What does fit think of my overall aesthetics? How do I improve?

What does fit think of my overall aesthetics? How do I improve?
6ft 1, 180 lbs

Is this some kind of joke? You look like shit dude

2/10 photo
come back with a better photo with better lighting, angles etc etc

Im seeing good insertions. Id do a better pose with better lighting tho

you look good bro but you arent big, you are very lean so if I were you I would spend the next 6 mo at the very least lean bulking whilst stressing progressive overload on main lifts. Once you cut after that you will look great, already looks pretty good tho like i said

Thank you user

dw user, the first two posts are autistic fat fags who are jealous. You look good :)

Mirin delts. Could hit chest and traps more

I'm not a professional photographer, in fact I am close to retarded. Any advice on that end?

How about you start off by taking a regular photo that isn't deliberately trying to make you look better than you actually are?

Ok I will make myself look as bad as I can in the next one.


I am a huge faggot and I love shoving warm, thick, juicy cocks down my throat...mmm yummy.

You still look like shit. You need to bulk more bro, you're dyel and have nothing going for you other than somewhat having abs

Where is ur pic?

it looks like you're missing several vertebrae

You fail to realize this thread isn't about me you fucking retard. I was the one that posted a picture asking for people's opinions on my physique

would make you my bf ;)

Post your pic to give him an example of what a body should look like.

It's hard to tell because you're hunched forward so much. If you got a better photo with proper posture perhaps more constructive opinions would be forthcoming.

Cmon lil man, prove your worth

So nowhere, got it pay no attention to this sperg, serious case of sour grapes going on. Imo you're just a bit too pale, get some sun on your skin, otherwise you look great.

Fucking hell I'm going to post one in a little bit but I would like to see what your tubby was looks like

just remember that we are all capable if doing a reverse image search on google.

Looking pretty retarded m80, you're hunched over to make your abs appear more apparant, you have very very little muscle, just low body fat. So good base to start bulking from here.
What to work on? Pretty much everything lmao. Take a picture from a straight level next time. And don't make a fucking thread about yourself when you look like shit, just post in a cbt.

If I am getting comments like this I must be doing something right!