/fitlit/: Recently Read Edition

Can we get a /fitlit/ going?

I recently read Mark Manson's book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" and thought it was babby-tier wannabe-stoic advice on life. I think people would be better off just rereading Aurelius's Meditations or the Enchiridion of Epictetus again. Though, I guess it does put a modern spin on it. I just wish Manson would say outright that his, "You're in charge of your own emotions so choose how you react," is pretty much ripped right out of stoicism. He's also full of fallacious arguments and knocks religion, pro-lifers, racists, sexists, etc. in his book for some reason which is, unironically, giving a fuck about those people or belief structures. With that in mind, I'd give it a solid 3/5. It's worthy of a read because it's quick, decently funny, offers good advice in some areas, but falls short and into fallacy in other parts contradicting himself numerous times. Also he resorts to anecdotes, """friends'""" stories (really just himself but he's too pathetic to admit it's him because he actually gives a fuck), and simply refuses to reference anyone but his immediate understanding of the world. There is no shame is referring people to Aurelius.

I come bearing gifts too. Here's his shitty book for those who wants it.

What have you guys read recently?

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, for clarification of Manson's political views. This comes from his personal website.

>Before, I stayed out of the gravitational pull of Trump’s narcissistic publicity machine for a few reasons:
>1. There’s already so much stuff out there about him and how terrifying he is as a presidential candidate, I never felt like there was anything I could say that wasn’t already being said by somebody smarter or more informed than me.
>2. The guy doesn’t need any more attention or publicity. Seriously, fuck him. But most importantly:
>3. Trump is an effect, not a cause. You don’t get a major party nomination off your own merits; you get there because you’re able to represent and channel millions of people’s thoughts and feelings. There is a putrid stench fermenting just beneath the surface of 21st-century society, and it birthed Trump, not the other way around. Nothing about the man himself is particularly unique or noteworthy, in my opinion.

His book was, of course, written before Trump got elected. But you can see his beliefs about education, social issues, bleed into this book.

>He's also full of fallacious arguments and knocks religion, pro-lifers, racists, sexists, etc. in his book for some reason which is, unironically, giving a fuck about those people or belief structures.
That's basically because he's a fucking mess.

>That's basically because he's a fucking mess.
He often references his own fucked up life with a slightly negative but badge-of-honor type attitude. He comes off as pretentious.

I prescribe 1 set of heli-jumps to failure

>knocks religion
I hate when people do this. Generally they do it to be edgy/cool. Religion bound people together with a common cause and ideology, allowing societies (the west in particular) to move from petty chieftains and city states to nations and empires.

It's like making fun of a horse because it can't pull as much as your truck.

I was about to make a kneejerk reaction post and call you a fag for posting this stupid book and tell you to just read Aurelius

I just finished Lolita the other day. It's a masterpiece.

A fucked up life will turn you into a wolf or a sheep - sounds like he's torn between which he'd like to become

just saw this on /tv/

>its another deus vult underaged praise kekxD memer who havent read a history book or took a class since high school

bet in your head you sounded very mature and intellectual

That was my bad. I was looking at what people were saying about the new Reddit & Morty episode along with that one thread about the first fully nude tranny in a tv series. Got my tabs mixed up kek.

Just ordered Blood Meridian since everyone's here been praising it

>What have you guys read recently?
Pic related.

It's not a book about how you should live your life and contains very little philosophy of any sort, it's just a really, really good book and probably one of the most gripping stories I've ever read.

It also made me want to climb mountains.

Hes not wrong. It almost seems like a rite of passage for white people to shit on Christianity and either briefly convert to meme shit like Buddhism or atheism before getting old and fearing death and converting back last second.


>pejorative mouth noises
What a lovely pile of non-argument you've got there Captain Ad-Hom

I went to catholic school for 11 years where many of the teachers were priests themselves. At this point I'm convincted that none of you who claim to be religious on Veeky Forums know anything about it at all and you dont even interact with actual religious people. Its like arguing against people who only watched the movie but was too lazy to read the book

Quite liked this one. Think most /fitlit/s would enjoy it

>since high school
Did you even read your post before hitting send?

