Holy fuck, can skellys go fuck themselves? seriously...

holy fuck, can skellys go fuck themselves? seriously, seeing skellys whine "oh i have to eat 4000 calories a day" oh waaaaaa my life is so hard

try having to eat 1400 calories a day, you fucking bitches,

fuck skellys, get the fuck off this board

where the fuck am i even supposed to find 4000 calories

>try having to eat 1400 calories a day, you fucking bitches,
They probably do, hence why they're skellies, you fucking retard.

No one has to eat at 1400 calories unless you're a woman.

Grass is greener on other pastures
If you stop eating fucking cake then you wouldn’t be in this situation
As for me I need to eat more fucking sandwiches

ur the skelly in the inside

fuck man im trying to sleep, take your scary nonsense elsewhere

shut the fuck up, i'm barely overweight (5ft9 and 220lbs) but the skellys i see on here whine so much,

It's hard doing what you're not used to.
The fat general is the most active thread on the board though and it's full of complaining and whining, stop being a delusional fatfuck.

eating less is objectively easier than eating more

dumb fucking fat shitheads

That's obese you fat fuck. At least 70 lbs over

>220 lbs

Stop skipping cardio, lardass

>barely overweight
>literally obese
pick both

Yeah fucking right, 150lbs is right weight haha flick off dipshit moron

>tfw 1500 calories a day is a slow cut for me.
>5'6" 150lbs manlet but need to cut a little longer then I can bulk again
>tfw bulk is only 2000-2200 calories

I'm 5'8 150lbs and I'm currently cutting with around 2000 calories a day, and my TDEE is 3k a day. I walk a few miles every day though among other activity

I gym 6 times a week, PPL, sedentary for the rest. Average steps a day is ~4000. But from what I've calculated over time is that eating 1500 calories a day nets me ~1lb a week or lower in weight loss, and when I bulk mfw

Not gonna claim sum dat shitty metabolism but somethings funky round these streets.

Holy fuck, you literally weigh twice as much as me at the same hight. I hope my skeleton friends haunt your closet you fat fuck.

You've been dieting for so long that your tdee is low as hell..
Body is an adaptation system, it basically gets used to whatever you put it through.
I don't even count calories (5'7, 165lb) and I've been eating a shit ton just to bulk.
Cutting tho is pretty ez for me I just skip breakfast.

They're lying you fucking idiot.
The only people who need 4k calories are like 6'5" and 240 lbs.

You're just a whiny crybaby.

I really really really like this image, mind if I use it?

hes right skellies usually have to eat like 2400-2600 calories and complain that its too much

>paying less for food
>spending less time making food
>spending less time eating food
>spending less time cleaning up dishes
>having more free time and more money

hmmm, sounds really shitty OP

Fuck you fatty it's easy to not eat as much literally just keep yourself occupied with a video game or movie after eating a small meal and in about 20 minutes your stomach will realize it's satisfied and you won't have as much of a desire to consume and you won't have any lasting effects. Your stomach gets used to eating smaller portion sizes faster too so if you stick with it for LITERALLY less than a week it'll become an easy habit.

Skellies have to force feed themselves 4000 calories of REAL FOOD, not just twinkies with a cup of lard to compliment. This often leads to tummy aches and huge, uncomfortable diarrhea shits. Not to mention the time you have to waste eating.

Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you you don't know my struggles bitchtits

Have gym partner who is same height and I am 1kg heavier however I get around 4-6kg heavier when asking people.

I cut for 12 weeks at 2.2lb a week, took 1month maintainence and then a week at 3000 a day, now continuing for 10 weeks.

As for why my TDEE is so low, I suspect it has a lot to do with my low testosterone (in the 7-10 range where average males 20s are around 20.) Hormone imbalance is a killer.

fuck off, just do GOMAD you whiny little bitch

for that height, yes.

i'm 5'11" and 165

How can you be so desilusional? You are obese.

It don't matter if your dad, mom or best friend is fatter. You are disgustingly obese, not even human. People in the 40s would have paid to see you and laugh at you in the circus

>220 lbs
>100 kg
>barely overweight
There is no arguing with fat ""people"". Oh by the way, I'd take a skelly over a barely overweight person. At least they don't smell or die of heart attacks.

>Wahhh I got myself fat in the first place but I still want your sympathy. How is my greedy glutinous ass meant to only consume 1400kcals a day

More sympathy for the skells

>feeling week and shitty all the time

You made your fucking bed. Now you gotta lie in it fatty

I lost my weight long ago. Went from 115kg to 68. Still have excess fat because little muscle and want to shave that off as well. Cutting is hard, especially now.

>tfw cutting on 4600cal
Be better.

Being skelly is harder to maintain, I got up to 77kg and fell back down to 70kg when I wasn't eating every second

Skelly here
Unless we're eating some disgusting American food like butter on cob or something, it's kinda hard to find 4000 calories.
>220 lbs
Put that cake down and it'll drop to 1400 calories

>tfw cutting at 6000

TFW cutting at 1 million calories and retardedly posting it, kys

Currently cutting at 0 calories, how to make sure I don't inhale some nutrients?

