Fullbody VS PPL

I've been lurking for a while and have decided to either do the Reddit PPL or Fits Phraks GSLP.
I'm 6'1" and want to fill out my lanky skinnyfat frame better.
Which one should I do for the next 6 months to get thicc?

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don't do the 10% deload

I would suggest GSLP. Either will work.

But this is going to take a lot longer than six months whatever you do.

I know, I just want to absolutely stick with the same thing for the next 6 months.
I'm like ADD when it comes to routines, I pick one then think I should change it.
It keeps me from doing the gym properly enough to see results. I'm eating at a surplus now and need to do it properly or I'll get fat

Either will work if your consistent. If you feel them getting too easy switch it up. Remember not to burn out

Any time I see leg press I know the routine is shit.

For the love of god please read the fucking sticky.

It doesn't matter it will take YEARS of consistent hard training to achieve a decent physique, worrying over beginner routines is pointless and will only drain your focus from what you need to be doing which is DEADLIFTS
>a routine that inlcude an incredible hypertrophy tool for the legs with zero spinal loading or technique to learn is instantly bad

Yeah that move is shit and so are the people who do it. I've seen girls max it out with weight. Quit being a faggot.

things that DYELs say


plenty of powerlifting programs include leg press but I suppose you know better than Boris Sheiko, i guarantee you've been lifting for a year or less

Veeky Forums's GSLP was written by a fake tranny who is actually some twink from brazil so keep that in mind, the guy doesn't even deadlift 315

moviong weight aint shit, its for filling your legs with so much blood and lactic acid that you literally get up from the machine shaking and barely able to put the plates away, thats what its for, work up to a hard set of 20 but actually do 30, then you'll know

Yeah but no. I can do way more effective exercises and not waste time.

whatever geek keep doing your novice routine

Bad advice. Just do regular phraks. Honestly 6 months is nothing, you will make good progress on it. You can also switch OHP for incline bench which would give better aesthetics. Don't worry about dumb shit for your first year, just get stronger on the big lifts. I wish I would have done that instead.

me want cummy

Alright I'll try this for at least 6 months and see how it goes , are you sure I can replace ohp without fucking it up?
Also is there anything I can do on rest days, like would it be alright to do just say 20 push-ups, 20 sit ups?

>written by a Brazilian tranny

Says the guy who wastes time in the leg press machine.

i don't leg press (home gym), i just actually lift weights so i know better than to write off a useful training tool because of some nonlifting geeks (you) on the internet

>switch OHP for incline bench
straight away or after OHP reaches a certain weight?

t. Noob going Phrak's GSLP, OHP currently @ 40kg

>Useful training tool
>Doesnt do them
>Tells others to do them

Fucking gain goblin fatty.

>Bad advice.
I did gslp for 12 weeks and I tell you, the deload is major cucking. first 2 sets are far too easy and they'll stay easy for weeks

Instead of deloading you can continue with 3x3 then deload 10-15% and start over with 5s.

I would say switch to madcow when you deload 10% and cannot break your plateau, if you deload ignore the AMRAPx10+ rule. Also alternate cable crunches/captain chairs every workout. The reason you can sub OHP is because OHP and incline bench are both vertical presses. I love OHP but there is no reason to do it. I would do steady state cardio twice a week for 20-30 mins instead of push-ups n shit. Also if you are happy with your strength after 4-6 months of greyskull maybe do an upper lower split if you care about aesthetics otherwise madcow is a good step.
Right now you can stop OHP
I understand what you're saying but most noobs need to not rush because learning good form is more important as time goes on. Better to start too light than too heavy. Maybe you didn't have that problem but I'd say 99% of people do

haha ok geek

Judging from these posts, you are going to make it brah.

i mean you're obviously strong, but my gym has the same weights as yours and that's not 6pl8.
Im pretty sure thats 200kg.

not him but
>20kg very visible in pic
>plus bar
man you are fucking stupid gtfo

ppl, now fuck off

Dude, the reason the pic is black and white is so you wouldn't see the color difference, because the two inner ones are 20's, the next two are 15kg yellows, and the outer two (which are thinner and have another hue than the two inner ones) are 10's. Like i said, i have the same kind of weights in my gym.

The leg press machine in my gym can go to 800kg, either you have a really shit leg press machine or some very strong girls.

What do you mean? I'm doing GSLP and starting at stall on squat and OHP. I deloaded both lifts but still struggling to do 3x5.

>hurr quality of the routine depends on how big the guy who wrote it is

That shirt looks like it was made for a woman you weeb

If you're looking for strength + size would doing 3x8 on phraks greyskull be worth it, or absolutely retarded?

stop shilling your shitty routine here, phrak

newfag pls leave.
if yo dont remember trappychan you should probably do some meme novice ppl because you havent lift for too long.

sure dude follow my routine:
squat 3x5
curl 10x10
squat 3x5
curl 10x10
dead 3x5+
curl 10x10+

I'm 25% bf and squat 225lb btw.
Would you follow my routine? No? Then why are you following other routines made by dyels on reddit? KEEP BEING SMALL, BETA.

If you do more than 3 days per week, do PPL, otherwise do fullbody


It's still a shitty fucking version that makes it obvious the creator didn't even read the book

If you are a beginner then everything i read suggest that doing less is more effective then doing more so i'd recommend you the full body routine. You can always look up the juggernaut beginner routine, its a 4 days a week full body routine and it has a lot of exercises. It looks fun.

I never understood why they put deadlift on pull day. It's so clearly a lower body lift

Both routine styles of "Fullbody" and "splits" goals aren't mutually exclusive. It is a pretty funny assumption people still make to this day on this board.