What did traditional/medievil/ ancient homes look like in your country?

What did traditional/medievil/ ancient homes look like in your country?

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Attached: Sappony.jpg (842x791, 330K)

I'm from Nigeria

Attached: fccf068e3548712e2da4c228f42a95d5--palaces-africa.jpg (400x300, 41K)


Attached: my ancestors.jpg (900x506, 414K)

Hungarian comfiness.

Attached: hollókő.jpg (800x600, 302K)

they didn't look like much lol.

can you guess what my country is Veeky Forumstorians?

Attached: Broken Hill 052.jpg (1600x898, 623K)

Attached: old hungarian house.jpg (600x450, 84K)

Attached: 640px-Pueblo-szekler-transilvania--outlawsdiary00tormuoft.jpg (640x423, 66K)

people still live in them desu

Attached: dalmatia.jpg (1264x954, 472K)

house from my home country lads :)


Attached: 3147191F00000578-3449292-Medieval_home_Paul_Hollywood_s_timber_framed_house_in_a_Kent_vil-a-1_145564 (962x681, 206K)

Central African republic?

My glorious ancestors used to live in rooms like this.

Attached: 3048292-Typical-interior-of-an-Hungarian-home-in-the-19th-century-0.jpg (600x402, 40K)

very nice! is that Croatia?

nope not even close.

take another guess user.

Emu war

Attached: Great_Emu_War.png (605x342, 23K)

yeah, coastal part

Swahili homes I'm from Kenya

Attached: 1afb6084-cdca-43f2-a3f5-c220768859cd.jpg (766x578, 117K)

I'm from Sudanic africa

Attached: cbccd08dd147f1393b237bd3539b0c52.jpg (372x372, 29K)

Aboriginal shelter

Attached: Paraty1.jpg (2122x1415, 2.04M)

you guessed it lol! abos where pretty damn primitive.


Croatia looks gorgeous, you're really lucky user :)

my secret wish is to be a simple 19th century Hungarian peasant

Then the Nazis arrived

You'll get to wear this. It is called a szűr, the old time Hungary equivalent of a nice suit. No matter how poor you were, you were supposed to be able to put money aside for one or you were not a man. When you were visiting your qt Hungarian gf's family for the first time, you put on your szűr and 'accidentally' left it over. And when you went back to collect your ornate overcoat you 'forgot', two things could happen.

>They hung your szűr outside the entrance. This meant that the family of your gf do not approve of you. They hate you, they do not want to see you around, take your coat and get the fuck away. Pls don't come back.
>They did not hang your szűr outside. You had to knock and come inside for it. This meant that you are welcome to visit, you may set foot in the home of the family of your gf because they like you, they think you're all right.

Attached: szűrök.jpg (540x720, 94K)

The ancient home of my people.

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Attached: we are the hungariest2.jpg (960x720, 125K)

You sir are truly of Noble blood

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akkor ezt jelenti a "kirakni a szűrét"!

If you were a member of the low nobility, you lived slightly better than a wealthier peasant. It should be noted that being a peasant didn't necessarily mean that you were poor; if you didn't develop stupid habits like being alcoholic or gambling, if you worked hard, planned ahead, married the right woman and if you weren't particularly unlucky you could live a reasonably good life. You could buy new land, hire help and slowly climb your way up. Commies HATED this kind of a peasant, they were the kulaks.

Anyway, low nobility household. The guy who lives here has a title.


Attached: kisnemesi lak.jpg (741x517, 102K)

Here dwells another member of the low nobility.

Attached: kisnemesi lak2.jpg (480x351, 50K)

Mmm. A tasteful little dwelling. Whoever lives here probably has multiple szűr's.

Attached: kisnemesi lak3.jpg (401x352, 65K)

Attached: kisnemesi lak4.jpg (800x600, 117K)

Old Hungarian society was very rank-conscientious. If you were a member of the middle-nobility and lived in something like pic related, you only lowered yourself to talking to a low nobleman if you really had to. Ugh, peasants.

Attached: középnemesi lak.jpg (500x332, 59K)

If one of your very distant ancestors did something spetacular and his descendants didn't fuck up, your dynasty could become high nobility. And you lived a good life. Not an easy one (running a huge estate and family holdings is not easy and your parents made you spent your childhood with a ridiculous amount of studying), but a good one. It should be noted that noblemen at the time weren't necessarily lazy parasites, quite a few of them were savvy businessmen or in some cases, scientists.

