You guys. Im 30 years old. 6'5" and almost 400lbs

You guys. Im 30 years old. 6'5" and almost 400lbs.

I have tits.

I hate my body. Is there any hope for me?

There is. Read the sticky.

This would be my ideal.

How long is the road ahead and is it even possible?

Forgot pic

of course op

got there in 9 months.

well... at least you arent a manlet. thats a good start. anyway go read the sticky.

>I hate my body
Good! Use that hatred and anger to motivate you to lift and diet.

>Is there any hope for me?
There's always hope. Just get into a routine of eating at a deficit and lifting, you'll feel so much better just knowing that you're heading in the right direction.

Don't look at your current body as a prison, look at it as a cocoon that you'll emerge from in a few years as a new person. Your body is the marble and you are the sculptor.

You could still go mountain-mode, there's always hope

why you wanna be fat

Because i like to smash things.

Is this some weird form of Stockholm syndrome


The sticky holds all the hope any man needs.

It takes more than hope, though. Do you have what it is going to take? Read carefully, because you are at a cusp in your life. You clearly don't have much strength of will or character right now, because otherwise you won't have sunk so far into weak degenerate contemptibilty.

But you can choose to change. If you can summon the willpower, you can cultivate your mind and spirit at the same time as you turn the blob of disgusting fat you call your body into something better. Exercise trains the character as well as it trains the physique. And it's a simple two step process. The first step is to obey the sticky. The second is simply "never stop".

I was 450 pounds at 23. I'm currently 215.

Here's what you do: eat less food. A lot less. Count calories and stick to 1500 or less. You will lose weight even if you actually have a metabolic disorder which you probably don't.

You should also probably pick a lifting routine and do some walking or swimming(don't run at 400 pounds unless you want a bad case of exploding knees) and cut out soda and junk food, but you don't actually have to. Just eat less than 1500 and count to make sure and you will lose weight no matter what else you do.

do water fast for 15 days

Smash my ass, daddy °///°

If you're 6'5 you are going to have a fucking hard time filling out your frame like this guy. It will take you 4 years or more naturally.

If you jump on steroids however it's less than half that time

never come back here you fucking faggot

There is. There always is. But it is up to you and your mindset. You can be a healthy 220 pounds at your height in 2.5 years of dieting and exercise. That is such a short amount of time compared to the awesomeness you will feel for life after that. You are in a rough spot and you will have self-doubt. This is normal. I recommend hiring a coach to guide you through it to give you accountability and proper guidance. It will be tough, but it is DEFINITELY possible.

im genuinely curious (no hate AT ALL or judgement). What made you go above 300 pounds? Upbringing? Depression? I'd like to know so I can better understand people's relationship with food.

My parents liked to reward me for doing good things as a child by giving me candy and treats, which started me on the path to bigdom. Once I grew old enough to be able to get these things on my own, I did constantly. My mother also quit being a housewife and got a job, leaving the cookies unguarded. I still exercised a lot so I didn't yet get fat but I developed an unhealthy relationship with food.

I remained fit until when I was 16 I blew out my knee playing football and shortly afterwards caught a very bad case of pneumonia that made my previously mild asthma flare up for months afterwards. These 2 things made me stop exercising entirely, but I didn't stop eating.

So I got fatter and fatter. I habitually ate 5000 calories a day but now burned basically none through exercise. When my knee healed and my asthma calmed down I tried to get back into exercising but I had gained 50 pounds. I was out of shape and essentially let myself get embarrassed back out of the gym. I ate as a habit and emotional crutch and no longer could easily burn the excess off.

I spent the next 6 or so years convincing myself that it wasn't that bad and shit I'd always been a big lad you know and besidea man brownies and burgers are really good and who wants to give those up? Then at 23 I threw my back out walking literally 100 yards. I realized oh shit, I am actually too fat to walk. So I decided it was time to lose weight, and through great effort eventually did.

You could be a tank if you weren't a beta crying about your situation an instead doing something about it. You CAN make it bro. If you want to.

re**it spacing and positive attitude gtfo

Do fat-burning steroids and a ton of cardio

I've got a feeling soon you'll feel better than ever. Don't rush it though.


If you had to pose this question to the void rather than taking a leap of faith and simply trying then no

there is no hope for you

Positive message

You could be down 40lbs by christmas by fixing your diet alone. Gonna feel like your starving yourself but you could be 6'5" beefcake by 35

Or you keep going the way you're going, it's your decision

Look at adorable little pup


Formerly 270 at 5'7" here
I'm down to nearly my goal weight of 175 after only a year of exercise and eating proper.
I turn 31 in january.

There's hope for you user just work at it