Laissez-faire capitalism is the most Veeky Forums ideology

laissez-faire capitalism is the most Veeky Forums ideology

literally the political philosophy that the strongest shall survive

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would you mind explaining it in a way a brainlet can understand?

capitalism = competition

anyone who is Veeky Forums and manly should be pro-competition. Fatties and weaklings would float to anti-competitive ideologies like communism and socialism.

in a truly free world, a brainlet like you would've bit the dust before you could leech off us productive people

jk luv u user

in other news, water still wet

sounds like you're on that post-knowledge high from a nice book. nice

It's less about the strongest shall survive and more...proud parasitism.
It's the philosophy of a spoiled housewife.

parasitism? Lol that is the complete opposite of a market based INDIVIDUALIST system you idiot

its the philosophy of great men.

Thomas Edison did nothing but find real inventors, promise them something for working for him, and then reneging on that promise, screwing them over, and taking their work for his own profit

>> The Vulture. Of all the creatures in
the jungle, he has it the easiest. The
hard work of others becomes his work;
their failure to survive becomes his
nourishment. Keep an eye on
the Vulture—while you are
hard at work, he is cir
cling above. Do not
fight him, join

Capitalism works on the fantasy notion that people will all play fair and not try to tilt things in their favor.
No single individual has any sort of power in a pure real world captialist system dumbass.

There is no fantasy notion that people will all play fair, of course their will be people who don't play fair. That is why you have a government to prevent fraud and other criminal activity. You literally don't know what capitalism is and you make false assumptions

Oh, and I'm sure John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford had "no real power". moron

this thread is gay as fuck.

There are literally ZERO advocates of laissez-faire who think that in a free society no one would do anything bad. Either you're misrepreting arguments for capitalism on purpose, confusing it with anarchism, or you're just plain stupid.

Rand's an anarcho-capitalist. The idea of having a government with that kind of influence is anathema to their preferred setup.

Thomas edison was only able to do his dirt because he was already well off user.
In a truly capitalist system he'd have been robbed by a far larger business and killed.

>That is why you have a government to prevent fraud and other criminal activity.
Not true even in the slightest. The government is either ruling class, or selected by the ruling class to maintain the status quo. I have no idea where in the fuck people get the notion that a government went from nobility>benefactor of the people overnight from but it really shits me up the wall. It's even worse now that the nobility aren't tied to any particular country and have become internationalists.

yeah, generally any system followed to its extreme sucks. there wouldnt be an economy without at least some regulation and government services

>rands an anarcho capitalist
No, she literally isn't you fucking dumbass

Seriously, you have no clue what you're talking about and you're making a fool out of yourself

found the socialist

That's reality.
But the slaves believe in the capitalist system and are just very very mind controlled right now.
Ironically enough, the actual capitalists who know exactly what's going agree with him.

The government was never on our side. Not until they realized that we'd revolt and we did a lot.

That's not it's extreme. That's the natural logical course of unrestrained capitalism.

user, you litterally fucking live in a fantasy world where the your lord and savior DA MARKET is always fair and always right and can and is never manipulated and all is right with the world.
You're out of your tiny fucking mind.
You would be the first to get your shit slapped in a pure capitalist society.

nobody is advocating a pure capitalist society. government obviously still wants a thriving economy, even if they are the ruling class that doesnt mean they dont make laws that help the common man succeed

No. I hate socialism unless it's for the benefit of a racially homogenous people and scorns rather than promotes laziness and degeneracy. I'm just acutely aware how fucked the West has become is the product of capitalism and those who view us as nothing but grazing sheep.

markets can only be "manipulated" unfairly through the use of force. In a market based system, the government holds a monopoly on force. All private transactions are VOLUNTARY. Therefore, the only entity that wields the power to warp markets is the government and its gun.

Also, i never said the market system perfectly allocates all resources and solves the problem of scarcity. It doesnt, and no system can. But the market system is the best and freest system we have by far and is the system that best allocates resources

You really don't have a clue do you.

You really haven't taken an economics course have you

Economics courses to teach capitalism are likened sunday school to teach history.

not a refutation, but good try

anyway, keep believing your conspiracy theories about how the evil corporations are out to get you, my woke friend

user, from one nutty ancap to another, I'd like to give you two example of markets being manipulated without force
> hedge funds sit on so much money, some actually bought enough silver to basically put in warehouses and create artificial shortage and jack up the price
> JP Morgan executive calls bitcoin a scam, crashing it's value. Shortly after that it's revealed JPM is working on a bitcoin-like technology

Globalism is the next evolution

Capitalism only serves the richest people. Look at America.

Socialism is much better for globalization.