I've been reading Karl Ove Knausgård's 'My Struggle'.
Read book one last summer and getting close to finishing book two now. Only four to go.
They're a bit intense, so I think a book a year will do it for me.
When I finish this one I think I'll do the Brothers Karamazov, although I have a craving for some Stephen King trash. Haven't read him since I was a kid, but might be fun to dig out one of his classics.

I've been wanting to read that too.

Current listining material.

>Its like arguing against people who only watched the movie but was too lazy to read the book
Ah yes, you're one of THOSE people.

I grew up in eastern Russia and orthodoxy was a huge part of that. I watched tarkovsky and parajanov and other religious shit at 15 because my dad was into that stuff too, and also made me read Dostoyevsky's more religious work. I'm pretty sure I'm at least more knowledgeable than the average anerifat catholic with their child touching epidemic.

>I went to catholic school for 11 years
I'd be more surprised if you DIDNT go into a lmao fuck religion brah phase after this. Youre pretty much expected to if youre forced into that kind of thing.

>although I have a craving for some Stephen King trash.
I just read his short story "N." in his collection Just After Sunset. It was actually pretty good and a short video series was made on it too by Marvel. Overall it was pretty good. I like his short stories because you can just pound through them in a few days.

It's almost like you just hit randomize on the JIDF insult generator.

Anybody can recommend something idiot friendly on aesthetics as a concept?
I only find dry and unrewarding actual uni textbooks, I need something commented to ease me into the matter first.

I enjoyed it in a way, was looking forward to seeing what he would come up with to sell this shit and was only mildly disappointed. But normies who truly had their life changed by this entry level “stop liking what I dont like but jk actually idgaf” (looking at you, mom and to an extent ex-gf) were in dire need of change with or without him, kek

Thanks, I'll have a look for that at the library. I don't think I ever read his short stories.

>the JIDF insult generator


Lesson 1: your face is ugly

Am reading american psycho

Look at him not giving a f*ck :^)

That is why I spend a third of my waking time improving what is below it. But thanks for the mild chuckle.

Im way over the phase where I will dislike something purely because they try to force it on me.
Catholic school is shit overall, its really just a bunch of people trying to justify their personal opinions with religion so you end up with a bunch of different people who in theory believe in the exact same religion.

In the end its completely useless because it doesnt help you to prepare for the real world. They work with the mindset that everybody out there is catholic with the exact same moral values as themselves (note that its diffent for each teacher) but in reality 99% of the people out in the actual world doesnt give a shit about it and if you assume they do, you just gonna get hurt and turn into another extreme. it really doesnt help the development of the person

>having to read a book about how to not give a fuck

To add:
I still have a better understanding of the religion than the average Veeky Forums user who only heard of the deus memes on /pol/

>Anybody can recommend something idiot friendly on aesthetics as a concept?
I've never read The Picture of Dorian Gray, but apparently those on Veeky Forums say it has a lot to do with aesthetics as a concept.

His first book however is amazing.

I have never been religious, never been to church properly (except for a couple of funerals and a wedding or two) and was never taught to believe in god. I would still prefer to have been raised in a country with a moral consciousness, because when people are generally taught to think in a general mindset, or are told that there is a greater purpose to work towards (that can only be achieved through cooperation and love of your fellow countryman) things tend to get along fairly smoothly, at the very least, the integrity of a nation can be held together.

Of course nowadays going to Catholic school fucks people up, they get brought up in a moral bubble, where they are expected to behave a certain way and they expect the same of others. Generally they get along well with others who have been brought up as they have, and not so long ago EVERYBODY was brought up in a insertdenominationhere school, so there wasn't really a change in environment.

Nowadays somebody who grows up in a catholic school will be thrown out the other end into a world of complete free for all, where everybody has been indoctrinated that there is no higher god than themselves, and no greater purpose beyond fullfilling their own pleasure. It's impossible to get along with and have a cohesive society when everybody is convinced that the apex of life is the pursuit of their own desires.

