Why even lift anymore when she likes me the way I am?

Why even lift anymore when she likes me the way I am?

user, your mom is legally required to say that.

From a distance I thought this was a msn messenger message and I got a bit nostalgic.

Because she likes other the way they are better.
>tldr; don’t be a cuck

after idealisation follows devaluation


She like you like you are: a wimpy twinky boy and she'll love chad for what he is: a strong bad boy who fuck her in the ass even if she doesn't want to because he doesn't ask.

girls don't even know what they like

Women are hard wired to test the will of men.

OP you realise that even going on that view notifies the other person you screenshotted?

because it feels good of course.


aaaaaaaaah i wanna huff huff huff until the cows come home and suffocate myself between those sweaty braphog buns. o then i could die fulfilled.

bro stop being so bluepilled, if you're not constantly improving urself u will lose her to chad any moment

brb testing

>I like you the way you are
>thirsty for me because hardly any other women will want you
>I know you'll stay loyal while I can cheat and eventually dump you.

it does not, I'm using Android N

My girl used to say this to me when I first started lifting, now she squeeze my thic ass as she bites my biceps. Shes lying mate.

But do YOU like yourself the way you are?


lol she probably aint gonna cuck you, but yeah take what women say with a grain of salt.

that's my way of coping anyway :/