>my bro at least goes to his court dates, 30 or so in the last 3 months, all minor shit
>hes clean now so I was hoping he would help by paying some rent
>instead he moves in with my parents who dont want him there so he can get a ride to a shitty job
>I personally work so much now that I can only hit the gym on friday nights and the weekends

Sometimes you have to go through the shitty times to appreciate the good times user. I would rather be a simple man with low stress than what I am right now

>judges as to the possibilities of knowledge
>implies life has some inherent nature
Pure philosophy.

find a new hobby

Watch Jordan Peterson videos on youtube. Im not memeing you. He has the answers to many of your problems - even ones you cant articulate yet.

Also he used to bench 100kg when he was 27

>baby's first existential crisis
so you're 16, got it.

could be that you just need a goal worth pursueing in your life.
could also just be a physiological thing.
get your thyroid, hormones, minerals, and vitamins levels checked.
ask (read: insist) for these test:
*thyroid: TSH, FT4, FT3
*hormones: testosterone and SHBG (probably not necessary since you're on TRT), estradiol/e2 (sensitive test), progesteron and prolactin (if you inject T but not inject hCG, some hormones don't get produced)
*minerals: iron and iron saturation, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc
*vitamins: B12, D3, folate (sometimes called folic acid / B11)

before getting on anti-depressants (SRIs), try other stuff first.
SRIs are pretty bad shit.

Find another example of it being posted before.

lol i had this crisis when I was 12. You black or something? or just a faggot?

I golf, play pool, ride dirt bikes bmx and mountain bikes, go see bands, take weekend camping trips on my motorcycle, hike, all kinds of stuff alone and on maybe 30k a year
You're an utter faggot if you're making 135k and can't find anything to do with it and think getting shots from a doctor is going to solve your problems

You sound burned out.

My prescription: Fuck some hoes and do some hard drugs over the weekend.

What is death? Someone looking at death per se, and applying the analytical power of his mind to divest death of its associated images, will conclude then that it is nothing more than a function of nature - and if anyone is frightened of a function of nature, he is a mere child. And death is not only a function of nature, but also to her benefit.

At all times awaiting death with the glad confidence that it is nothing more than the dissolution of the elements of which every living creature is composed. Now if there is nothing fearful for the elements themselves in their constant changing of each into another, why should one look anxiously in prospect at the change and dissolution of them all? This is in accordance with nature: and nothing harmful is in accordance with nature.

Just as if a god told you that you would die tomorrow at at least the day after tomorrow, you would attach no importance to the difference of one day, unless you are a complete coward (such is the tiny gap of time): so you should think there no great difference between life to the umpteenth year and life to tomorrow.

You may leave this life at any moment: have this possibility in your mind in all that you do or say or think.

So we must have a sense of urgency, not only for the even closer approach of death, but also because our comprehension of the world and our ability to pay proper attention will fade before we do.

No, you do not have thousands of years to live. Urgency is on you. While you live, while you can, become good.

Select passages from Marcus Aurelius' Meditations.

this kind of stuff looks so stupid now that we know so much more about, well, everything.

Hahaha look at this retard

>Now that I'm 30, I have faced reality and now understand that I will die one day, I never thought about this before

You will soon realize that man spends his entire life in preparation for his death. What matters is whether you left the world even a tiny bit better than it was before you. Embrace the suck.

Please enlighten us, I'm interested to know how fearing death and not living a productive life is the way of the educated future in which we live.

>I'm interested to know how
no, you're not
otherwise you would start with the ironic >Please enlighten us

>oh no
>i'm 30 and i have savings
>educated with a job
>i'm so depressed

depression has nothing to do with how bad or good your situation is.
it's a chemical imbalance in your brain.
it's as real as having a broken leg.

>no, you're not
I disagree.
The only way to prove me wrong is to refute my original point. I'm waiting.

2/10 bait

Yeah, except as long as you have
>education that leads to a job
You can get any anti-depressants, marijuana, and time that'll help you.

OP is just a bitch wanting more like everyone else except he's just a blanketed smart guy with a future who will die like everyone else.

>babby's first crop
So you're a retarded mexican, go it.

Still waiting.

traditional anti-depressant (SRIs) are shit.
having money doesn't mean you can navigate the medical minefield that is curing depression.
even if you're intelligent and you have more than enough time and energy to research it all, it can still be impossible to cure it.
and depression reduces cognitive ability and energy to do things, making it even harder.

What's your wife have to say about all of this?

maybe next time try not making it such obvious bait.

>Don't treat the cause, treat the symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs.
Fucking Americans.