So basically it's a book about
>follow what i'm doing or you're wrong, and giving fucks
Sounds like the typical mentally damaged american
No thank you.

i dont wanna sound smart but i cant be the only one who wasnt impressed by this book. and im not even that successful with women but the vast majority of this book like voulnerability and confidence was completely obviously since i was like 14. its a good compilation of useful stuff but nothing you shouldnt figure out simply from observing

Youre delusional if you think there are major differences between the students of a catholic school and a regular one. The biggest difference was the lack of induviduality I would say, people who went there were forced to swallow every bullshit, like girls couldnt even show their shoulder. So I would say the biggest difference was that people there were more agreeable, or just didnt give a shit about school at all because they focused on their life outside. But moral-wise, there was no difference. There were sluts, weed smokers, people who partied, worked out, regular stuff. There were a few one who clearly didnt fit in their but they werent more "degenerate" or whatever.

This doesnt explain being a stereotypical edge lord that shits on religion as a whole. You just went on a completely irrelevant ramble.

i dont shit on the religion, i shit on people who like it because of memes despite knowing nothing about it.

>You're delusional

Calm down buddy, I'm not religious nor am I particularly fond of christianity, but I can guarantee that most of the "degeneracy" that a lot of these catholic school kids get up to is due to outside influences. There is almost no way to actual keep (what is essentially a child) someone from doing stupid degenerate shit if all of their friends, the tv, songs on the radio, advertisements outside of the small moral bubble they are exposed to for a few hours a day is telling them to go out and get high/drunk and fuck like animals.

I actually read it years back, but focused on the hedonism aspect, going balls to the wall without repercussions and such. But come to think about it, first few chapters could literally be called “mirin, f-full homo”.

Raising kids to be religious to avoid sex and getting drunk is like teaching kids that marihuana is a gateway drug to heroine. It clearly does not fucking work and everyone who actually grew up in a religious environment sees this. I mean the vast majority of pornstars come from highly religious families, if anything setting strict rules will just encourage to break them as soon as you can.
The problem with religion that it uses no logic and allow little discussion. Then when you find yourself in actual situation, your only valid reason for not doing the thing is literally because an old men in the school said so. There could be actual arguments with similar endgame instead of a rule that makes no sense in itself.

I recently finished reading The Porn Generation by Benji Jewpiro
Right now I'm halfway through The Confessions of St. Augustine and The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care. I read bits and pieces of The Lives of the Saints (1+2) whenever I feel like it. I read the catechism whenever I feel like I might be making a mistake.
I went through that phase for a chunk of high school because my parents would volunteer me for every possible church event there was. Then my godmother (who was basically the aunt of the parish) died of cancer and I decided to educate myself on the history and beliefs of the Catholic Church. I joined a Catholic Club at el collage and I feel like I don't belong because of my rejection phase. Kind of glad to hear that it's pretty commonplace though.
>Mark Manson
I'm SO sorry

Link to pdf bruh

Currently reading a book about the life of Jerry Garcia, good shit man

I never understood following a philosophy, seems to me if you be true to yourself and surround yourself with supportive people you'll be infinitely more happy than trying to emulate something you've read.

>he doesn't want that aesthetic stoic lifestyle

I can't find it, but if you sign up for Audible for a free month you can get the audiobook free. Then just cancel your subscription. You get to keep the book and you can listen to it at the gym.

Garcia was a fucking CIA shill who helped push fucking psychadelics and mood altering music onto an unsuspecting generation of stupid fucking idiots.

I think what you want is a book on outer game, which is specifics on conversational skills, openers, and the like. Models is largely about inner game. It's a book for all the sad cunts who have really bad understandings of women and relationships. You might be surprised by how many guys never polarize and get girls chocolates and flowers and poems because they confuse being friendzoned with game.

please god tell me fitlit is back in business

>The Morning Chad
>The Yellow Virgin

I couldn't take him seriously, he just comes of as a pretentious douchebag. Like when he starts talking about how he has slept with hundreds of women, many of them having been virgins, who still to this day keep in contact with him and send messages thanking him for how special the one night they spent with him was. I don't need life advice from someone who finds it necessary to brag about being a fuccboi that's never been in an actual long term relationship. Bravo bro, you sure sound like you've got life all figured out and not insecure or miserable at all.

Almost finished reading The Brothers Karamazov, which (along with East of Eden I read a few years back) portrays a villain who seems to have been born evil. Makes me wonder what attracts me to stories with well-written but unarguably vile antagonists. Maybe my moral senses have been getting simpler as times goes by. I'm a big fan of movies like Drive too, and a central theme of that film is the inescapability of your identity on determining your fate