What is even the point of getting rich when I hate how I look because of my fat and people consider me as a subhuman?

What is even the point of getting rich when I hate how I look because of my fat and people consider me as a subhuman?


That can't fix my genetics.

buy weights.
and start doing pushups
and drink protein shakes
and subtlely alter your diet.
and work out.
you'll get ripped in 8 weeks.
you're gonna have to go to Veeky Forums
just 10 pushups a day to start.
will change your life for the better.
think of it as investing in yourself.
get gains.


Stop eating for x days where x is the ammount of fat you want to lose in kg.
Only the second day is hard, so it's not even that hard. (easier than having a good diet for years).
Just talk about it to your doctor before hand to be sure it's safe for you.

I already go to the gym Nd it isn't working.

i even more fat
dont give any shit about it

you have btc so buy some steroids...they all accept it.

This is correct. Water fast until you are at your desired weight then start training calisthenics and eating a no dairy, no egg pescatarian diet


if you are rich you can get a personal trainer and have enough time for some intense training. If it is the face you can have plastic surgery. Your waist to shoulder ratio aint that bad. Money solves it all.

how is these garbage related to Veeky Forums?

nobody care about your problem fuck off and die

Quit being such a fucking pussy. You are ENTIRELY in control of your physique.

If you don't like where you are, take a look back at everything you've done. You've created the point at which you're at today. There are no accidents.

Genetics matter only to a certain extent. Anyone claiming their genetics are preventing them from being the person they want to be is full of shit. They simply use that as a scapegoat when their progress doesn't come as fast as they expected, or when it gets hard to maintain the dedication to constantly progress yourself and stay consistent. They give up, and claim "genetics" to try to lie to the world that it's not their fault.

Lying to the world doesn't matter when every time you look int he mirror, YOU know the truth. YOU know you could have gave more, but didn't. YOU know you are giving into the laziness, the status quo, the defeatist mentality.

If that doesn't drive you fucking crazy, I don't know what else will.

You have all the opportunity to change your situation. There is an abundance of information out there, and if you're dedicated enough you CAN improve yourself.

I recommend getting a training partner if you can. Hold each other accountable. Tell him you're no longer gonna be fucking losers. Get on his ass when he starts slacking, and tell him to get on your ass when you do.

The internal confidence of getting closer to your goals and aspirations is like no other, especially with fitness where nothing is subjective.

You get what you put in. In life it doesn't always work like that.You put in the work, you don't always get the reward.

In the gym....the harder you work the quicker progress comes. When you start to learn that, you're willing to pay those downpayments of pain....because the future reward is so bright. No longer are you waking up the same person, you're changing the mainframe. You're becoming the person you want to be, through payments of sweat and effort.

This is some typical normie bullshit.

Go over to Veeky Forums

You hate how you look and people treat you like a subhuman because you're a dumb vain faggot. Unfortunately for you there is no cure for that.

idk what your face looks like but ur body shape isn't that bad. lose some weight like others have suggested.

losing weight is mostly just eating right, so just eat less than you normally do, you don't even have to work out (although I would recommend it anyway)

I tried helping you. If you're not willing to accept that...stay a fat piece of shit.

Go to jail.

>muh genetics

Go on a keto diet faggot it'll make you feel like less of a piece of shit

You don't know how good you have it, faggot. My gyno gets worse every year. I'm a fucking male. If BCH doesn't go to 10k I'm never going to be able to afford surgery to fix this shit.

>Get rich
>get over being a lazy useless piece of shit by buying a top notch trainer by your riches
>get in mediocre shape
>feel better

hey user tell us the truth. When you masterbate, do you touch your tits / pinch your nipples?

consider not taking titty skittles


Huh genetics, thats only your excuse.

Remember, your body is not your; you are composed of millions of living beings like bacteria, both good and bad. Not only that, your gut has even more neural connections than your spine. You might consider it a separate living being inside of you (it operates automatically, much like the rest of your body)

So be a kind host to your other living beings inside your and change your diet, exercise and stay healthy.

Thing is, when you understand physics in-depth, you realize that the whole cosmos is indifferent to the well-being of anything living, even less human. So, there is no right way to live this life. It's like a big sandbox, waiting ready to be explored, with no limitations. Good luck in life and I hope this post helps.

>he didn't continually pick fights and use his resources to gain more resources
Read havamal

is this real?

You look like every before picture ever


Let me tell you something about genetics. They were forged in really hard times. You're soft because you do nothing hard to activate those genes.

I am an expert in genetics, but that came after I chose to work out and eat right. The good news for you is your genetics are just lying around waiting to get activated. You just aren't pushing yourself physically. Expect a lot of pain but as they say no pain no gain. You have to run, period.

Otherwise, your genetics are going to stay the way they are... leaning toward death. My theory is that this was useful to the group... someone had to lag behind to get eaten and thus save the tribe from predation. If you have the idea that you don't want to fill this role you have to run. Nothing activates fitness like running. You have to work really hard before it gets easy. (This role was formerly filled by the old/sick/infirm).

Normie horseshit. didn't read past first paragraph

You are coping. I have never lifted in my life and I have awesome obliques and abs, im eating an icecream right now as a matter of fact.

Once again: genetics.

In any case, face is more important than body. If you had a 7+ face with good hair that body is enough.

t. Fat fuck

just fucking killyourself then op, nobody gives a fuck about your little bitch problems

There is no point. Just kill yourself you faggot.

No eggs? What the fuck are you on about bruh eggs are life. I've had better results with a no-carb diet personally.

>lower gut fat but nowhere else

Nigga just stop eating so many fucking carbs

>nowhere else
Yeah ok