2/10 bait and yet you're still replying.
I think it's pretty clear at this stage you've got absolutely nothing to back that shit up.
Stoics win again.

to be fair, in europe they do the same shit.
doctors know so little about mental illnesses, it's frightening.

good win bro, you really showed him

America consumes 80% of the world's opioids, please don't compare us to you.

How much do you make per year and how did you decide $400k was the right amount to spend on a house?

I live in the Netherlands, and I speak from experience.

>wants to find a memory of why you do a certain behavior or feel a certain way through some way through hundreds hours of therapy talk

>doesn't wanna just get high instead

jesus christ you non-americans are fucking retarded no wonder you're depressed fuccboi

I'm single/alone

I've asked about this on many forums, most people older than me tell me to just get my shit together and go back to the gym, since years later I will be married and maybe have kids and I will miss these days and remember how good I really had it

>I'm working on getting my shit together
>Don't look at this thread and think that i'm not trying or have no plan
>Just make these threads to get the discussion going and maybe some new input on my life

Give me half your 135k salary and I'll teach you. I can be your life coach user.

I'm doing really well right now and would rather not go into toooo much detail but I'm a self made man and achieved everything on me own

I'm actually making a lot more right now, have a ton of investments which will change my life with money in the long term

not him, but no, there are plenty of physical problems that can depression which can be fixed without SRIs.
e.g. thyroid issues, hormonal issues, mineral/vitamin deficiencies, or shitty diet or stress or shitty sleep, etc.

are you 14
what a pussy

>physical problems
everything you listed was a physiological/chemical problem you stupid fuck.

Jesus christ you fucking retards had your brain degenerated from years of not getting high

Well, easier said than done, but getting a wife is comfy af

it's very possible it's just a physical thing.
you can't just think everything away.
see that's what physical means, buddy

so how about it user, $ for coaching

better yet, let's form a contract with multiple people here so we can make you the living embodiment of Veeky Forums

It is phisycal, I sit at home and work in my home office

I have no need to go outside, I have no hobbies anymore

HOWEVER, let me be 100% honest with everyone here, I have a plan, and a guide into the future for myself. Only reason I made the thread is because I'm looking to talk about this and maybe help others to realize more money and a good career might not equal happiness

Truth be told, I could probably help each and everyone advance in their own field

I am a good person to know, however, yea, even someone like me has a few issues here and there

Money for coaching? I made this thread to start the discussion, I don't actually need the coaching since I have a plan and I've made peace with my life a long time ago....

if you think it is physical, then you should get those things I mentioned checked out.
it's good you have a plan and guide and whatever, but if you simply have a dopamine deficiency or whatever, you need to do something about that.

it's like planning on howto live with a broken leg, instead of getting it in a cast.

>Literally sitting here dying in my own shitty apartment even though I make a good living and have chance in life
>I've become a weak, weak man stuck in depression and even TRT wont drag me out of the hole I'm in
you're not making a strong case here

if you have no clue what depression is, why post?

I live in the top city of my state and one of the best neighborhoods around here

>Very expensive to live around here
>Looking at property for next year
>Can't really move out right now since signed lease on a nice apartment
>Don't look so deep into my previous discussions, I'm merely looking to talk and read other peoples opinions about this topic

I might be depressed, however, I have a plan and am working on myself everyday

>physical means physiological/chemical
this stupid nigg

physical: of or relating to the body

physiological: of or relating to physiology
physiology: a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (such as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved

yes, thanks for explaining why you're wrong

physical and chemical have always been separate terms retardo
you can change the physical structure and nothing will be changed chemically
it's been that way since the laws of physics

You disgust me.

Lurker here, thank you for this post man it opened my eyes.

Not the same guy, but I'm a chem grad. It's hard to admit this but chemistry is just applied physics. Chemical properties arise from the physical structure of elements.
So if you change the physical structure of something it is very likely to alter the chemical properties.
So please stop with this retarded drivel.

Thank you

If I cared about your opinion I wouldn't post this here, but my posts probably help others just as they might help me

You might not understand yet, but I don't argue about this stuff with online strangers

>Have money
>Have achieved things others couldn't in three life times
>End up depressed and miserable because others spent time focusing on family and kids
>I spent my life dedicated to a career
>Tell me again why you hate me, is it because I have lost a piece of myself? I'm working on rebuilding my life

I've never put anyone else down, I'm looking to pick others up as we pick each other up

>if you change something on a physical level it'll change on a chemical level
>chem grad
from the proud nation of Khazakstan?

By a physical change I mean modification of orientation in 3dimensional space since that is what the world physical corresponds to; that of the material world.
If that's too hard for you to wrap your mind around I have nothing left to say.

