So I turn 24 on Sunday, I still haven't made it yet. Am I now an oldfag on Veeky Forums?

So I turn 24 on Sunday, I still haven't made it yet. Am I now an oldfag on Veeky Forums?

I have been on Veeky Forums since 2007 and I'm still not an oldfag. Fuck off.

I'm 36. Still don't feel like I've made it. Plenty of time, OP

Also, she's cute. Seems high maintenance though.

Name a white girl that isn’t “high maintenance.”

>eating with plastic utensils
>placing your utensils on the (outdoor) restaurant table

How do people even live like that? I don't fucking understand.



Point out a white girl in the photo.

What is that?

did you start lurking after 2006? Yes? Then no, you'll never be an oldfag

deyz b quanz n shiet

I get the impression most of you guys are highschoolers, teens or at most 21. I can't imagine there being 30 year olds on here with Veeky Forumss infantile childish humor.

you fucking pussy

26 here and still haven't made it, but I'm cutting now for the first time, once I have that sixpack out I'm going to make a shitload of shirtless pics and plaster them all over social media, if that doesn't get me a girl I'm going postal

Holy fuck since when is 24 even remotely close to an "oldfag".

Oh yeah? Well I've been since 2011 and I'm not an oldfag either

if you have to ask, you're a newfag

26 turning 27 and making it, now I just need to get the money.

something about this generation thinks post 21 is the end times

why british girls so ugly?

Dude just go postal now. That kind of shit only would work for a girl.

You are a man, so you have to display confidence and be able to flirt and talk to women. Appearance is secondary.


>appearance is secondary
Recovering fatfag here. Women smile at me now they didn't used to 20-30 pounds ago.
Fuck off.

>30 next year.

Nah, sorry bro, even I have plenty of time left. You aren't an oldfag until you are at least mid-forties. Look at Scooby bro. He looks great, and if he wasn't married to a dude could be slaying every night, and the bros in his fifties.

>so you have to display confidence and be able to flirt and talk to women
That's al;ot easier when women actually reciprocate to your advances, IE when you don't look like shit