Attached: esterházy kastély.jpg (1000x664, 174K)

Chances are, you are not of noble blood though. You live here, yokel.

Attached: falumúzeum.jpg (721x482, 58K)

And this is your room.

Attached: falumúzeum2.jpg (1353x896, 816K)

Aztec noble house with lots of gardens as they liked them

Attached: 1511698108088.jpg (1796x983, 1.48M)

Peasant house in a chinampa

Attached: tenochtitlan_habitacion.jpg (700x394, 65K)

zapotec house model

Attached: zapotec200bc.jpg (600x847, 89K)

Behold! The house of royalty!

Attached: dabaf6fae2a68ee2705cc8402161c37a.jpg (324x278, 30K)

Attached: 1510663463996.png (518x500, 133K)

This is where my sultan lived

Attached: stand-where-emir-sits.jpg (550x367, 40K)

Colonial house

Attached: 1200px-Yuscaran_Honduras_street.jpg (1200x900, 334K)


That's a cool, qt tradition, thanks for sharing.

Are there just not big storms in the Adriatic? I'd guess not, but being from a place where cyclones are a real issue, this kind of thing is fucking inconscionable to me.

crypto afrocentrist is back
same pics again

What are you talking about?

>Nazis in the 19th century

Attached: vikinglonghouse16.jpg (900x505, 118K)

>that feel when my country was still in the late stone age during the medieval era

Attached: cahokia.jpg (600x267, 35K)

I lived in a house that looked like this AMA

Attached: 6.jpg (1000x750, 524K)

That's our traditional architecture where I live.

Attached: Beuvron-en-Auge-Vieux-Manoi.jpg (630x420, 103K)

Attached: Quedlinburg_Altstadt.jpg (1024x683, 177K)

It's all good bro

Attached: great-zimbabwe-gate.jpg (575x431, 89K)

My ancestors were early iron age

Attached: khami_reconstruction (1).jpg (800x553, 199K)

I have to admit that gate is quite impressive.
I use to be one of those idiot /pol/tards that thought all blacks lived in straw huts and were hunter gatherers lol, but you lot had some pretty cool civilizations.

we have to remember that all people around the world had the high and low points in societal development pic related how my ancestors in Ireland lived up until the Norman invasion in 1171.

Attached: thatched-house-at-a-monastic-settlement-irish-national-heritage-park-bcpwrh.jpg (640x445, 139K)

You're seriously from Zimbabwe?

what is this shit

My parents are

Is that in Ash?

Why did you dislike Africans, they are your ancestors too after all.

They made some cool grass huts thou

Attached: images (40).jpg (310x163, 12K)

Fellow Magyar?

Attached: purest hungarian specimen ever caught on photo.jpg (1031x660, 144K)

>all the Hungarians ITT

Attached: Lofou-Village.jpg (515x330, 155K)

it was mainly cause of white women that race mix, still to this day it makes me feel uneasy. but I hate white women more then I black people now.

>they are your ancestors too after all.
the Africans that evolved into white people were pretty different to modern Africans, also whites have neanderthal genes.

not sure, I just typed in medieval British house.

pretty neat grass hut :)

>mfw itt means here in Hungarian.

Attached: hungarian house.jpg (600x450, 53K)

Indonesian here, here is the traditional house, native to my tribal heritage, Minang.

Attached: rumahgadang.jpg (750x514, 195K)

have you ever visited Great Zimbabwe?

looks sweet! Indonesian culture has always fascinated me.
what tribe are you?

Great to know that.

I am from Minang Tribe. Originated in west coast area of Sumatra island.

I have a cool book about Indonesian vernacular architecture. Pretty fascinating stuff.

Attached: lueneburg.jpg (1280x853, 277K)

no wonder they made a book about it. many of western and central indonesian tribes adopts vernacular architecture foe their traditional buildings


That's extremely cool, and a very pretty scene. It can't be the easiest way to build a roof.

Nowhere near as devastating as the cyclones. While the weather will definitely give you depression 9 months of the year, it wont kill you otherwise

top tier aesthetics, though I assume thats the dwelling of nobility?

the construction method is passed from generation to generation, only the tribal elders that knows how to build the roof.

its not always for the dwelling for nobility. One such house could contain several families living together under one roof (Minang people are very egalitarian and communal).

Once when I was like 5 I even went to the hill enclosure

Attached: download (2).jpg (266x190, 12K)

Hausa tumbali homes

Attached: download (5).jpg (259x194, 10K)

Hausa thumbnaily homes, more like

I like your pictures just wish they were bigger