>but when someone stronger comes along I need the gubment to come save me waaahhhhhh!!!

weak bitch

>workers or the state owning the means of production

Only a brainlet would support that shit. Capitalism with workers protection laws + social welfare has produced the best system in real world applications


typical lefty

Friendly reminder that Drumpfshits and Conservashits mostly vote against their own economic interests.

Most Drumpf supporters are blue collared bigoted rascists shits that are short sided and irrational


What are their interests? Giving more money to single mothers, refugees, and Bernie Sanders voters who got degrees in liberal arts?

>voting for more immigrants is voting against your interests

I see you have read the laws of power. Impeccable taste.

Regardless of the merits of Rand's philosophy she's such a shit writer I don't bother reading her work. Should've just written a pamphlet.


A reall True free markets capitalism would mean open borders and welcoming of alll immigrants that could create competition that you fags cherish so much ;)

Yeah ok, I'm not opposed to that brainlet. Anything else?

>laissez-faire capitalism
>everyone is free to be as Veeky Forums or fat as they want

>national socialism
>everyone is pushed to meet their potential and gluttony is unnaccepted

lmfao at your babby-politik

>national socialism

weaklings are supported by the state - Nazi Germany was a welfare state and they fetishied families


you either justify your own existence or are picked off by a better predator

Sad but true. Those who worked so hard for 'multi-culturalism' are merely creating the conditions ripe for a global monoculture.

Restrictions on free speech are an effort to make different cultures converge. Are certain things offensive in your culture? Don't worry, they will be made offensive in the monoculture also. Come on in.

Global government is going to be the most oppressive form of government ever witnessed. Primarily because most cultures on earth DO NOT have a history with, nor do they subscribe, to the ideas of liberty developed in the West. The masses will rule and you will be subjugated, and may will cheer the monoculture.

Any loyalty to you race means as much as the barbarians loyalty to their tribe during the days of the Roman Empire. I'm sorry to say, but the only loylaty that matters these days is loyalty to your bottom line.

If you're OP then its not a strawman faggot

>government assistance is bad

The strongest countries in the world support certain parts of society, that's not a co-incidence. Sometimes government intervention is necessary. Here's a simple example:

>prone to droughts because african shithouse
>when brits ruled the government guaranteed next years seedcorn if there was a drought
>afrishits take over after colonialism and abolish that policy because 'muh free markets'
>farmers cant afford to farm after a drought
>farmers knowledge and farmland goes to shit
>huge destruction of capital
>kenya goes from one of the largest exporters of food in africa to one of the biggest importers in a couple of decades

They took the libertarian route and they turned to shit. It's a nice theory but unworkable and unsupportable in practice. You can get talk about it's logic all day long but if the masses are hungry, which they're guaranteed to be from time to time, it will be quickly overturned. Same goes for a gold standard.

Literal babby-tier government.


in english, doc

>Kenya has a drought
>humans can't exist in a drought
>so they die off instead of being leaches

look the market just removed inefficiency

>Trusting a jew with your money
Come on now

>"weakling are supported"
>(even tho many degenerates were gassed or sterilized to improve the gene pool)
>even so the strong are equally supported
>result is pic related

Tell me again about which system is stronger

I remember when I was 15. Ever have to support yourself user? If your not making the upside of six figures you are not the kind of person worshipped in Rand Land.

>literally sacrificing people's lives for the sake of the holy 'market'

kek, you guys are like a fucking cult

John Rockefellers standard oil made and sold low temperature aviation engine oil to Nazi Germany during WW2. Run that through your head. That's true capitalism.

How about tax cuts for the ultra rich, leaving you to bear the brunt, because that's happening. How about sending all possible blue collar jobs overseas, so parent corporations pay a small fraction of labor costs? Trumps government doesn't give a shit about the working class, you are 100% expendable and the very first thing tossed out to cut costs. They get you mad about immigrants then fuck you for real behind closed doors.

>liberals: open borders and free movement of capital
>conservaties: offshoring and free movement of capital

Imagine if there was another way? LOL JK, that wouldn't fit in the Overton Window.

daily reminder that Veeky Forums is an austrian, libertarian board

I assume you libertarian-rightists are Christian, right? Show me where Jesus said "Survival of the fittest. The weak should perish in an individualistic society"

Corporations aren't out to get you, they're just out for themselves. They operate without responsibility because no man is liable for their failings and they are liable to no man.

Organising society around the accumulation of commodities to empower capital production systems is perverted. It has nothing to do with individualism, it's all about capital accumulation and worshiping the money form of social exchange.

Even basic analysis of social exchange and hierarchies exposes market capitalism as a scam to extract social wealth via the accumulation of unearned value.

>unironically being a christcuck

what is charity?

A terrible fix for easily preventable social ills.

A society without intellectuals lacks culture.

perfect society


National socialism without mass killing is objectively the best system of government.