Are there any people on Veeky Forums you've encountered who would you describe as sociopathic in your opinion...

Are there any people on Veeky Forums you've encountered who would you describe as sociopathic in your opinion personally?

Anyone here in Veeky Forums, not just Veeky Forums, that spews a hardline eugenics approach to humanity is by definition a sociopath. Only a sociopath would have such a disregard for human life and that eugenics is usually the outlet and pretext they utilize as a means of expressing their self-righteousness as an appropriate behavior that can convince people to follow their line of reasoning without facing the consequences.

>inb4 everyone is a sociopath

The reason everything's so bad is because we are letting anyone create offspring and we let anyone be parents. As much as I believe in eugenics and encourage its enforcement, I wouldn't have been born under any circumstance should it be applied, so take that as you will.

>The reason everything's so bad
What. What is so bad? Nevermind, it doesn't matter.

This "letting people procreate" horseshit shows an absolute lack of understanding of biology, evolution and pretty much everything else that would go over the head of someone who strains to put a coherent thought together.

It doesn't matter if you are the smartest, prettiest, most successful motherfucker with no apparent defects. If you don't reproduce, it does not matter. The only thing that matters is procreation, at least in terms of passing genes. Sure, you could argue about social factors, but the fact remains is that you can be the most deformed and dumb asshole on the planet, you are successful if you reproduce. You can overwhelm with numbers by displacing others using your volume.

This isn't really that well put together, but I'm tired, I have to do some work tomorrow and deal with the leasing office, and I have to get some other shit done, as well. I hope you managed to get something from it.

several, they usually trinkle in from pol

What the fuck point are you trying to make?

The above poster says they support eugenics and you just give a basic explanation about why it would work?

This guy gets it. In b4 not fitness related, # of offspring is fitness, look it up.

I don't believe in any of that pol-tard race motivated bullshit, but I sure as hell don't see why the mentally handicapped and genetically unfortunate should be completely unchecked in their contributions to the pool. I'm not advocating murder or whatever cleansing folks talk about, just sterilization. We're already tanking this planet as is, the last thing we need are more ignorant fucks to speed up our demise. I know that detrimental recessive traits can never be bred out entirely (we can walk through a proof if you want) but population control is a global issue, not simply a personal choice Want to call me a sociopath? Fine. I prefer "big picture guy".

Just saying, most of the people who consider themselves sociopaths are actually true sperglords.

Fuck off, not falling for the "muh feelings" meme is not the same as being a sociopath. What is wrong with voluntary eugenics? What is the problem pussy faggot?

The people who advocate it are usually the ones who need it most however.
They're great additions to the world are oft due to circumstances they had very little to do with and what social strata they are born into.
In the world they wish to create they would be seen as scum that should be removed from the gene pool
What genes do gates and zuckerberg possess that should be passed onto the next generation?

>What genes do gates and zuckerberg possess that should be passed onto the next generation?

Gates and Zuckenberg obviously have good intelligence genes, they're also hard workers(wich is a trait influenced by genetics). If their genes could be sold you would find a lot of buyers.

>The people who advocate it are usually the ones who need it most however.

No, the people who most need it are retarded sub-85 IQ subhumans who are functional illiterates and would never grasp ideas like eugenics.

>In the world they wish to create they would be seen as scum that should be removed from the gene pool

Why would nazi germans be considerated scum? They were very good at sports, very intelligent and very good looking. The ones considerated scum would be the weak, the dumb, the fat and the retards. Also, most people defending eugenics today are white upper to middle class people, the opposite of scum. You rarely see poor religious white trash and niggers advocating for the genetic enhancing of the human race.

There will be a time when people will select genes. A lot of diseases will be cured, manletism will disappear, intelligence will sky rocket. People will be beautiful and healthy, but somehow this is bad and I'm a sociopath for thinking it's actually a good thing.

>normal people who do okay decide that disabled retarded people should be euthanized cause they're slowing em down
>intelligent people decide that normal people who just do okay should be euthanized cause they're slowing em down
>exceptionally intelligent people then decide that the simply intelligent people be euthanized cause they're slowing em down
>the smartest people on the planet decide that the exceptionally intelligent are still not as smart as them and should be euthanized because smart as they are, they're still not extremely smart, and subsequently are slowing em all down
>the most powerful 10 people on earth decide that everyone else not as powerful as them can go no further because they've reached power singularity, so they euthanize all the smartest people on the planet, cuz they're slowing em down
>the last 10 most powerful people sling nukes at each other from their private space stations, eventually succeeding in killing each other and ending the human race

Hitler got way more tall, blonde haired, blue eyed, intelligent and beautiful people removed from the gene pool through his retardation than he got ugly, stupid, retarded people removed through his eugenics program.

Do you have a brain in that head? Do you ever think? Do you just sit on a pillow on a wooden chair faintly giggling at frog pictures while occasionally writing dribble like that so you can tell your parents the typing noise was you writing a resume finally?

You are dumb. Exceptionally dumb. And I actually want a eugenics program, because it would remove dumb fucks like you first and foremost.


>Gates and Zuckenberg obviously have good intelligence genes, they're also hard workers(wich is a trait influenced by genetics). If their genes could be sold you would find a lot of buyers.
They're both thieves who were born into good families. Gates family bribed the fucking government into using his shitty stolen operating system.
Zuckerber? Stole facebook patented it and then bent over and opened his cheeks for the NSA.

user. They're both genetic dead ends who were born into a higher social strata. Nothing more.

