I'm working 16 hours tomorrow, and will probably be awake for at least 24

I'm going to have worked 16 hours by 11AM day after tomorrow once my work is done, and the only sleep I'm going to get is tonight, a little under 9 hours. What do I take to stay concious to do a stocking job for 6 hours at 3AM without having slept in well over 12? Please help, I don't know how I'm going to survive tomorrow.

You could eat lots of fruit for natures energy or just drink some liquid Jew juice for energy


Don't have access to that, but I've heard good about 5 Hour Energy, would that help?

Just power through it you complete god damn weakling

Is your job physical labor? I work 12 hours and on occasion 16. I can go being awake 24. I definitely slow down after 16 hours though. Caffeine is always good. Just take the pills, ain't got time for zips.

Water. Just keep a big bottle with you and try and move around a lot.

I'm terribly sorry sir, the human body has what we call "limits" and can't keep going and going and going and going forever. It will eventually shut down.
I'll be working unloading a stock truck for 6 hours tomorrow at 11AM, then at 5PM I get home and have 1 hour of free time before I go and work a voulenteer job for 4 hours, until about 11, after that I head home and have 4 hours before I go in again to the first job to unload said truck for 6 hours. The last part will undoubtably be the hardest as my boss is one of those bosses who doesn't understand reality and expects people to work at a literally impossible pace, I'm going to be near catatonic by the end of this. I need an upper, something strong.

How dare your boss expect you to perform your job after 18 hours rest between shifts.

I can't just sleep all those hours you idiot, I have to shower, prepare and eat food.

And I'll only have 5 hours of rest between all of these so I don't know what shit you're smoking but whatever it is keep it away from me, I don't want the tism.

grow some balls you european faggot
this is the amount of hours you work when you work two jobs. lots of people do. stop being a fucking pussy is how you'll survive it.
mind over matter, other people do it every day. are you weaker than them, faggot?

This has to be b8 or you lack any will power.

Just get throught it like a man and keep working on getting a better job. D-don't tell me that you spent all your time lifting and now you have no leads on advancing your career.

>volunteer job
>on Veeky Forums instead of sleeping

Babby’s first full day of work?

who is that cute little lesbian and how tight is her pussy?


>Go to cold/cough aisle at grocery or drug store and pick one up (pretty easy to boast if you don't want to spend the $5 and you're poor given that you're working a stocking job.)

>crack open inhaler, soak cotton swab in a bit of lemon juice for 10 minutes and swirl it around every so often to agitate.

> Remove swab and mix your little lemon juice drink with fruit juice/gatorade/mountain dew to taste and knock back.

You just did speed. Should have very little come down (take some sort of melatonin/benadryl or benzos if you have any if you start feeling jittery/like shit when you need to sleep finally). Should be good for 6-10+ hours of clean euphoric energy and focus. Most people swallow the cotton swab. Have fun with those blocked bowels. Since you're not trying to get high as fuck and you're not some meth head you should get all the benefits with none of the side effects/downside.

You're welcome. Don't make it a habit

Fuck you pussy the army's abused the shit out of me. You try a 12 hour nursing shift, PT test, then a god damn range.

Didn't even kill anybody.

Your boss doesn't give a fuck that you volunteer.

I've been awake for 25 hours for work before (and drove home afterwards 40 minute drive), just stay moving and doing something and eat when you can, also take short naps if you get the chance.

don't let this happen to you