This is Blahino's bench press form. Very, very narrow

This is Blahino's bench press form. Very, very narrow.

Is he right or is he just tri limited like a lil bitch?

His hands are narrower than his elbows.

Shit form.

He still benches more than 2pl8 and hasn't benched for over a year, I'm a huge fan for sure

>His hands are narrower than his elbows.

as is correct when close grip benching, dumbfuck.

this is actially the correct way l, supinate the shoulder bladez; unless you want to tear or dislocate or add stress to your rotator cuff
45 degrees or less anywah

Then his hands are much too wide. Notice the hands touch the chest in the pick you posted?

Either way he is doing it wrong dumbass.

my lad u dont know this but ur announcing to the whole board that u don't have any experience lifting

which is why it's a close grip bench, you complete mongoloid

also how would be be tri-limited if he opts to close grip bench? if you can move as much weight with cg as normal grip, your chest is weak

I'm neither of those guys but you just made a fool of yourself and you know it. Jason isn't doing close grip in the photo.

>He still benches more than 2pl8
Acting like a 2 plate bench is impressive weighing over 200lb while taking steroids and having 10+ years lifting experience.


>my boy hemingway

pick one

m'reptillian is doing close grip in the photo, and you are
these two dyels


so what you want about this guys current physique but he is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to bodybuilding and fitness in general. its kind of funny how the trolls who hate on him would probably be very intimidated by him IRL


Why is bloho hated so much? Sure his personal life is a fucking joke, but when it comes to lifting he gives decent advices.

A lot of his advice is pretty terrible and comes from misinterpreting studies or just plain making shit up. Couple that with his tendency to go on the warpath against anyone who disagrees and there's plenty of reasons for people to hate the fucker even ignoring his personal issues.


1. He is a hypocrite who will praise A one day and the next day A is garbage
2. He is a compulsive liar who keeps claiming to have done shit which he hasn't done
3. He is a hairlet who refuses to own it -- he says he has psoriasis and that's why he shaves his head
4. He has claimed to be bigger than a lot of fitness youtubers who are CLEARLY bigger and stronger than him

Honestly I could go on, but he is just a despicable and insecure person who talks too much shit for his own good. Any retard could read themselves up to his level of knowledge within a year of just browsing Veeky Forums and I'm not joking.

But is ICF any good? Literally doing my first Day A tomorrow.

Hey, if it works for you, who am I to stop you, just do whatever works for you

It'll work. You may need to start without the assistance work and add it in over several sessions depending on how out of shape you are, but it'll do.

It won't last super long but linear progression programs never do.

I used to think there was some merit to this because I thought he was like 6ft4, turns out he's a 5ftx manlet

>bench press has two hand positions


i also don't like his voice or his appearance
seems to be delusional too but never watched that much of him

I started lifting a couple years ago and I've always used closer grip. A month ago I tried going wider but it feels so weird and I still feel weaker with a "normal" grip even today

takes getting used to, right now your tri's are probably more developed than your chest but it'll catch up

Jasson, pls go

Two black belts

500lb reverse grip bench press

>a namefag out of nowhere
>generic ass name like carter

Jason, shouldn't you be prepping the bull(s) for mooncookie? With the stress of youtube money drying up, she must be needing dick at least 5 times a day, non negotiable.

Your picture displays incorrect form.
The point of CGBP is to train triceps.
Triceps perform elbow extension (and shoulder extension but that's irrelevant to bench)
This means that when doing CGBP, you only need to move the bar by extending your elbows. So, no shoulder adduction. So, grip should be exactly shoulder width and elbows as far tucked near the torso as possible
Any narrower than that is completely pointless.