I need motivation lads

I need motivation lads
i am losing all gains because i cant stop thinking about my ex
please help, do whatever it takes

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I feel you, user.

Distrac urself and give it time
U will heal soon enough

fuck her best friend
get over it

This but instead of my ex it's work and uni

>He should have become a plumber

You're better off this way user, trust me.
Use all that anger and hate as a fuel for it truly a gift.
Listen to heavy music
Lift heavy weights
And give yourself time to heal and grow

You'll be ok mate.

stay strong lads
cant do that, I moved to another town
good advice, thanks
I'll hit PR's every day for a month, gonna go full Eric mode

I'm pretty sure you're losing gains because you're not working out rather than because you're thinking of her

Reminder to understand the difference between motivation and dedication.

Do you want to be a fuckin sadcunt or do you want to be a fuckin sickunt brah?

You only live once so make it count and stop wallowing in self pity. Make the change you want to make and show your ex that she just threw away the winning lottery ticket brah

Stop being such a little girl and man up, It's just a fucking woman there are thousands like her and she is replaceable.

Its ok to feel bad about your ex, part of healing, but ask yourself: wouldn'tyou rather be healthier and stronger by the time you finish healing? No reason you can't improve yourself while being upset

Get more exs so you can divide your time of thinking about them into pieces.
It works

I dont know what youre doing but I made the best gains after my ex left me

Now that Im over her I kind of miss the pain and anger fueling my workouts

i'm with you here

all i do now is sleep, chase dream after dream in which i'm with her

teared up

>she just threw away the winning lottery ticket brah

wow your post motivated me to be more dedicated!!!

Guys its been 2.5 years since my ex left me and I still havent been with any other girl since..

She fucked me over so badly and broke me completely. Im terrified of relationships and falling in love now. However I feel really fucking lonely.

What do

i don't want to end up like you again
i don't want to not be over my ex in years from now
it's only been a month and i'm losing my fucking mind

Get fit
Get rich (college, good job etc.)
Become social
Take care of appearance

>i am losing all gains because i cant stop thinking about my ex
Did the mistake of texting her on her birthday

I am weak

Eh, a lot of people do dumb shit like this

A lot of people know how to get over someone in an instant, i'm not one of them

Im mostly over her, thats not the problem, I dont care about her anymore.
But she destroyed the way I view love and relationships, I just dont believe in it anymore.
And quite frankly I dont ever want to fall in love again

I don't know, i think it's pretty common for people to miss their exes for a long time, they just act indifferent in front of others

You may feel bad if you go to the gym, but you'll feel worse if you don't go to the gym

First girlfriend? Always the hardest to get over. Took me 3 months to get over her but I didn't pick up weights again for 2 years. 3 years later I'm not even attracted to her as much. I only started lifting when we dated but I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.

Here's the good part, when I started lifting again I was actually serious about it, I've been going for almost a year and a half straight and I'm always learning something new and becoming smarter in my approach to dieting/training constantly trying new things and stopping what is inefficient.

Isn't it sad though? You've spent a lot of time together, made memories together and now you are forced to cut the other person out of your life forever?
Wouldn't it be way more advisable to stay in touch after you've talked about the relationship stuff? Before the relationship there was something that kept you as a pre-couple aka friends, why throw that away then?

>First girlfriend? Always the hardest to get over. Took me 3 months to get over her
m8 try 2 years

>3 months
Oh fuck off

There will always be one party that didn't really want the relationship to end and staying around each other is just asking for problems further down the line

But also Because girls don't like when you're pally with your ex.

I believe that staying in touch rather than deleting this person out of your life is way more beneficial for either one.

Think about it, the texts about how one person misses the other one may occur but after some time those will get less and less

It's not healthy having to suppress strong feelings for somebody everytime you're around them.

Not saying to suppress but to express, once you've depleted that "tank of emotions" it gets better
Way better than bottling up those emotions in the end and not having a way to express them

You're sounding pretty desperate.

Is that fair on the person who wanted to end it and move on with their life to have to keep her ex around so he can feel like he still project his feelings.

This is probably why she dumped your ass. Far too needy and clingy. I don't even know you and I want to dump you

I'm talking about the friendship which happened before the whole relationship stuff user. Isn't that worth saving?

No. Friends come and go

Why not?

Your ex is a worthless whore sort yourself the fuck out user

How do you think you would feel when she starts banging some other guy and introduces him into the group?

fucking kek true though
OP get you shit together you little bitch, be a man

Well if there wasn't a "group" in the first place i'd be sad of course but i would still have a way to communicate with her and for me at least it'd be easier to get over things knowing that she's not "dead" as some people like to compare a break up to.

Fuck you are one needy cunt.

tfw did the same thing

lifting hasn't made me a sickcunt in my head tho

How is that needy? I'd be needy if i was texting her non stop about how much i miss her and what she's up to wouldn't I ?

I'm missing the picture user, I'm on my phone but it went something like:

Motivation is a fake god, discipline is divine.

How DO you get over someone?

>ooh I need her in my life still
>ooh but the friendship beforehand shouldn't die
>ooh I'm such a little bitch, please don't cut me off entirely
>ooh I don't even care if you start cucking me with another guy
>just please let us be just friends

Seriously dude. Try and save what is left of your dignity. She is just a woman. She wasn't special in any way. There are millions just like her.