>No, the people who most need it are retarded sub-85 IQ subhumans who are functional illiterates and would never grasp ideas like eugenics.
user, people with IQs of 100ish are filling trailor parks, ghetto's and prisons.
IQ being the sole determining factor of someone's worth is the ideology of the genetically inferior who simply do not deserve to pass on their genes.

Nazi's were idiots. They decided to conquer instead of make friends with certain powerful groups and make in roads into africa and china.
America was a fucking wash.

Oh and I almost forgot about their ridculous space snow nigger fantasy.
I'm dead serious. People litterally think there was a space race of blonde haired blue eyed whites that were behind every ancient and demonstrably advanced civilization of the past.
That's how they were able to rationalize how much they stole from them.


A lot of misconceptions about this term and what it actually entails.

"Sociopath" and "psychopath" are no longer official diagnoses according to the DSM-V. They've been replaced by the broad spectrum "Antisocial Personality Disorder" or APD. About 1% of the population is antisocial to some degree, with common traits being:

>lack of empathy
>incredibly self-centered
>lack of inhibitions
>hampered or absent fear response
>manipulative or glib
>overly impulsive or overly calculating

Antisocial people might have trouble holding down a steady job or relationship. They may have trouble with the law, or abuse drugs. Of course, this varies from person to person. There's pretty large variation between "impulsive" types and "calculating" types. Impulsive sociopaths are more likely to have problems with drug abuse, relationships, and run-ins with the law, while calculating sociopaths might be able to hold down a job for years and live a seemingly stable life, but again, this isn't a hard and fast rule.

There is no single defining trait of an antisocial individual, and very few are violent or murderous. Typically APD is only diagnosed in adults 18+ as children may exhibit antisocial traits, especially if they have a rough home life, that does not necessarily indicate pathological antisociality.

There is no "cure" for APD but with therapy, self-aware antisocial individuals can correct their behavior with constant self-vigilance.

I was diagnosed at age 21 after a history of animal abuse, arson, assaults, alcohol abuse, restraining orders from two different ex girlfriends and multiple run-ins with police and campus security. I am emotionally abusive, paranoid, narcissistic, and supremely envious. After extensive therapy, I keep to myself as much as possible and occupy myself with solitary hobbies and occupations. I'm not going to hurt people any more because it will only leave me unfulfilled or in serious legal trouble. So I stay alone.

So basically Gattaca?

Eugenics is about eliminating weak genetic material from the human race. Imagine a world where we could pre-screen fetuses for retardation, autism, down syndrome, etc. And if those shit genetics are found fetuses are aborted. The human race would thrive.

Eugenics is the future. The world is already over populated.

Good chunk of our greatest minds have brain disorders or are just faggots/dykes/queers.

An attempt at normalizing humanity will lead to a humanity without highs and lows.

me today at the gym
>heh, you better hurry up on that squat rack if you know what's good for you


What if I'm only pushing for incentived but ultimately optional eugenics?

Fuck you'd end up with no indians in the world if eugenics were instituted.

Our greatest minds had mental retardation and down syndrome?? Don't think so. Perhaps the case could be made that high functioned autists have contributed to society.

Informative. You seem alright.

>Durr hurr you're stupid!
>Entire rebuttal is a slippery slope

You argue like a jew. You entire post was fallacy and then just calling him dumb.

Here man type these words into any search engine "eugenics in iceland"

>thinks the Nazis were idiots but believes in the Vaimãnika Shastra

Someone never got love

it is a meme for the most part user. Unless you have brain damage you are just a selfish coward pretty much. Same thing with the edgy people posting gore boasting about being numb to it.

They are like children who have been sexually abused and shut down their emotions because they hurt to much to deal with them.

I almost molested a girl when I was 8 so I'm probably not normal

My ex displayed a few tendencies. Not really all that surprising since her Mom is certainly mentally ill in some capacity

Definitely not at all sounding like a sociopath bro.


I've always felt like a snake in the grass. I don't know if this is sociopathic or not

the person who I display on the outside has very little resemblance to the one on the inside. I guess I'm just a classic creep which is how people have described me. The inside me is a scheming asshole with not much empathy but it's more beneficial to present myself in a manner that's cordial.

Jordan Peterson would say I'm the classic parasite. I have very low agreeableness and low conscientiousness. If something isn't competitive and I'm good at it already I won't even bother

oh yeah and I fapped to myself in the mirror last night

You do realise you just argued against his point..? He's saying the process of procreation is enough to regard someone as evolutionarily 'successful' and should be allowed to breed no matter how shit their genes are....

agreed with the only guy who knows what he's talking about in the thread

same (not last night tho), fapping is bad, don't do no more

I've literally never planned anything more than a day ahead in my entire life.
I failed high school due to not caring and just eventually stopped going. been a neet parasite ever since and have very little intention to do anything about it. I have recurrent thoughts of rape and murder, Secretly despise most of my friends, and am completely self obsessed.
I do have some feelings so I can't be a complete psychopath but I must be on the sociopath spectrum somewhere

>implying the elites of the world would kill off the people that they benefit from

Leaders can't be leaders without subordinates

Well yeah, that's what fitness is all about. High fitness = biological and evolutionary success. There is no tone of approval however, it's just explaining the drive of procreation. It's important to understand motivations if you're trying to change a dynamic.

Found the anti vaccer climate change denier.

I'd laugh if that guys ends up turning into some kind of serial rapist in the future and then all the news outlets are using that picture in the article.

>hoho rape face ahoy laddy, get your butter ready