What would happen if I did test for 3 months and then never again?

What would happen if I did test for 3 months and then never again?

I've heard that using test will increase someones performance for the rest of heir lives if only used at least once.

I'm skeptical but who knows.

damn. following this thread. I always assumed it would have the opposite effect, but I have absolutely zero evidence to support that.

Even if the effect of short-term test use were neutral for long term test levels, I'd probably give it a try.


Yes. In mice, the nuclea in the muscles changed for life.

youll have permanently lowered test for the rest of your life. Nahh jkk. but it will be lower for a couple months. id do like 500mgs/week

yes, it improves performance for the rest of your life, or yes, it fucks it up?

Only high level athletes have been studied as far as I know so results may vary. In those studies they do show potentially permenant benefits to muscle cells.

There is a theoretical benefit of increased amount of muscle nuclei. But I doubt it really does something when looking at ex roiders.

Hormones never recover 100% in some people. Also something about collagen synthesis.


instead of doing test, try:
- getting 8 hrs of sleep a night
- eating plenty of leafy green veggies
- limiting masturbation to 1-2 times week
- eating enough protein
- intermittent fasting
- relaxing / meditation (stress = bad)
- lifting weights
- staying in shape / getting in shape

Already do all this. Fuck off gains goblin

Then you should already have plenty of test, probably more than the average male your age. but instead you want to risk fucking your shit all up just to increase it a little more.

It's not "a little". The difference is incomparable.

>- limiting masturbation to 1-2 times week
is this real or not? I wank atleast once a day.

Also, how do these

- getting 8 hrs of sleep a night
- eating plenty of leafy green veggies
- intermittent fasting
- relaxing / meditation (stress = bad)

Affect test?

I'm gonna hop on the cream here soon since I'm an old fag. Gonna take test for the rest of my life once I start. Although I will be under the guidance of an endocrinologist.

Sleep and diet can affect test levels. Stress reduces test. Masturbation should be intuitive.

ur fucking retarded


I only get about 6 hours sleep a night. Is it going to bother?

Also, what are some foods that will increase test?

saturated fat, leafy green veggies (kale, broccoli, spinach, etc...), lean meats

how much of a difference will this make?

I already try to get about 100g of lean meat in everyday atleast.

Probably not that much desu. I assume you're a young man with healthy levels. This won't make a big difference

i'm 20