Fast food is bad for you

>fast food is bad for you

It's only this autistic board that keeps saying that.

but will it

>a board that bulks on mcdoubles
>says fastfood is bad for you
nah mate

A 2000 caloric surplus WILL aid to an athlete's recovery, but is it worth it?

Sometimes a nigga just gotta get those cals/protein in. obviously whole foods are better but sometimes...

And heavy squatting would aid athlete's performance greatly!

fast food is fine in a pinch to hit your macros/cals, obviously it's just not good to eat constantly because of the other adverse health effects

clog your arteries and have no blood get delivered to your heart! Cant recover if you are dead retard.

>Bulking on chicken breast
I don't eat mcdoubles but really nigga? Or are you one of those I only add 100 cals in my bulk and you only increase your lifts by 10 lbs in the whole 6-9 months?

Manlet please go.


Burgers are fine as long as you're not cutting. What's bad is the fries, sodas, and fucking milk shakes

Fuck off, swede.

Very vague statement. Technically, anything in the right amounts is good for you. It's written right there in the statement

Usain Bolt ate 100 McChicken nuggets a day + 1x small fries + 2x apple whatever pockets

He would say he eats nothing but sneakers if Nike paid him as much as McDicks.

>Eating [food] can aid in recovery

Well that's all the justification I need to eat junk

>eating X food is can be just as good as randomly chosen Y supplement

What a useless statement.

May as well say food > DNP for post workout.

The key is ordering just sandwiches or tacos only (depending on place) and getting only normal human sized food. I.e. the Jr Burgers off of Wendy's or BK's menu. Not something like the Rodeo King. Which is delicious, but is 1250 calories. Those little burgers are in the 250-300 range, and aren't any worse for you than cooking at home.

No fries. No soda (pop). No desserts. You'll be fine, plus it can be very cheap, if you know what you are doing.

This is likely true in a sense. I bet if a study only looked at a couple markers like muscle synthesis or such it would be correct. Still shit for overall health though.

>destroying your gut with mcdick

You retards deserve it.

>Veeky Forumsizen
There's a world of difference between the two.

There's too much salt in fast food. You can't sweat that all out without doing intense cardio.
Also, the quality of the (meat) that are in those patties are just fucking horrendous. You're eating ground offal, bones, cartilage, and shit, all held together by a binding substance.
I'm not saying you can't get fit eating fast food but it certainly isn't clean and balanced.

I went to Wendy's last night and order 3 grilled chicken patties. Just the patties. No bun, no lettuce, nothing but the grilled chicken pattie. They were happy to oblige and it only cost $2.50 per pattie. When I got home, those fuckers gave me chicken wraps, and in those wraps, there was only like half a pattie in each wrap. It was late, so I wasn't going back up there to complain, but next time I'll know to check it before I drive away. Dumbass mexicans.

fuck you

Fuck off nigger

Lol. You loser