You haven't had a LTR ever have you user?

so far I haven't talked to her in 17 hours.... how much longer until I'm over her?

I'm married dick weed

Find someone else.

You can't always find someone else it'll fuck with your brain


are yo ufucking retarded? women cnat be trusted srs. imagine you maybe sacrificing your life for your gf, ever think she would do it for you? FUCK NO cuz women are pieces of shit and i will continue to abuse all of them

And i believe if your marriage ends you're gonna be over it in a couple of days then?

OPs pic is literally me in the last couple of weeks

user, you still have your gains!
You have your intelligence and your life ya twit

If you can get on gf, fucking push yourself to get another!

Time and a good doggos heals most wounds

Seriously dude, it's always a two way street, one person suffers while the other one is indifferent or not attracted to their partner. Everything you feel for your ex - she doesn't feel any of that, that's why she broke up with you, that's why she doesn't have a need to stay in touch, because she wasn't into you anymore.
Put yourself in her shoes, imagine you had a partner that you found annoying, boring or unattractive after some time, you wouldn't feel the emotional need to stay in touch and cherish a friendship then, just like your ex doesn't with you.
Just think about it from a different perspective, not your own under your current circumstance, and you'll realize things aren't as simple as you believe.

also don't masturbate for a while, makes you hungry for the opposite sex

now i feel even dumber for texting her on her birthday

god damn

>The best way to get over a girl is to get over another one.
Best piece of advice I've ever got

The hardest part of my marriage breaking down would be not being able to see my kids everyday.

I've had long term relationships before marriage that ended. Yeah it sucks for about a week or so. Then you just keep busy and get on with life. Then you move onto the next girl.

Eventually you find one that you can bare to live with and feel is a suitable mother to your children so you marry her and put kids inside her.

You're not the first to be dumped, you won't be the last. Better to cut off contact and move on. The longer you cling on the longer it will take you to get over her. You'll be treading water and wasting a lot of time. You only love once. Don't fucking waste it pining for what you can't have.

then you'll be stuck in the same place for 5 years while she goes and gets fucked by some Chad completely forgetting that you exist

>completely forgetting that you exist

>shoot my shot at trying to get out of friendzone


Fair enough

You're gonna make it brah

no such thing, you just ugly user

Date a bunch of Tinder bitches. Then start lifting again, you pussy

Sad truth

If she likes you as a person but doesnt find you attractive, you become friends
If she doesnt like you as a person and doesnt find you attractive, you become nothing
If she likes you as a person and finds you attractive, you get together
If she doesnt like you as a person but finds you attractive you might bang a few times

Therefore being a friend = being unattractive to her, 99% of the time

Tinder is only viable in the US tho, Europe ain't good fo that

Nigga u for real, why the fuck do you think Tinder doesnt work in Europe are you retarded

Come again?

Another user here, this does nothing for me, I'm consumed by nihilism and how useless and futile everything truly is, and how none of it all matters in the end.

Then again if nothing matters why am I eating to feel happy or cuz I'm bored, why eat at all besides to sustain yourself?


Here in the Netherlands it's going very well actually.

Current gf is still friends with a guy she used to go out on dates with. I asked her why they never got past dating.
>He's a nice guy, but I'm just not attracted to him.

I eventually met him once and I asked her again about it.
>You've met him user. He's ugly.
I actually felt sorry for the guy

just wait until you and the gf are fighting and suddenly she looks at him and he's attractive for a fraction of a second

No, youre none of those things, youre just an edgy cunt who watched too much rick and morty

muscle tear so muscle can rebuild and get stronger

heart muscle, so heart tear so heart can rebuild and get stronger

This this this.
No attraction=No relationship.

This applies only to the "friendzone" though, since females will get with a man for power, status, money, etc, while still not being attracted to him.

You could both be attracted to each other and both waiting for someone to act on it, but you won't know until you take the shot.

the heart muscle never recovers fully though

Who /crying for weeks like a bitch/ here?

This is the greatest thing I've read on the chans, truly profound

just you user, get your shit together

Trying my hardest, it's not possible to turn off my brain

Nah fuck off, and Rick and Morty was good before it blew up, also if Rick was truly nihlistic he'd have just given up, got mad dosh and settled somewhere content with just existing.

Which brings us back to why do anything but be content with what you have?, why not just cruise through life barely living till the day you die?

have you tried getting healthy first? food, sleep, exercise etc.

jesus christ how about you wait until you turn 18 before posting on Veeky Forums

Lost my mojo user

So far you're just hurling baseless insults user with no solution or input, pls stop ;__;

You'll get it back eventually.
Happend to the best of us

Is this nigga ranting on Rick and Morty?

I'm almost 30 my man, makes me think that lifting isn't helping a bit in the future wife regard

Are you ready for a marrige?
Like having-faith-in-god ready?

Not yet but that's something i'd like to build up to with a future wife

Listen to this user

>Eventually you find one that you can bare to live with and feel is a suitable mother to your children so you marry her and put kids inside her.
happened twice

You realise a marrige is a biblical bonding. It was introduced by god for the humans. Learn about it beforehand


It's still i want one day

Of course you want one. It's the most natural thing. As I recall from the bible, god saw that man was alone and it was not good, so he made him the woman.