>try having to eat 1400 calories a day, you fucking bitches
That's exactly what i do everyday, you retarded fatass.

I'm 4 inches taller than you and 70 lbs less, holy shit I can't imagine how you can even stand up

We have been eating 1400 cals or less for our whole lives you stupid fuck, that's why we're skellies. As for those that claim eating a ton they just overexagerate and don't know how to count cals, or they remember that one time they binged on food 3 days earlier.

assuming you're mentally stable, eating at a deficit is substantially easier than eating at a surplus

fucking americans

How is not doing something hard?

All you have to do is not stuff that snicker bar in your piehole. After eating a banana, a shake and a bit of chicken you can laze around in bed all day and be following your program just fine.
The skelly has to be spending all day stuffing his face and preparing food, two things he has never done and has no experience in doing.
That being said both skellyskelly and fatties are retarded when they whine, neither is that hard if you really want to improve. It is only hard if you want it to be as easy as an Oprah pep talk, in which case I've got news for you son.

>stuff your disgusting face with shitty calorie dense food your entire life
>you can't do that anymore

Shut the fuck up.
You find not eating hard because you are fucking retarded and no other reason. You probably consume what little calories you allow yourself in shitty food and wonder why you don't find it filling.

Going from a life of comfortably and healthily eating 2200 calories a day and then having to boost it up to 3200 in quality, nutritionally rich food is hard. I eat 3 meals and day and sometimes they take me hours finish. How fucking hard is it to not do something you fucking retard. Slit your fucking wrists you disgusting sack of lard.

Essentially what this guy is saying . You complain because you're too stupid to realise the difference between your noodles vs 350g of chicken breast.

Try eating 4000 calories when you're broke.

1400 calories is fucking easy, just make giant vegetable stir fries.

no, you don't understand. Captain lardass here wants to live in a world where he can be satisfied spending that 1400 calories on fries.

fucking this. spending $200 a month on food is destroying my savings. on my regular diet i spent half that. whats worse is that i don't even enjoy it. just cramming food in my mouth all the time until i feel sick.

>the fatty thinks eating 3600kcals is easy
>he thinks this because he is basing it of his experience with the pizza&coke diet
>he thinks all the skelly needs to do is eat a pizza, eat a mars bar or two and then wash it down with some coke, and tada, Bob's your uncle
>he doesn't realize 3600kcal in balanced fiber rich foods with all the right micronutrients is a shit ton of food to be ingested
>he doesn't realize the skelly is spending hours a day preparing and eating food
You fat piece of shit, your diet basically consists of distracting yourself long enough so you forget about being hungry. The body has evolved to be extremely good at handling periods of little to no food. First 3-4 days you will feel hungry during your distractions, after that the body will get used to it and you will stop feeling hungry during your distractions after a week or two. Unless of course you are a literal 300kg or so, in which case your hormone levels will be so out of whack none of it really applies anymore. But then I find it hard to feel sorry for someone who decided to continue to get fatter after seeing 150kg on the scales.

Dried fruit, nuts, and nut butters in smoothies.

Shit is easy.

I've been mentally preparing for special operations selectionby torturing myself. One of the things i used to do was eat nothing for days but I stopped because it was so easy I didnt even suffer. It is much harder and taskes much more discipline to bulk.

>I like my monthly food bill to exceed the 1k mark
Please stop.

twink shit betas get off my board

Half pound of chicken a day.
700 cal protein shake a day
Peanut butter bagels
Big eggs/cheese

Post tits

You haven't even come close to describing 1400kcals there buddy.

Ya there are "foolproof" ways of getting 3600-4000kcals in you. Variations of GOMAD are an example, adding a tablespoon of peanut butter to every meal and drink throughout the day etc. etc., but these usually are either not balanced, or still require you to eat a shitton.

Fact of the matter is, if you are truly skinny you are just going to have to accept that one of the obstacles you will have to overcome is eating more than you will be comfortable with.

Try eating 500 calories a day bitch

>draining savings
Try getting a job dude

Is this a cringe thread now?
>2200 to 3200cals
>a legitimate struggle

holy fuck, can fatties go fuck themselves? seriously, seeing fatties whine "oh i have to eat 1400 calories a day" oh waaaaaa my life is so hard

try having to eat 4000 calories a day, you fucking bitches,

fuck fatties, get the fuck off this board

>3200 in quality, nutritionally rich food is hard. I eat 3 meals and day and sometimes they take me hours finish
Is it because you try to get it from kale only or something?


20 TBL of olive oil obviously

3500+ a day minimum takes some effort from me. I don't understand how fatties do it but then again they're probably drinking a ton of soda and shit like that.

What she deserves.

>can skellys go fuck themselves?
No, that's why it's up to us to fuck them instead.

Try 600 a month
I actually don't go to discounters


I know sticky says don't drink soda, but is it really that bad, especially if i am a skelly and could use some extra calories?

yes, retard

junk food destroys your health, stuff your mouth with potatoes if you want calories


lad ...

or rice or oats, whatever. any cheap source of carbs that isn't laden with preservatives is good