OP posts story about his life and looking to change things. Others judge and spit as they see a low level successful man and spit on him as they themselves have never worked hard to get something out of their own life. Eventually they spit so much, they start to believe someone who is successful isn't allowed to have issues or depression.

>break ice
>nothing changed chemically
>break skull
>nothing changed chemically
>break egg
>nothing changed chemically

its ability to sustain itself changes when destroyed but that's a different cause, it's not the physical change that causes chemical change

you're no chem grad

at least you dont have aids. grow up man

Life has no meaning. We till and some of us waste their time providing for spawn because they think it'll leave some sort of legacy when you'll be forgotten in three generations.

"The pathway to paradise is through hell"
If you want to get to a better place, you have to destroy the the faggot from within, in the gym that is. It hurts, but it is necessary.

Everyone is full and vapid apart from you right user?

Lmao get over yourself you dipshit you're just like everyone else

If I define physical to be descriptive of something with spaciotemporal quality then changing the location of a methyl group on any random molecule would be in this definition a physical change.
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about please stop

Awesome, glad someone got some value out of it.

Baby’s first existential crisis?


About 2 years ago i was depressed like shit user
>be me
>18 y/o back in time
>had literally no one not even family, no one knew this
>loosing my current gf cause shes retarded
>had no job where i would get money, and didnt find one
They told me to go to a programm where i can find a job, i was there, like i was waking up at 5 am, and came back at 10 pm just cause the long bus drive.
I did nothing there user. I was just standing there for the whole time waiting for end.
>tfw they dont give you anything to do and you get even more depressed
>tfw you need to do this program otherwise they wouldnt pay your mom anymore the money she gets for you
I was living at my moms house, i dont even know the my father, not even his name.
What i did user:
>got myself up and found a good job
>started lifting
>found friends
I understood how important that was to
feel well, i told myself to stop being a bitch and be a men.
Now im here user, feeling way better.
I was going through a hard time, and you can do it too.
Look for a passion and stick with it, work hard and get what you deserve, you can do that.
Go get it user, no one can stop you

Believe me OP, physical training will do you wonders for relieving depression.
Just power through it and get going.

Life begins where your comfort zone ends.

Go download tinder, go cycling, go lift some heavy ass weights because fuck it you can. Will to power, you make the conscious decisions. Take it one day at a time.

holy fuck your a fag haahahahahaahahahaah

>i make a six figure salary and i'm only 30
>i'm depressed

pick one faggot

You know, I've been lurking this board for a long time and a lot of you 30+ niggas are downtrodden as fuck. Of course we're going to die, you never stopped to consider this before? Holy shit, it's like your balls haven't really dropped.

Go read some history and look at people who truly had to struggle in times of war and/or famine. Go read Book of Five Rings and realize how easy we have it in comparison to back in the day. Niggas used to wake up having to prepare for death on the daily, while you sit here crying on a fucking anime image board about being in a great situation but feeling unmotivated to do anything about it.

I'm 29, 30 next year, and the five times I've seen this same exact thread this year alone I always think to myself - Good. Less competition. Let the faggots fail.

If you're too stupid to realize shit doesn't kick off until your 30s then you'll spend them looking back on your teens and 20s as your glory days. And that's a lot scarier to me than death, because I've seen marked improvement in every aspect of my life you afcs are too complacent to see.

Tl;Dr I'm pushing 30 and life is STILL on the rise; you're doing it wrong, get your mind right.

And as a follow-up...

>Getting mired by 18yo puss that would've passed on me in the past for older guys, which I'm on the verge of becoming
>Job stability and security, leaving me free to focus on my own hobbies/investments in my downtime without worry
>People are more receptive to wisdom I share, which makes me feel good for actually having wisdom to share
>Starting to look like all those handsome grown n sexy Hollywood Chads pushed on the telly
>Little fuccboi niggas become even more irrelevant at bars & parties, and as such results in a lot less drama and easy pussy pulling - girls go for the classic Jean, t's, and leather look a lot faster than they do exposed ankles and skinnies
>I've seen some shit, and it shows in the way I carry myself & communicate. This may not seem like anything, but the level of seriousness that you must carry to be taken seriously as a man comes solely from experience and struggle which one naturally acquires through age (unless they bitch on the internet about life being hard for no fucking reason; that's fucking life, duh)

>says philosophy is stupid
>"philosophy is against lifes nature"

Wew lads, got my noggin joggin


Did your mommy give you milky and sucky sucky?

take acid

Everyone is going to die. Who cares, just go work out.

>leave some sort of legacy when you'll be forgotten in three generations.

fuck you