What's the reasoning behind the 1x10mr set squats on canditos 6 week program...

What's the reasoning behind the 1x10mr set squats on canditos 6 week program? Seems a bit obscene and a good way to get injured, since it is followed by 5x3 or 10x3 squats with a similar weight. I did the 180kgx10 followed by 175 10x3 yesterday, I was fucking shaking by the end of it and feel like death today, but I'm supposed to go train upper day. How the fuck am I supposed to recover from this as a natty.

Spoiler: He has an IQ of 75 and is probably a fake natty

While I'm at it, I've read faggots online saying they made little progress on the bench doing this program because there's not enough volume. I've added 3x3 2 count bench after my main bench at 95% of my last set. Is that going to fix the issue?

Do a good program instead.

By all accounts it's a good program. Everyone makes big gains in their squat and deadlift. I did the Texas method before this for around a year.

He seems like he knows his stuff and he's stronger than me.

>he's stronger than me.
Not an argument
>he knows his stuff
Clearly not when he can't manage volume for shit, the only reason people make "big gains" is because they come from REALLY shitty programs like TM and then suddenly have like 3x the volume (however poorly managed) which WILL stimulate growth no matter what.

The fact that you are modifying the program already and have severe doubts whether you can actually complete the given volume (because he goes full retard and puts in a random 10 rep max) it means it is NOT A GOOD PROGRAM. There are so many other freely available programs that are just so goddamn much better, do yourself a favor and get off this shit before you hurt yourself or run yourself into the ground and get turned off lifting forever.

>There are so many other freely available programs that are just so goddamn much better, do yourself a favor and get off this shit before you hurt yourself or run yourself into the ground and get turned off lifting forever.
Like what?

RTS, Sheiko, Dietmar Wolf programs and if you want minimalism, even something like Hepburn or Russian squat program is better.

>RTS, Sheiko, Dietmar Wolf programs
I looked at those before starting canditos 6 week. They're not proper programs, there's templates/guidelines. You need someone that actually knows what they're doing to tailor it to a specific lifter, as Mike Tuscherer says in rts intermediate article. I don't have the knowledge and don't trust myself to get it right.

Wut? They're all far more detailed, involved and managed than Candito.

From what I've read, the templates that are online for rts and sheiko are not supposed to be followed like cookie cutter routines. Mike Tuscherer says so himself in his own article for the rts intermediate template.

Stop worrying about aesthetics and eat if you want to actually recover from actual hard training.

Or spin your wheels forever trying to maintain some body that nobody even sees because you're a autistic shut-in anyway.

The sheiko app routines are specifically designed so that they can be ran without supervision.

Everything is better with supervision correct, but that doesn't mean you should do a bad program like Candito. It would be better if you even did Hepburn method (mostly impossible to fuck up) instead.

I'm not training to improve my physique. Did you even read my post? Why would I be doing a powerlifting program to improve my physique.

What I meant by "stop worrying about aesthetics and eat" is that you're probably not eating to support your training.

There are literal fat fucks on the couch who don't move that are probably consuming more calories than you.

I didn't know that there was such a thing as a sheiko app. I'll have a look at it and the Hepburn method. I'm basicslly onto week 3 of canditos program, so I may as well finish it.

I teack my calories everyday and have done for about 2 years now. I have a fitbit band that tracks the amount of calories I burn and I track my food/calories on the fitbit app. Usually eat 100-200 more than I burn.
I'm definetely eating enough. I've gone from 85 kilos to 110 kilos @ 196cm since I started lifting.

I got the app mate. Which workout do I choose? There's like 10 of them. 29, 30, 31, etc

Eating enough, for what though?

You need to be eating enough at the time of recovery for it to mean anything.

You may have to consider eating A LOT more on your harder to recover days, eat less on your less stressful sessions, but any sessions that take you out and make you feel like shit, you need to eat a lot to recover from it, on that day, and perhaps the next day as well if need be.

There should be template programs, int medium load is the most common starting point, run any number of prep cycles then test maxes in comp cycle. You could also run entire comp cycle if you want to do a mock meet.

This is all I get.

I had about 3500 calories yesterday and about 3200 the day before. Bodyweight this morning was 109.5kg.

Search for them on google then, the spreadsheets should all be on google docs

>actually doing all of the extra volume squats instead of focusing the rest of the workout on your deadlift

Nigga what are you doing

I did 3x8 rdl afterwards, not supposed to do a deadlift. Only a dl assistance.

If it's too much for you to handle then you're just using too much weight dingus.
Imo if your not shaking and feeling like death the day after a lower body workout then you're not working out.
But if you don't think the program is compatible with your goals/needs then do as the other anons said and find a more suitable program. Not sure why people in this thread are so adamant about choosing specific powerlifting routines over c6w, unless you compete it doesn't really matter. And if you're not on gear the routine you pick makes fuck all of a difference you're going to be trash regardless. C6w is all in all a beginners routine and is probably more than adequate for 99% of Veeky Forums as an intro to PL programming.

>focusing your whole workout on 3 work sets
If you can't complete both portions of the workout in its entirety then you have no drive