Girlfriend talks about her ex all the time. Why? Please help me, bros

Girlfriend talks about her ex all the time. Why? Please help me, bros.

To be honest, she doesn't sound like a keeper.
Relationships are not supposed to be competitions.
Do the same and see her reaction.

I get no answer on /adv. She broke up with her two years ago.

although /adv/ is a shithole
Either tell her to cut it out or drop her.

Was he her first? That would do it. Also how long has it been since that relationship? No one should rush into something else immediately after. I was thinking of my last ex very strongly almost a year after we split.

you got your answer there, fag
you're just little bitch keepin that atleast one user stupid enough to say someting that would make her not a slut would come along.
Be real you pussy, you are at best a rebound, at least, the tool to make him jelaous.
As a guy said, its about them, not about you two to her.

Break up with her so that you're her ex, then get back together and you'll be all she talks about.

Ignore them, that place is riddled with know-it-all neckbeards.
She's clearly not over it. You're probably a human teddy bear she uses for consolation.
Cut the shit and be clear with her. Expect the worst.

>ignore them
Nigger I said /adv/ was a shithole in my fucking post.
>only reading part of a post and commenting on it

>she broke up with her

suggest she invite her into bed with y'all you dumb fuck

Dump her stupid.
You're her rebound/attempt to make her ex-girlfriend jealous.
You don't want none of that lez drama bro. Trust me.
BUT if you're a lez, well, shit happens you're temporary till her and her girlfriend start fucking behind your back.

do more things with her
if you have tons to talk about (new experiences, new couples/people) and she's still stuck she's got mental shit to take care of, so drop her

if you're a pedantic or boring fuckface then don't worry about it

How long have you been with her? I would find that too disrespectful from the very beginning and just leave her.

its because you listen to it

She just friendzoned me, which means I was never in realtionship as I thought previously. Time to kill myself

w8 you havent fucked her and thought you two were having a relationship? lmao

Include me in the screencap

>You're her rebound/attempt to make her ex-girlfriend jealous.


She sounds like too much of a hassle.
Did she lead you on or are you stupid?

although it's a shithole
although it's a shithole
although it's a shithole

Dude honestly the best course of action would be to forget her and get on to better and bigger things. Manipulative people don't deserve one second of your time

Pls b real

I had the same thing happen to me, iktfb

can't you see that OP is retarded.