28 yo

>28 yo
>blast n cruise past 3 years
>1 week into pct


how do you look?

Are you happy?

>b&c for one year
>heavy pct
>dick didnt work for 6 months

12 months on and i feel mostly normal now. able to have sex semi-normally. not sure it was worth it tbqh

Age? My dick still works fine although my refractory period is pretty long now and that seems a bit off since I'm only 28. What did your pct consist of? Mines only nolvadex. Clomid on hand as well tho

Are those implants?

>ywn mouth fuck the attitude out of her

Is it because you are older? that is why? I'm set to join the military at 25. So did you become weaker at 25 like I always hear?



did HCG for a couple weeks after my last shot (didnt use it during cruise) and then a clomid and nolva pct

and now add the fact that you lose all your gains as soon as you stop injecting

Is your sex drive actually higher on HCG than it was on while on steroids, like some people claim?

Post pics so we can offer constructive advice

That's wrong retard. You only lose the unnatural amounts at most. You can maintain your genetic peak which is more than enough.

i lost 'the look' and now just look like an average strong guy. you are right though it is demoralising knowing you can't get it back.

grills treat you differently when you're on gear. it's a snapshot into what the life of a chad might be like, then you have to go back to reality which is pretty depressing.

not for me

i think this is largely true.

strangely, my test is now significantly higher than before i ever injected anything. my cholesterol is permanently higher, too. make of that what you will, i think it's pretty interesting and i have no idea how that shit works but it's not the first ive heard of it.


Are you thinking of getting back on and just b&c forever?

She's fucking 14 retard. It's called push up.

is this the cash me outside how about that bitch?

>looks like a 30yo sloot
I wonder how this bitch it's gonna look like when she reaches legal age.....

>Things you should never ask on Veeky Forums

Push-up bras just give you bigger cleavage, it often makes the lower part of your boobs look smaller. So no, it's not just a push-up bra, she probably does have implants.

well since proved me right and proved you wrong, maybe next time u can stfu

Nah, I know multiple girls that had cow tits at that age and weren't fat. It's just genetics.

She's legal in my country, so that works for me.



Me neither until I checked. Knock yourself out, user.

even if given the opportunity

time to go to spain.

>Turkey is in Europe but Russia isn't

You know she is and has been BLACKED. Disgusting bitch

>grills treat you differently when you're on gear. i
Well, not really. As far as physique goes, going roided up does nothing for getting grills. It just fucks with your mind and your confidence. Cocaine can do the same. Zyzz went on tren and cocaine and was able to become a pussyslayer with no effort. If you were a fucking virgin sperg kid from r9k before going on drugs, its gonna make it really hard to get off them and its gonna fuck with your mind a lot.

i hate her face and the way she acts and talks, but holy shit, i would destroy her on bed, i also would love to see her leaked nudes

you mad she's taking your bf?

shut up idiot, lick my front and back holes and eat out my side hole and poop in the porcelain hole in the bathroom

>>grills treat you differently when you're on gear. i
>Well, not really. As far as physique goes, going roided up does nothing for getting grills.
oh, they do, they just don't want to know that you roided, if you're not flexing all the time and making a fool of yourself, girls will love you, specially if you act like you don't really care about your body, like eating shitty foods, drinking beer, ice cream, burgers, they will think that you're a real chad, but you're actually a Brad, chads jealous brother that roided his way into chadness

Zyzz was on coke long before he started doing gear.
And no, when you're built women treat you differently.

PS. Zyzz was an impotent faggot. Real talk.

Nobody in Europe considers Turkey European.

Why don't you take a seat

>oh, they do, they just don't want to know that you roided, if you're not flexing all the time and making a fool of yourself, girls will love you, specially if you act like you don't really care about your body, like eating shitty food
Why do girls do this?

just so you retards know, age of consent =/= equal legal age. In America anyway, it just defines the difference between statutory rape and rape

because they know about artificially building oneself up to look more appealing to potential mates. with you know makeup, heels, push-up bras, corsets, surgery, blah blah blah. you can make yourself have big muscles with effort but that only remains the case as long as you continue to put in the effort. it won't survive her shit tests of being a gains goblin. so it's not real, it's fragile and adorable. and very feminine that you tried in the first place to look aesthetic.

Its just unnecessary, imo. Unless you just want quick results, i dont think that you legit need roids to build a physique impressive to normal girls. Consider that standarts here and standarts irl are vastly different. If you got good face and you have wide shldrs compared to your hips and you put in some effort, its legit all you need as far as looks go and beyond that its just your dating skills.

Most of the effect on attracting grills is probably just roids fucking with your mind and your behaviour and that has more to do with you turning chad.

Why, she's hot as fuck, well into puberty, and I'd skeet half my bodyweight in semen in her tiny fertile cunny.
I'm not a flaming 17 year old college boy you can cheat on your wife with, Hanson. So...you know. Go find a male intern to bum.

Rachel Dolezal's PIZOON TIZANG YO!

>Why, she's hot as fuck
Kek I'd love to hear this defense on the predator show


im not a pedo or a hebephile or whatever else but i'd fuck the shit out of this girl idc her age, she don't look 14 lads

jokes on you, consent age on my country is 14, also she definitely is hot as fuck and more developed than lots of 18 yo girls on college

>he thinks the hansenator is constrained by borders

>this is the first I've heard of ths

why has this conveniently been left out of every aoc discussiong

because he's an idiot. having sex with someone over the age of consent is rape?

all the best looking white girls get it, sorry pal

but but but... waaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

I'm in one of the blue countries and you can definitely fuck 14-year-olds. My friends have done it. I haven't dipped bellow 16, however.

Pct is garbage, did that the first time I cycled and immediately got sick
>be 37
>blast and cruise 4 years on
>randomly get arrested for old warrant 8 weeks into heavy deca/test blast
>keep working out in jail and three months later dicks working fine
>released 6 months later and just look a little smaller, lost quite a bit of strength though

Except that's wrong. If aoc in a state is 16 it means that it's legal to fuck her which some stipulations. You have to be with 4 years and you can't be in what's considered a position of power over them. It would still be stat rape if you rape a person who is aoc but not yet a legal adult. You're a tard.